Xiahou Aoxue said coldly: "What else is there to explain? Are you going to tell me that you and them are innocent?"

After these words came out, Han Lingxuan and Yin Bingyan suddenly realized.

It turned out that this woman misunderstood Li Guanhai and was jealous, so she made so many troubles.

At this time, the divine light around the Puqing Divine Deer surged, and it turned into a petite girl.

She ran to Han Lingxuan, opened her big round eyes full of innocence, and asked seriously: "Sister, why are they fighting?"

Han Lingxuan thought for a while and said: "Ayao is still young, you don't understand these things, you will understand when you grow up."

Xiahou Aoxue saw this scene, and the look in her eyes when she looked at Li Guanhai changed.

She tried to keep her voice calm: "There is another one, you didn't even let the little girl go!"

Li Guanhai: "..."

He explained: "Aoxue, you really misunderstood, I am not a sex maniac, how could I have such dirty thoughts about an innocent and lovely little girl?"

"You just saw it, her true form is actually a Puqing divine deer, a rare beast, the reason why I keep her here is that I hope she can grow up in the future and help me."

Xiahou Aoxue said coldly: "Humph, others may not, but you may not."

Li Guanhai: "..."

At this time, Han Lingxuan explained loudly with a hoarse voice: "This beautiful girl, you really misunderstood, we have nothing to do with him, if you must say there is a relationship, he should be our owner."

Hearing this, Li Guanhai couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Sister, you might as well not explain, can't you use more appropriate words?

Owner, your clever little head can think of it, this is obviously the name of the person who raises animals!

Sure enough, Xiahou Aoxue looked even weirder after hearing this explanation.

Fortunately, although Han Lingxuan was silly, Yin Bingyan was a smart person. She coughed twice and explained softly, "Daoyou, you really misunderstood. We are not in the relationship you think with Young Master Guanhai."

Xiahou Aoxue glanced at her, and the aura around him began to converge, and then asked, "Why did he lock you up here?"

Mentioning this, Yin Bingyan couldn't help feeling a little sad. She said sadly, "Young Master Guanhai destroyed the Yuanshi Zuting. As a disciple of the Yuanshi Zuting, he certainly won't let me leave."

Xiahou Aoxue was even more puzzled, looking at the handsome young man in a tight-fitting and narrow-sleeved clothes not far away, "Why don't you just kill her to silence her? Is it because she is beautiful and you can't bear to do it?"

Li Guanhai glanced at Yin Bingyan and said nothing.

Yin Bingyan was also looking at them.

After a while, Xiahou Aoxue turned her spearhead and pointed it at Han Lingxuan, asking: "What about her?"

Han Lingxuan's heart was immediately lifted. This woman was so cruel. What if she killed her because of a disagreement, wouldn't she be dead?

She prayed in her heart, hoping that Li Guanhai could give a reasonable explanation.

Yin Bingyan on the side was puzzled. She was the topic of discussion just a moment ago, how come it became someone else so quickly?

Li Guanhai didn't say anything just now.

Yes, yes, yes, he must have transmitted the message, but what can't be said directly, why must he transmit the message?

This time Li Guanhai didn't transmit the message, he explained directly: "She is the eldest daughter of Jinding Xianfu, born with the special ability to predict the future. When she thoroughly comprehends the "Zhoutian Xingdou Jue", she will definitely be a great help."

Xiahou Aoxue stared at Li Guanhai: "You always have all kinds of reasons, but they are all so reasonable and well-founded."

Han Lingxuan breathed a sigh of relief.

After Gao Xiong and his clan members left Chunshan City, they did not go anywhere. They returned directly to the Gao family land without a moment's delay.

The territory where the Gao family is located is relatively close to the periphery. Although the sea clan army is still far away from here, they still have to prepare countermeasures in advance to avoid being caught off guard.

In a magnificent mansion, Gao Weilue, the eldest son of the Gao family, was sitting cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed, practicing.

There were two golden lights around him. After running for thirty-six weeks, they drilled into the Niwan and Qihai, circulated in the eight meridians, and then drilled out and continued to run the Zhoutian.

From returning to the clan land until now, Gao Weilue has been immersed in this state.

He wants to recover his strength as soon as possible. Although this world has shackles and his cultivation can only reach the Xuanshen realm at most, he is confident that he can be invincible in the same realm.

Without strength, any ambition is empty talk and delusion.

The incident in Chunshan City really scared him. Imagine what would happen to him if Kaohsiung had no way to escape?

In his opinion, it is a cowardly act to entrust one's life to others.

One's own life should be in one's own hands.

As long as one has strength, one does not need to rely on anyone.

That's why he practiced so hard.

Fortunately, the original owner of this body had some cultivation foundation, and his meridians and bones were quite tough, and the foundation of the Xuanhuang realm was also quite solid, which saved a lot of trouble.

In a blink of an eye, the sun set in the west and the crescent moon rose in the east.

After the two golden lights completed thirty-six cycles, they drilled back into the Niwan and Qihai.

Gao Weilüe opened his eyes, and a divine light flashed in his eyes.

He exhaled and called, "Come here."

The door was pushed open, and a black shadow ran in quickly but silently, bowed and said, "Young Master, what do you want?"

As the young master of the Gao family, Gao Weilüe has accumulated a lot of his own power and some trustworthy subordinates over the years.

The memory of this body has become shattered, and only a few fragments of many memories remain. Fortunately, the important memories have been preserved, so he is not completely in the dark.

The man in front of him is called Jia Cheng. He is not a member of the Gao family, but because he is smart, capable, and loyal, he is deeply trusted by Gao Weilue. In the past, many things were ordered to him.

Gao Weilue took out a piece of paper and asked with a smile: "Take a look, how is my painting?"

Jia Cheng was stunned. He thought that the young master called him to tell him something, why did he suddenly let him look at the painting?

Although he was puzzled, he still took the paper, took a look at it and smiled bitterly: "Master, please don't blame me. I am a layman who only knows how to practice. I really don't know how to appreciate this painting."

He was afraid that the master would misunderstand, so he hurriedly added: "But the master is proficient in everything from music, chess, calligraphy and painting. This painting is from the master's hand, so it must be extraordinary."

Gao Weilue smiled, put the painting away, and waved his hand, saying: "Go down and rest."

"Yes, Master."

Jia Cheng retreated in confusion.

Gao Weilue held the painting, thinking.

There are only a few strokes on the painting, but it cleverly outlines the charm of the person in the painting.

And from the strength of the pen when it was put down and the iron painting and silver hook when it was closed, the person holding the pen seemed to have a fire in his heart, or even murderous intentions, so the brushstrokes were so sharp.

Looking closely at the person in the painting, the sword eyebrows are handsome and slanted, the black eyes are slender and sharp, and the temperament is cold, arrogant and lonely.

This is a handsome, flawless, cold face with clear edges and corners, and it is definitely not an ordinary person.

If Gao Xiongcai, the head of the Gao family, was here, he would definitely recognize the person in the painting at a glance.

This person is the Qilin son of the Yunwei Division, Li Guanhai, who is famous in the upper world.

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