At this moment, in the south city of Wangchuan City, a large number of sea creatures poured in from the city gate that was several feet wide.

But more people chose to fly in directly.

Once these creatures entered the city, they were like hungry wolves seeing a group of little white rabbits, and they killed them without scruples.

Several streets in the south of the city were stained red with blood, and the stalls and shops on both sides of the streets were also splashed with still warm blood.

The bodies of men, women, old and young were scattered all over the street.

The two sides were low and the middle was high, like a small mountain.

There were also many surviving people who were driven away by the sea creatures with a grim smile on their faces like cats playing with mice, and fled to the center of the city.

Many monks wanted to stop them, but they were powerless.

They couldn't even save their own lives, so what could they use to save these ordinary people who were slaughtered?

At this moment, Yuan Guannan, wearing a long skirt, was holding a long sword and fighting against the sea creatures with a group of Liuguang Sect strongmen.

In addition to Liuguang Sect, there are also forces such as Leiming Sect and Vajra Sect.

Although there are many forces guarding Wangchuan City, their overall strength is not high, and their number cannot be compared with that of the sea clan.

As one side grows stronger, the other side loses. Of course, they were suppressed from beginning to end.

Now that the South City has been broken, the sea clan creatures are like entering an empty land and occupying Wangchuan City.

All the cultivators know that the situation is over.

Even their own lives may be lost here.

"Miss, we will protect you and rush out!"

A Liuguang Sect strongman shouted while resisting the attack of the sea creatures.

Another strongman also shouted at the top of his voice: "Miss, go quickly, we will cover you!"

Yuan Guannan's sword came out like the wind. Looking at these uncles and uncles with resolute faces, she was moved and sad.

Over the years, she has been running around for Liuguang Sect, recruiting many potential disciples and strong men with high cultivation to join.

After the sect finally started to go uphill, the war between the sea clan and the human race broke out.

Everyone has a responsibility for the survival of the upper world. Naturally, her Liuguang Sect cannot be immune to it. She can only send strong men to the front line to resist the sea clan army and protect the territory.

War is cruel. Liuguang Sect’s foundation is not deep. With such a commotion, it can be said that it is adding insult to injury. Ten years of efforts are almost in vain.

Now Yuan Guannan doesn’t think about those illusory things. She just wants to keep the last strength of these Liuguang Sect so that she won’t be wiped out here.

But the city gate has been broken, and the sea creatures are like a net that surrounds the entire Wangchuan City. How can she escape?

She looked at the sea creatures who were slaughtering people everywhere in the city, and her heart was desperate and desolate.

The number of monks decreased rapidly, and more and more sea creatures poured into the city and quickly surrounded this place.

Yuan Guannan knew that he could not escape death, and was preparing to burn his blood and fight hard to die in the ultimate battle, so as not to be abducted by the sea creatures and live a life worse than death.

At this moment, dozens of divine rainbows swept in from the south gate without stopping, and arrived above Yuan Guannan and a group of surviving monks in a few breaths.

The divine light dissipated, revealing a series of tall and majestic figures wearing fangs and bright red leather, with cold and murderous faces.

Some monks recognized the clothes of these people at a glance, and their faces suddenly showed ecstasy, and they shouted in a trembling voice: "Fangs and bright leather, it's Yunweisi, it's Yunweisi!"

A monk with a broken right arm and covered in blood shouted crazily: "We are saved, it's Yunweisi, we are saved!"

Yuan Guannan stared at these people who suddenly appeared, and a handsome figure like a god appeared in his mind, and his thoughts were a little erratic for a while.

He... didn't come?

As soon as the thought moved, dozens of tall and majestic figures in the air also moved.

In just a moment, the monstrous murderous aura filled the entire city, covering the sky, and even suppressed the bloody smell in the city.

The flag guards simultaneously used the ruthless methods of the Cloud Guard Division, and the blood shadows of the swords crisscrossed, and the sound of the evil ghosts' cries resounded throughout the city.

Those sea creatures that surrounded them were like tender grass on the plains, chopped into pieces by the swords, and could not get close at all.

The next moment, they all turned into divine rainbows, carrying a strong murderous aura, flying to various parts of the city, slaughtering the rebellious sea creatures.

The battle situation in the city was reversed in an instant. Those sea creatures with hideous smiles on their faces had not smiled for long before their hearts were completely occupied by extreme fear. They fled to the south gate like crazy, trying to escape from Wangchuan City.

Wangchuan City once again became a hell. It was a hell for human cultivators and civilians before, but now it is a hell for sea creatures.

All the sea creatures who entered the city were like stepping over the dividing line where yin and yang meet, entering the gate of hell, and could never get out again.

And those sea creatures who had not had time to enter Wangchuan City were all blocked outside.

There was only one person blocking the way. He was dressed in black, expressionless, and his eyes were dull.

Although there was only one person guarding the city gate, he stood there with a kind of momentum that one man could block the pass and ten thousand men could not break through. Before fighting with him, I was already afraid of him.

In less than three quarters of an hour, all the sea creatures who broke into Wangchuan City were slaughtered, roughly estimated to be tens of thousands.

Tens of thousands of sea creatures were slaughtered cleanly by dozens of Yunwei Division strongmen. This feat made all the surviving cultivators stunned and awed.

Those who survived by chance were even more respectful, crying and worshipping the strong men of the Yunwei Division, and they did not stop even when their heads were bleeding, and they shouted for God to bless them.

The situation in the city was immediately reported back to the sea tribe army responsible for conquering Wangchuan City by many sea creatures.

After the commander of the Sea Clan learned the news, he immediately sent out a more elite force, led by a real strong man, in an attempt to flatten Wangchuan City in one fell swoop.

So the crisis of Wangchuan City was only temporarily resolved, and the real battle was still to come.

The monks dragged their wounded bodies to the strong men of the Yunwei Division who always had cold faces, bowed their hands, and thanked them from the bottom of their hearts for saving their lives.

Yuan Guannan looked around, but did not see the familiar figure for a long time, so she couldn't help asking: "Um, is the young master Guanhai here?"

As soon as she said this, the eyes of the monks around her fell on her.

Even the strong men of the Yunwei Division looked over.

Yuan Guannan was a little puzzled, thinking that she was just asking a question, why were they all looking at her?

Just thinking about this, she suddenly saw a group of Yunwei Division strong men bowed their hands and respectfully called: "Young Master."

Yuan Guannan's heart tightened, her breathing suddenly became a little uncomfortable, and her heartbeat also accelerated.

Her stiff body slowly turned, and she caught a glimpse of a figure standing behind her. That person was also looking at her, and there seemed to be a smile on his face.

The surrounding monks finally reacted, their expressions changed drastically, and they hurriedly bowed: "Greetings, Young Master Guanhai."

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