The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next day.

"Brother, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

Bai Feng waved to Bai Yumo expressionlessly. After Bai Yumo left, he pushed open the door and jumped onto the bed with a splash.

Shopping is so tiring...

He wanted to buy some basic array materials to try out the array formation given by the system, but Bai Yumo seemed dissatisfied that he only needed a basic array material, and dragged him to visit several more stores until he bought a set of fool-proof Baiyan Sword Array that only required the injection of spiritual energy.

Forget it, his sister will leave tomorrow anyway.

Today was just an accident, but it was only today. Today, Bai Yumo felt a kind of compensatory psychology of regret after reading the letter he wrote. When she returns to Tianjian Sect to practice for a period of time, this psychology will continue to decrease until it is completely worn away by time.

However, this matter is not all bad. Although Bai Yumo provided him with a lot of luck points, the relationship between the two of them has also eased a little.

This thigh may not be firmly held, but it has been held a little more or less. If he encounters any unavoidable danger in the future, such as encountering the son of luck who is unhappy with him, Bai Yumo may help him for the sake of the letter.

"Oh, by the way, the system also gave me a set of forging methods, so that I can see what the difference is between the immortal method."

Bai Feng tried to turn over and opened the system to read.

He read the forging method carefully, and gradually, he entered a mysterious state.

It seemed to float in the air, and it seemed to be swimming on the bottom of the sea. Then a wave of wind and waves came, blowing his consciousness away.

The wind was getting stronger and stronger, and it seemed to be squeezed by the sea water. He felt that his consciousness was like a dough that was constantly stretched and flattened.

‘It’s so uncomfortable…’

Bai Feng felt that if he continued like this, he would be torn apart, so he subconsciously began to hold his consciousness together to resist the pressure of the strong wind and the sea water.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly a ray of morning sun rose from the border, and the strong wind and the pressure of the sea water that made him feel so painful disappeared instantly.

For a moment, he felt that he had never been so relaxed as before. The sun shone on his body and was warm, as if he was held in a warm embrace...

Bai Feng gradually regained consciousness, but he felt a little dizzy. He opened his eyes and saw Bai Yumo’s anxious face that was about to cry, and he was being shaken by her shoulders.

“What happened?”

He subconsciously reached out and grabbed Bai Yumo’s arm to stop her shaking.

I felt that my brain was about to be shaken out, and my head was dizzy.

Why was Bai Yumo in his room?

"Brother, you finally woke up!" Bai Yumo hugged Bai Feng's neck excitedly, almost burying him in her arms, "I saw you didn't get up this morning, so I wanted to wake you up, but you couldn't wake me up!"

Bai Feng felt the strength of the two arms on his neck. The arms looked slender, but they were like two pieces of steel, tightly holding his neck. He felt that he would fall into a coma again if he continued like this.

"Let me go first."

Bai Yumo realized that he had not controlled his strength well, and quickly let go of his arms: "Sorry, sorry, I just succeeded in forming a golden elixir, and I still can't control my strength well."

Bai Feng covered his neck with one hand and breathed heavily:

"Oh, it turned out to be a golden elixir...ah? Golden elixir?"

He quickly raised his head to look at Bai Yumo, and felt it carefully. Bai Yumo's breath was indeed different, much stronger than yesterday, and he even felt a faint sense of oppression coming from her body.

How did she form a golden elixir so quickly? Bai Yumo is several years younger than him, right?

She is indeed a son of destiny with immortal bones.

It is impossible for him not to envy her.

Sometimes he wondered whether he should just follow the system. With the rewards from the system, he could also quickly become a genius.

But when he thought of the sons of destiny everywhere in this world, he felt that it would be more comfortable and refreshing to lie down and fish for a lifetime than to be a genius for three seconds.

"Brother, what happened to you just now?" Bai Yumo looked at him with some concern, "Are you sick? Do you want to see a doctor?"

"It's okay. I just learned a method to strengthen my spiritual consciousness in order to study the formation." Bai Feng waved his hand, "Just now, it was purely because I was too tired from studying at night, so I slept too deeply. You know the spiritual consciousness method.

The method is very mentally exhausting.

While speaking, he also felt it carefully. He had not checked his consciousness after being woken up by Bai Yumo, and he did not know the effect of the immortal method of the Soul Forging Method.

