Now she suddenly appeared here with many masters, obviously she had been lying in wait for a long time.

I remembered that the Hai Clan army came with great momentum just now, but after Qu Tian and others arrived, they withdrew without hesitation. It was obvious that they wanted to encircle Qu Tian and others from this war group as soon as they had fun. Annihilate.

Once this place is lost, the Sea Clan army can completely use the teleportation formation to cooperate with the Sea Clan army on the front line, and it is very possible to annihilate a few more battle groups.

The war on the South China Sea frontline is not optimistic. The human army is already in a passive defensive state. If it happens again, it will be defeated even if it is not defeated.

When the situation is over, the Upper Realm's South China Sea defense line is breached, and the Hai Clan's army enters an uninhabited territory and takes over the Southern Territory, the Upper Realm will be really in danger.

The contemptuous smile on Ariela's face faded, and her tone was calm and cold: "Kill."


The strong men of the sea clan who surrounded the formation agreed in unison, chanting incantations and making the formation move.

Loud rumbling sounds came from all directions, and all the human monks suddenly felt that the ground under their feet was a little soft and not solid.

Looking down, I was shocked to find that the ground was undulating like a river blown by the wind, rising and falling one after another.

"Fly into the air!"

Qu Tian roared, and all the monks jumped into the air.

At the same time, a small pit collapsed in the center of the ground below, quickly spreading to all sides, until there was no room to stand.

Under the collapsed land, thick red magma was actually rolling, bubbling and making a "snoring" sound, as if the water was boiling.

A wave of heat hit their faces, and many monks with lower cultivation levels were already sweating. They quickly raised their bodies a little higher to stay away from the magma.

At their level, although it is said that it is not damaged by lightning or damaged by fire, there is obviously something fishy about this magma. If it falls in, it will probably only be a pair of bones when it comes out.

Feng Yusheng and Shan Tianjue looked at each other, and they all saw cautious looks in each other's eyes.

The Hai Clan has spent so much effort to invite you to the urn, how can it be possible that the thunder is loud and the rain is small?

Things are never that simple.

Just when they were thinking this, they suddenly heard two "pops" from above. Looking up, they saw two heads rolling down from the air with Yin Hong's blood, and fell into the rolling red magma. The skin and flesh melted away, and even the hardest skull melted in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, two headless corpses fell into the lava. Needless to say what happened.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly descended a distance, looking up and staring above.

At the top of the formation, a blue-green wind visible to the naked eye had blown up at some point. The heads of the two monks just now were obviously chopped off by this strong wind.

The expressions of Feng Yusheng and others suddenly changed. They recognized this formation as the Disha Tiangang Formation that displayed its power on the front line of the South China Sea.

This formation was so powerful that an elder from the Taiyin Palace accidentally fell into this formation when he was fighting against the Hai Clan army and died on the spot.

The cultivation level of the Taiyin Palace elder is a genuine Xuansheng realm. This shows how terrifying this Earth Evil Tiangang Formation is.

The veins in Qutian's temples throbbed, and the hand holding the tiger-head golden-patterned knife was trembling slightly.

The evil reputation of the Earthly Evil Tiangang Formation is as loud as thunder. Now that we are deeply involved in it, there is a high probability of death and no life. How can we not be afraid?

There is no one in the world who is not afraid of death. Otherwise, what would we be doing?

They just want to die meaningfully.

Now, not long after the war between the human race and the sea race started, the result was a heroic sacrifice? To be honest, Qu Tian was unwilling to give in. Not only was he unwilling, Shan Tianjue and others were also unwilling.

But now, is there any other way?

Just when everyone was silent, the strong wind at the top of the formation began to fall, compressing the living space of the monks and forcing them to a dead end.

Feng Yusheng said in a deep voice: "Fellow Taoists, if this drags on any longer, none of us will be able to survive. How about this, let's work together to use our strongest secret techniques, attack with all our strength, and try to forcefully break this formation, even if it's just to open a gap. That’s okay.”

