Yang Chaner was stunned, and then she remembered that she hadn't seen Sister Aoxue for a long time. Judging from the direction the warship was heading, it should be returning to Xiahou Xian Dynasty.

Why not take a ride on a boat and go to Xian Dynasty to visit Sister Aoxue for a few days?

She made up her mind, stepped on the void, turned into a divine rainbow and flew onto the warship.

As soon as she approached, several powerful auras suddenly burst out from the warship and locked onto her.

At the same time, a woman's cold voice sounded: "Stop, if you dare to get close, you will bear the consequences."

Yang Chan'er stopped and looked at a woman in official uniform standing on the deck of the warship. Her eyes lit up and she smiled: "Sister Yuegui, it's me, Chan'er, do you remember me?"

The female official named Yuegui looked carefully and recognized this girl who was as smart as a snow mountain fairy. Her vigilance relaxed a little and she smiled: "Of course I remember, Miss Chan'er, why are you here?"

Just now she thought it was an enemy and was only on guard. In addition, the distance was far, so she didn't recognize the girl who approached rashly at the first time.

Yang Chan'er stepped on the void, smiled and approached, and landed on the deck.

"Sister Yuegui, long time no see, you are getting more and more beautiful."

She greeted her familiarly. This sentence was not a polite compliment, but the truth.

Yuegui is indeed very beautiful. Unlike the tenderness of ordinary women, she gives people a sense of shrewdness and competence.

She is tall and slender, with deep eyes and a half-smile, and has a kind of evil and feminine neutral temperament.

The bulge on her chest and the straight long legs that cannot be concealed add a bit of charm to her.

Nine-head body is recognized as the most beautiful body proportion.

To describe this kind of people in one sentence, it is all legs below the neck.

Yue Gui smiled and said, "Miss Chan'er, please forgive me. You are becoming more and more charming."

"By the way, I heard that you were fighting against the sea tribe army on the East China Sea front some time ago, and then there was no news. Why are you here now?"

Yang Chan'er said with a smile: "Hehe, just wandering around, Sister Yue Gui, are you going back to the Immortal Dynasty?"

Yue Gui nodded: "Yes, His Highness sent me to various secret realms to find cultivation resources, and now I am going back to the Immortal Dynasty to report."

Yang Chan'er said: "Then can you take me with you? I haven't seen Sister Aoxue for a long time, I want to go see her."

"Of course." Yue Gui nodded and agreed, and then said: "His Highness often mentions you, so in this case, you can go back with us."

In this way, Yang Chan'er successfully caught a ride on the ship and headed to the Xiahou Immortal Dynasty.


Chunshan City, West China Sea front.

Kaohsiung and the other monks looked in astonishment at Gao Weilue, the eldest son of the Gao family, who had died but now slowly woke up.

Kaohsiung grabbed his son's shoulders and shook him gently: "Son, how are you? How do you feel now?"

He was very surprised and nervous.

What surprised him was that his son's life had been cut off just now, so how could he suddenly wake up again?

What made him nervous was that he was afraid that his son was just a last gasp and would die in a moment.

Gao Weilue ignored his father's call. He just looked around blankly, looking at the monks around him who were focusing their eyes on him, and a bitter smile appeared on his lips.

Immediately, a strong resentment was revealed in the depths of his seemingly lifeless eyes.

Why did you choose me to go to the lower world? I don't accept it!

What about the more capable people work, it's all bullshit!

Why didn't those guys come to the lower world, but myself!

Gao Weilue's heart was roaring. He did not come to this world voluntarily, nor did he encounter a strong enemy, die and his soul travel to this strange young man.

He was sent by someone.

This matter started a few months ago.

He was originally a confidant of a big man in the fairy world. Later, this big man competed with other immortals for a treasure. The power generated by the melee tore the space, and the treasure fell into the space crack and fell into another world.

The master told him that the treasure fell into the hands of a young man, and the treasure was very important and must be taken back.

But the bridge between the fairy world and the upper world has been broken, and people in the fairy world cannot go directly to the upper world.

So there is only one way left, reincarnation and resurrection.

As a confidant, he has strong ability to do things, brains and means, and high talent, so this important task naturally fell on him.

He wanted to refuse, but he didn't dare to refuse.

Thousands of thoughts passed through Gao Weilue's mind, making him feel extremely complicated.

Reincarnation is a nightmare for him who had a high status in his previous life.

This is equivalent to a billionaire who could have enjoyed himself, but because of someone else's words, he has to return to the hard days of hard work in the past.

And the final result is unpredictable.

Such a thing is difficult for any normal person to accept.

Gao Weilue also couldn't accept it, but since things have come to this point, he couldn't not accept it.

Thinking of this, a portrait that the master had shown him appeared in his mind. The portrait showed a handsome and flawless young man with heroic spirit.

This young man was the culprit who robbed the master's treasure and caused him to go to the lower world.

Thinking of that hateful face, Gao Weilue wanted to eat him alive.

But this matter can't be rushed. There is a saying that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win a hundred battles.

At present, I don't know the situation of this world at all. What is my identity and status, I am also in the dark.

It's better to figure out these things first, and then consider other things.

Although he was reincarnated, his cultivation in the previous life was still there, just temporarily sealed.

He needed time, maybe not too long, to unlock the seal, regain the heavenly cultivation in the previous life, and dominate this world.

In his opinion, this world must be very backward. With his cultivation, it would be easy for him to dominate.

Gao Weilue thought about it and thought that being a hegemon in this world might be a good choice and a wonderful journey worth recalling.

In the fairy world, although his status was not low, he was still a slave of others and could never get rid of the shackles of this identity.

Here, he was the king, he was the master of this world, and he could put into action what he had not dared to think about or do before!

Controlling the greatest power and enjoying the most beautiful women was the dream of all men, including him.

Thinking of this, Gao Weilue felt much more balanced. An uncontrollable heat filled his chest and went straight to his forehead, making his pale face slightly red.

Not blushing, but excitement.

I don’t know if there is such a thing as a beauty list in this world. He has reserved all the beauties on the list.

“Son, son?”

Gao Weilue’s call brought his thoughts back. He showed a weak smile just right on his face and called out, “Father…”

Then his head tilted, his body fell back, and he fainted.

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