Then he was a little surprised. It was indeed an immortal method. His consciousness was more than doubled. This feeling was like wearing glasses with the right degree for myopia, as if the whole world was clear.

And as the Soul Forging Method continued to improve, in addition to the function of strengthening consciousness, there were many other wonderful uses, such as expanding the scope of investigation, hiding one's own breath, and even using illusions without the help of magic arrays.

Such a powerful consciousness, coupled with the system's tracking function of the son of luck, when going out He can perfectly avoid the son of luck.

This system finally gave something useful!

At this time, because he was feeling the divine consciousness, he did not notice the expression on Bai Yumo's face.

Although her face was still a little worried, she was more happy-as expected, the rumors outside were all wrong, her brother did not fall, and was still as diligent and hardworking as before.

Before, she was a little worried that Bai Feng was used to being lazy and might refuse to enter the Tianjian Sect, but now she is no longer worried.

This morning, she also specifically asked her father. After learning about Bai Feng's talent in talismans, she could guarantee that Bai Feng would enter the Tianjian Sect to practice.

"By the way, have you eaten breakfast? If not, let's go together." Bai Feng was happy in his heart, and he even looked at Bai Yumo with favor.


Bai Yumo shook her head. Although she had already practiced fasting and her golden elixir did not need to take in food, if she was with her brother, she would eat a little.

"Then let's go. ”


“Uncle Bai, are there any other dishes?”

Bai Feng came to the kitchen and asked the chef who was preparing ingredients in the kitchen.

“Master is here, I just bought fresh beef, hey! How about making you a bowl of beef noodles to try?”

Because Bai Feng often came to the kitchen to eat and drink, the two often exchanged food experiences, and over time the chef became less restrained in private.

“Okay, put more chopped green onions.” Bai Feng turned to look at Bai Yumo who was standing outside the door, “Just tell me what you want to eat, Uncle Bai’s cooking skills are very good.”

Bai Yumo shook her head: “Just like you.”

“Okay, then two servings of beef noodles.”

“Okay! "

The chef turned around and continued to work. Although he didn't know why the relationship between the young master and his sister had improved again, this was obviously not something he, as a chef, should pay attention to. Anyway, it was a good thing.

Soon, two bowls of beef noodles were ready. Bai Feng sat at a table in the yard. In addition to beef noodles, the chef also specially prepared a few more side dishes and desserts.

"Eat something. Although you basically don't need to eat after building your foundation, life will still lose a lot of fun if you don't eat."

Bai Feng picked up a piece of beef on the noodles and put it in his mouth to taste it. At the same time, he said vaguely: "Take whatever you want to eat. I won't help you pick up food when you are so old. ”


Bai Yumo nodded gently. She thought of when she first came to the Bai family as a child. At that time, Bai Feng dragged her to eat. He was even afraid that she would not dare to pick up the chopsticks, so he personally put the food into the bowl in front of her.

Thinking of this, she secretly glanced at Bai Feng who was eating. She picked up a piece of dry-fried beef strips with chopsticks. After hesitating for a few seconds, she took a deep breath to suppress the nervousness in her heart, and then quickly put the beef strips into Bai Feng’s bowl. The speed was so fast that it even produced an afterimage.

Bai Feng was suddenly stunned. He looked at the beef strips in the bowl, and then looked at He looked at Bai Yumo who was eating noodles with her head down, and there was a trace of doubt on his face.

Where did this beef strip come from?

He felt that Bai Yumo should have put it in, but he had no evidence.

Then he just lowered his head to continue eating, and a shadow flashed in front of him, and then there was a piece of beef in his bowl.

He raised his head again and looked at Bai Yumo, and found that she was picking up noodles and eating them in small bites, and at the same time raised her head and showed him an innocent look.


After you become a golden elixir, you use it to do this kind of thing?

"Eat well, I will pick up vegetables myself when I want to eat."


After being scolded by Bai Feng, Bai Yumo finally stopped making small moves and started to eat quietly.

But halfway through the meal, his father suddenly rushed over:

"Finally found you, I knew you were eating here." Bai Tianyou walked over quickly with an anxious look on his face, "Don't eat yet, come with me quickly, your uncle Yun is here. "

Bai Feng felt a little puzzled: "If you come, then come. I'm not following you.

Let's drink together."

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Bai Tianyou's face: "Well, he wants to ask when you and his daughter will be officially engaged."

Bai Feng: "?"

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