Li Guanhai stayed outside the Earth Emperor Palace for a few days, and only left after confirming that the sea clan had withdrawn.

However, he did not return to the East China Sea front, but went to various places outside the country to help those forces repel the sea clan.

On the other side, the Demon Thought clone brought a group of demons to the vicinity of Taiyin Palace, hiding during the day and coming out at night, occasionally showing traces, which attracted the attention of Taiyin Palace.

The elders and disciples who stayed behind were all worried. Today, the demons frequently appeared near Taiyin Palace. Could it be that they were going to attack their own sect?

Thinking of the tragedy of Yuanshi Zuting a few months ago, they were terrified and hurriedly passed the news to several nearby Taoist sects, hoping that they could come to help.

Taiyin Palace is located in the southeastern region of the upper realm. There are quite a few Taoist sects in this area, including Ganyong City, Julu Academy, and Lingxu Mountain.

Originally there was a Yuanshi Zuting, but now that Yuanshi Zuting has been destroyed, it will naturally be removed from the ranks of several Taoist sects.

After receiving the news, the various sects thought that the demons had just destroyed the Yuanshi Zuting a few months ago, and now they are ready to move near the Taiyin Palace, and they don't even deliberately hide their whereabouts. They are too arrogant!

Judging from this posture, the demons want to defeat all the sects in the southeast region one by one and greatly reduce the power of the human race.

In this case, the conspiracy of the remnants of the demons must not be allowed to succeed!

Once the Taiyin Palace is destroyed, the next target is probably themselves.

With this idea in mind, several sects did not choose to stand idly by and sent many strong men to the Taiyin Palace.

Of course, they only sent some strong men, and the real core strength naturally had to stay in their own sects.

What if they sent all the people to the Taiyin Palace, but turned around and found that their hometown was destroyed, what would happen?

It's okay to help others, but there must be limits. Under the premise of not affecting your own interests, you can give the other party a little help, and you can't drag yourself into the water.

The actions of several sects were not slow. Less than three days after receiving the news, the strong men sent by them had already arrived at Taiyin Palace.

When the elders of Taiyin Palace saw the strong men sent by Lingxu Mountain, they were so moved that they almost cried.

Although the other sects helped, they left room for maneuver. The strong men sent by them were not strong, but not weak either. They could only be regarded as the kind of strong men who could help but not help much.

They could not send the truly powerful strong men, and all stayed in their own sects.

But Lingxu Mountain was different. The strong men they sent were not only strong, but also numerous!

There were no less than ten strong men in the Xuansheng Realm, two strong men in the Xuanxian Realm, and one person's cultivation had reached the terrifying Quasi-God Realm, only one step away from the real Xuanshen.

What moved Taiyin Palace the most was that this time Lingxu Mountain actually sent a real Xuanshen Realm super powerful man.

It was not that Taiyin Palace had never seen the world, but it was really because Lingxu Mountain's hand was a little too big.

The Xuanshen realm is the real foundation of a sect.

In other words, if a sect does not have a Xuanshen realm master, it cannot be called a sect because it is not qualified.

There are only three Xuanshen masters in the Yuanshi Zuting. Although Lingxu Mountain’s foundation is definitely stronger than that of the Yuanshi Zuting, even so, the generosity of sending a Xuanshen master directly is enough to shock and admire.

Lingxu Mountain is worthy of being the orthodox sect in the world. It takes protecting all living things as its mission. It is indeed selfless and admirable.

When all the masters arrived, Taiyin Palace was not stingy and asked all the remaining disciples to hold a banquet to welcome the Taoist friends from various sects.

The ingredients used in this banquet are very precious and have the miraculous effect of assisting cultivation, strengthening the body and blood.

It stands to reason that such precious ingredients will only be used when encountering happy events, because they are too precious and will not be used at ordinary times.

But this time, the Taiyin Palace was so generous that the powerful men who came to support had a full meal, and they also had a better impression of the Taiyin Palace.

The banquet ended soon, and the powerful men were about to disperse. At this moment, the wind was howling outside the Taiyin Palace, and the starlight and moonlight in the sky were covered by a magic cloud at some point.

The whole world suddenly darkened, except for the bright lights on the main peak of the Taiyin Palace.

The golden flames tried to dispel the overwhelming darkness, but could only barely illuminate a few dozen feet.

While they were drinking and having fun, the magic fog had already enveloped the entire Taiyin Palace.

The darkness that was far away in the sky and seemed to be close at hand seemed to be able to swallow the light, blocking the sight of the powerful men like a maze, even

their perception was blinded, and they could not peek into the outside world.

At this time, Cao Disha, the deputy palace master who stayed behind in Taiyin Palace, shouted: "Open the sect protection formation!"

As soon as the voice fell, white light lit up in eight directions of Taiyin Palace at the same time. The light columns rushed straight into the sky, and froze at a height of thousands of feet, connecting with each other to form a barrier.

Every time the sect protection formation was running, a lot of spiritual stones were consumed, especially this kind of large-scale sect protection formation, the consumption was even more difficult to estimate.

No Taoist sect would open the sect protection formation all the time, because it was simply not affordable, even if there were mines at home.

Cao Disha was relieved when the sect protection formation was opened.

Tiangang Disha, this person is the biological brother of Cao Tiangang, the palace master of Taiyin Palace.

Although the sect protection formation was opened, the strong men present still did not relax.

Although they had never seen the power of the demon clan, they had seen many related descriptions in ancient books, and the descriptions of the demon clan were not one person, but many people.

The fact that so many people describe the demons as extremely powerful and almost invincible shows that this race is truly incredibly powerful.

Now the demonic energy is rampant outside the Taiyin Palace. I don't know how many demons are watching covetously. It would be strange if the strong men present could relax.

At this time, Cao Disha brought a group of Taiyin Palace elders to the Lingxu Mountain strong man in the Xuanshen Realm and bowed, saying: "Senior Song, I will rely on you this time."

Song Fengmian is a very easy-going person. He doesn't have any airs and doesn't have the demeanor of a senior. Hearing this, he waved his hand and smiled, "Okay, I can't drink your fine wine for nothing."

"Thank you, senior."

Cao Disha and the elders bowed together.

The demonic energy outside the protective formation became more and more dense, and the sound of the wind like ghosts crying and gods howling made people's scalps numb and uneasy.

At the same time, Li Guanhai, who was far away in the outside world, exchanged positions with the evil mind clone. He led the group of demons and went straight to Lingxu Mountain in the East Xuan Realm.

During these days, he deliberately let the Heavenly King Chiguo and others lie dormant near the Taiyin Palace, revealing their whereabouts from time to time, just to create a false impression that the demons were about to attack the Taiyin Palace.

Including the later Taiyin Palace's request for help from various sects, it was also within Li Guanhai's calculations.

This is what he wants. It doesn't matter whether other sects send strong people or not. The key is that Lingxu Mountain must send people.

Because in this way, he can take the opportunity to sneak into Lingxu Mountain, break into the Demon Suppression Tower, and rescue Ai Si's true body.

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