Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 396: If the sect is destroyed, there is only death

The divine light is restrained, transcending the ordinary and becoming a saint.

It is obvious that at this moment, Li Guanhai has already entered the holy realm and truly left the mortal body.

The Heavenly King Chiguo and the Heavenly King Zizai bowed their hands at the same time and said in unison: "Congratulations, my lord, for becoming a saint."

The demons also shouted in unison: "Congratulations, my lord, for becoming a saint."

Li Guanhai waved his hand: "Don't congratulate me, I'm still a long way from being a mysterious god, it's a bit too early to congratulate now."

Then he asked: "Did anything big happen in the upper realm during the days I was in seclusion? The Yuanshi Ancestral Court was destroyed, and there are quite a few people who suspect me."

The Heavenly King Chiguo replied: "My lord is right, there are indeed many outspoken casual cultivators who think that my lord colluded with my demon clan and destroyed the Yuanshi Ancestral Court to vent his anger."

"However, these people were dealt with by the Yunwei Division behind my lord, and without evidence, those rumors were gradually suppressed."

Li Guanhai said lightly: "Although I Without leaving any evidence, but with a motive, it is inevitable that the cultivators in the upper realm will associate me with it. "

"But don't worry about it. It's useless even if they say it reasonably."

"Apart from these, is there anything else happening?"

Chiguo Tianwang continued: "After the destruction of the Yuanshi Ancestral Court, everyone in the upper realm was in danger, especially the leaders of the sects, who sent half of the strong men who were taken to the front line to resist the sea clan back to guard the sect, causing the strength of the human army to drop sharply. "

"For several months, the human race has been defeated in succession, and the sea clan army has advanced rapidly and has completely landed, occupying more than half of the border cities. "

"Even the sea clan on the front line of the South China Sea has penetrated deep into the hinterland and destroyed many sects. The battle situation is critical."

Li Guanhai nodded. In fact, he roughly understood these things.

After all, the evil mind clone is still on the front line of the East China Sea to resist the invasion of the sea clan army. He roughly knows something about the battle situation on each front.

However, in the past few months, not only Li Guanhai's real body was in seclusion, but also his evil clone was in seclusion, rarely showing up or taking action.

Although the real body and the evil clone looked exactly the same, and even their auras were the same, there was a clear difference in strength.

It was of course not a big deal to control the evil clone to kill some shrimp soldiers and crab generals with low cultivation, but once it encountered a strong sea clan with high cultivation and outstanding combat power, it would be exposed as soon as it took action.

So Li Guanhai tried not to let the evil clone show up in front of people and concentrate on breaking through the Xuansheng realm.

Therefore, he was not very clear about many news from the outside world.

After asking about the general situation and situation in the upper realm, Li Guanhai awakened the evil clone who was also pretending to be in seclusion in the secret room.

As soon as he walked out of the secret room, Li Ningshuang appeared. She knew that the Li Guanhai in front of her was not the real Li Guanhai, but she still told him that someone was looking for him.

Because Li Ningshuang knew that her master could hear her talking.

The body of the evil thought clone trembled very quickly, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Li Ningshuang was overjoyed when she saw this. She rushed over and hugged him without caring about the difference between the upper and lower parts. The mountain on her chest was squeezed and deformed.

"Master, you are finally back."

Li Guanhai wanted to push her away, but when he thought about not seeing her for almost half a year and missing her, he didn't have the heart to do so. He let her hug him for a long time, and then said: "I am waiting anxiously, let her in."

"Yes, Master!"

Li Ningshuang let go of Li Guanhai, turned and left, and soon came in with a beautiful woman in a white dress.

The first time the woman saw Li Guanhai, her big eyes were fixed on him and she couldn't move away.

It was not until Li Guanhai called "girl" in a gentle tone that she suddenly broke free from her intoxicated state. Her cheeks were flushed and her face was as red as blood. She lowered her head and said nothing.

Li Guanhai was somewhat helpless. After she recovered, he asked, "Miss, you are a disciple of the Earth Emperor Palace. Why did you suddenly come to me? Did your Saint ask you to come?"

The female disciple then remembered the main business of this trip, and hurriedly handed over the jade pendant that Lu Xuanjing had given her, and said anxiously, "That's right, Master Guanhai. The sea clan has turned to attack the outside world. The Earth Emperor Palace is in a hurry. Now it depends entirely on the sect protection formation, but I'm afraid it won't last long. I beg Master Guanhai to help."

Li Guanhai put away the jade pendant, without thinking, and said directly to Li Ningshuang, "Order everyone to rush to the Earth Emperor Palace with me."

"Yes, my lord."

Li Ningshuang took a step back and disappeared.

Not long after, everyone boarded the flying Shenzhou and rushed to the outside world.

Li Guanhai asked the Demon Thought clone to take the Heavenly King Chiguo and others to hide in the city under the jurisdiction of the Taiyin Palace, revealing some whereabouts at the appropriate time to pave the way for the next plan.

In the Earth Emperor Palace, Lu Xuanjing and a group of Earth Emperor Palace elders were leading their disciples to resist the sea clan army.

Although there was a protective formation guarding them, they could not do nothing. If the sea clan army was allowed to attack like this, the protective formation would soon be broken.

The protective formation had a wonderful advantage, that is, the enemies outside the formation could not hurt the people inside the formation, while the people inside the formation could hurt the enemies outside. It could be said to be both offensive and defensive, and it was very magical.

It was with this feature that the Earth Emperor Palace had been able to hold out for so long without being captured.

Outside the protective formation, a young man from the mermaid clan casually smashed the sharp sword energy from Lu Xuanjing's Dragon Bird Sword, licked his lips with his long and pointed tongue, stared at her and laughed strangely: "Saint Lady, how long do you think the protective formation on which you depend for survival can last? My previous proposal is still valid. The survival of the Earth Emperor Palace depends on you alone, and it all depends on your thoughts."

Lu Xuanjing's expression was normal, without any change. As she waved the Dragon Bird in her hand, the sword energy crisscrossed and cut like a net.

This young man of the merman tribe was called Hong Dian. He was the most outstanding young genius of the merman tribe. He reached the peak of the middle stage of the Xuanhuang before he was 200 years old. He was extremely talented.

As for the "proposal" he mentioned, it was actually because he was obsessed with Lu Xuanjing and wanted to take her as a concubine.

The condition was to stop attacking the Earth Emperor Palace and not to offend anyone.

But with Lu Xuanjing's cold personality, she would rather die than let the other party succeed.

As for the other people in the Earth Emperor Palace, they also did not have the idea of ​​handing over Lu Xuanjing in exchange for peace in the Earth Emperor Palace.

First of all, it was because the people of the Earth Emperor Palace could not do such a despicable act of sacrificing others and living in disgrace.

Secondly, once this was done, the reputation of the Earth Emperor Palace would be tarnished. No one wanted to do such a thing that would be infamous for thousands of years.

In comparison, it seems that destroying the sect is not a big deal.

Jade can be broken but its whiteness cannot be changed, bamboo can be burned but its joints cannot be destroyed, even if the body dies, the name can be recorded in bamboo and silk.

If the sect is destroyed, there is only death.

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