Shan Tianjue shook his head and said: "It's useless. Even if the powerful Xuansheng comes, we can't even try to shake it at all. None of us are Xuansheng. Even if we join forces, it will only shake the tree."

The eminent monk of Daguangming Temple said: "Amitabha, single donor, the matter has come to this, you might as well give it a try."

The strong men who came to the Hidden Sword Villa for reinforcements hurriedly agreed: "What the master said is absolutely true. You might as well give it a try. It's better than waiting to die here."

Not to mention how depressed he was at this moment. He had just been ordered to come here for reinforcements and he was in desperate situation. Do you dare to be unlucky again?

If he hadn't been concerned about the image of himself and Hidden Sword Villa, he would probably have cursed his mother.

"Do it!"

Qu Tian roared loudly, running his Xuan Gong crazily, pushing the magic power in the Qi Sea to the extreme, enduring the severe pain to guide the magic power to flow through the eight extraordinary meridians, and finally converged into the tiger-headed golden-patterned knife in his hand.

The red light on the blade flourished, and evil aura overflowed. Finally, all the red light converged and gathered at the tip of the blade, ready to go.

Ariela, who was not far away, saw this scene and naturally knew what they were planning, but she had no intention of stopping it and just watched quietly.

Qu Tian turned his head and looked at Shan Tianjue and the others, and all the masters launched their strongest attack at the southeast corner of the formation!

Several strong men whose cultivation levels were infinitely close to that of Xuansheng joined forces to launch an offensive, and the power was naturally extremely terrifying. The moment their secret magic powers hit the formation barrier, there was a sudden explosion between heaven and earth that penetrated the third level of the sky!

The earth trembled, the distant peaks were crumbling, countless boulders rolled down, landslides collapsed, birds and beasts fled in all directions, as if the world was about to end.

The mana ripples spread out, and the land tens of meters deep was peeled off layer by layer, sinking into a huge pit, and the soil and rocks affected by the mana ripples were crushed into powder in an instant and dissipated into nothingness.

Feng Yusheng and others had already supported the body protection Qi around their bodies when they gathered the mana around them, but being affected by the mana power at such a close distance still made their blood and qi roll, their internal organs vibrate, and their mouths bleed, and they were seriously injured.

When the aftermath failed to dissipate, the look of expectation of the crowd suddenly sank, and fell a thousand feet.

The mana barrier in the southeast corner was completely intact, without even a crack.

At this time, Arila's disdainful voice came: "The method is good, but it's a pity that it was used in the wrong place. Even if I fall into this Earthly Evil Heavenly Gang Formation, I dare not say that I can break a gap. Do you think your combined strength will be stronger than mine?"

Qu Tian has a bad temper. Being provoked by her, he couldn't help cursing: "Shut up, bitch, don't let me go out, or I will beat you so hard that your father won't recognize you!"

Listening to his meaningless insults, Arila was not angry. She just chuckled and said, "I'm afraid you don't have this chance."

After speaking, the top of the staff in her hand flashed with divine light, and the Earthly Evil Heavenly Gang Formation accelerated. The speed of the top wind falling was getting faster and faster. Qu Tian and others had to move slowly downwards.

Seeing that they were less than two meters away from the magma, the scorching heat wave made everyone's forehead sweat and their heartbeats accelerated.

Falling into the magma and being burned to death, the lava poured into the mouth, nose, ears and eyes, and burned the esophagus and internal organs. The feeling is horrifying to think about.

Rather than dying in pain, it is better to end one's life quickly.

There are many monks who hold this idea. They all inject their magic power into their palms, slap their foreheads, crush their souls, and their bodies fall into the magma and turn into nothingness.

At this moment, the strong men have no choice.

At present, they have only three choices, either to be cut into pieces by the strong wind, or to be burned into nothingness by the magma, or to end their lives by themselves.

Just when everyone was desperate and ready to end their lives, a melodious horn sounded from a distance.

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