He was startled and hurriedly used his profound skills, alert.

How could there be lanterns in the misty forest? They must be the two big eyes of the beast!

The eyes alone are so big, how big should the body be?

He stared at the two red lights for a long time, and saw that it didn't move for a long time. Ning Zhengze was about to go over to take a look, but saw the red light flash twice in the darkness and then extinguished.

"Eh? Where did it go?"

Ning Zhengze's intuition told him that he had to catch up, otherwise the opportunity would be gone!

He used his spiritual energy, his feet were like wind, and he quickly swept into the dense forest in front.

After galloping for more than an hour, a vague barrier that separated the entire mountain forest appeared in front, as thin as paper.

"Will there be danger?"

Ning Zhengze plucked up his courage and reached out to touch the barrier.

The imagined danger did not happen, and his palm easily penetrated the barrier.

He breathed a sigh of relief and strode in. Who knew that behind the barrier was not a dense forest at all, but a cliff!

The barrier confused him!

He stepped on empty air and fell down.

Ning Zhengze was startled at first, then quickly calmed down and tried to use his mysterious skills to perform flying magic.

But he was shocked to find that although he could mobilize the spiritual power in his body, he could not perform flying magic!

The wind was whistling in his ears, and Ning Zhengze's heart was beating wildly.

Falling from a cliff thousands of feet high, even if his recovery ability was against the sky, it would be useless.

How can he recover after being shattered to pieces?

Ning Zhengze forced himself to calm down, and finally took out a long sword from his Qiankun bag and stabbed it into the mountain wall behind him to slow down the speed of falling.

Countless rubble rolled down, and a sword mark of thousands of meters was cut on the mountain wall.

In the end, Ning Zhengze fell heavily at the bottom of the cliff, his bones were broken, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Although he used the long sword to slow down the speed of falling, the cliff was too high, and he was still seriously injured.

Ning Zhengze struggled to sit up, with a red light flashing between his eyebrows, and began to repair his body injuries.

After two incense sticks, the broken bones in his body were finally repaired.

He stood up and looked around, and then he found another world at the bottom of the cliff.

Compared with the darkness and depression of the Misty Forest, this place gives people the feeling of high sky and vast land, warm sunshine.

Looking around, the mountains are continuous, and the birds are circling in the clouds, so comfortable.

The vast world makes people feel comfortable.

Ning Zhengze even has the illusion that he has left the Misty Forest and returned to the upper world.

Who could have expected that the deepest part of the Misty Forest would be like this?

Maybe he is not the first witness. The reason why others don’t know is that those who witnessed all this did not leave here in the end.

There is a ban here, and it is impossible to fly, even low-altitude flight is impossible, so how to leave?

Ning Zhengze walked slowly forward, and the throbbing in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, the earth rumbled and shook, as if the world was about to collapse.

Ning Zhengze had just stabilized his body when the whole world suddenly went dark.

Looking up, he saw a huge dragon that was too big to describe, sticking out from behind the mountains in the sky.

Its upper body was high, like a pillar of heaven standing tall.

Its head, as big as a mountain, blocked the sunlight, casting a huge shadow, giving people the illusion that it was dark.

This dragon was really too big, and it was unknown how long it was.

Although it was far away in the sky, it seemed to be right in front of him because of its huge body.

Looking around, there was no sky, no sun, no clouds, and there was no room for anything else in his sight except the dragon.

The dragon scales on the dragon's body, refracted by the sunlight, flashed a dark red light, reflecting the entire world like a sunset glow.

Even though Ning Zhengze was determined, he was so scared that his legs went weak and his thighs trembled, and he was about to lose his balance.

The oppressive feeling given by this dragon was so strong that it was indescribable.

In front of it, he didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that if he breathed heavily, he would attract its attention.

If it stared at him, he would be dead.

Now Ning Zhengze no longer had the idea of ​​looking for a rare opportunity in his heart. He just wanted to leave this place as soon as possible and stay away from this dragon.

Just as he took three steps back, the dragon's eyes as big as a house turned suddenly and stared at him.

Ning Zhengze was so scared that his face turned pale. He didn't care anymore and turned around to run away.

"Don't be afraid."

The sound of thunder suddenly resounded throughout the world, rolling like thunder, covering the sky.

Can't run away, absolutely can't run away.

This is the most real thought in Ning Zhengze's heart.

Since he can't run away, why run?

He stopped, turned around, and looked at the dragon with two fleshy horns on his head.

Its eyes are very strange, one black and one white, and the pupils are vertical, a bit like a lizard.

Ning Zhengze always felt that the appearance of this giant dragon looked familiar.

He thought carefully for a long time, his face suddenly changed, and he blurted out: "Human face and dragon body, double horns on the head, open eyes for day, closed eyes for night!"

"This is the ancient world-destroying beast, one of the five forbidden holy spirits, Zhulong!"

Ning Zhengze only felt a dry mouth and swallowed several mouthfuls of saliva.

Wasn't the world-destroying Zhulong exterminated by the human race along with the demons during the final holy war?

How come there is still one hidden in the depths of this misty forest?

Ning Zhengze mustered up his courage and trembled: "You...what's wrong with you?"

Zhulong's pair of vertical pupils stared at him, and his voice shook the sky: "The half-way soul in your body comes from me."


Ning Zhengze's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

He did have a half-spirit in his body, which was when he was still an outer disciple and went down the mountain to do a mission. It was the dog days of summer, and the sun was rolling.

He had traveled a long distance and was thirsty. He happened to pass by a plum forest, so he stopped and ate a lot.

He clearly remembered that one of the bayberries was bigger than his fist.

He picked it and just opened his mouth, and the bayberry took the initiative to enter his mouth and turned into a warm current.

Since then, Ning Zhengze has been as if he had divine help whether he was practicing or refining pills.

Later, he was promoted to an inner disciple, but he still did not show his talent. He was hidden among the disciples, ordinary and unremarkable, and did not attract any attention.

Until the inner competition started, he showed his edge and defeated the favorite Gong Yangxia with the momentum of autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, winning the championship and stunning everyone.

In fact, after taking the fruit that looked like bayberry, Ning Zhengze had already felt that there was an extremely powerful force in his body, so powerful that it was hard to describe.

But it was incomplete, and he always felt that something was missing.

He never expected that the energy in his body would actually be a broken Zhulong soul!

This ominous world-destroying force should have disappeared in the long river of time. Why did it appear in the outside world and turn into a bayberry?

Zhulong seemed to see the doubts in his heart and answered: "Don't panic, I have no ill will towards you. I led you here because I have a great opportunity for you."

Hearing the word opportunity, Ning Zhengze did not get carried away. He frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "There is no kindness without reason in the world. You gave me an opportunity. What kind of return do you need me to make?"

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