At the same time, in the Yan Clan thousands of miles away, Yan Lie, who was highly expected by all the clansmen, suddenly opened his eyes, and a throbbing sensation occurred in his heart.

Immediately, a contradictory expression of both joy and nervousness appeared on his face.

The red light flowing in Li Guanhai's eyes returned to his eyes, and he smiled and said, "Let's go."

The spiritual energy in this world is thin, and the flying Shenzhou cannot be used here, so everyone has to use their body skills to hurry on.

The flying Shenzhou certainly does not fly by itself, it also needs energy as a power, and this energy is the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

This world has no spiritual energy of heaven and earth, no power, and of course it cannot fly.

Due to the particularity of this world, the mana of Li Guanhai and his group is even more precious, because it will be gone once it is used up.

But there is no need to worry too much. Although the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is thin, there are many pills in everyone's Qiankun bag to restore mana, so there is no need to worry too much.

The one who doesn't care the most is Li Guanhai. He has a tree of creation in his inner universe, which is a miracle called "perfect creation".

It is the origin of chaos, everything is born from it, and the world exists because of it.

In short, Li Guanhai, who owns the God Tree of Creation, is basically a mobile spring, and there is no need to worry about running out of mana.

There is no teleportation array in the No Return Realm. If you want to go somewhere, you can only hurry on your way.

How many tens of thousands of miles away is the Yan Clan from here?

Li Guanhai and his group have been flying for most of the day and still haven't arrived.

Others are fine. For them, flying is no different from walking.

But the little girl Lin Si suffered. Although she has cultivation, she doesn't know how to use it, and she rarely flies.

When she flew with Yadela, the speed was not fast.

Now she is rushing at a high speed, and the scenery under her feet is rapidly retreating, which can scare her a lot. She holds Yadela's arm tightly and keeps her head in her armpit.

This makes her feel safe.

At the same time, in the Yan Clan.

The atmosphere in the meeting hall was very depressing and dull. All the elders of the Yan clan sat with their heads drooped and their brows furrowed, as if they had encountered some eternal problem, with clouds of worry between their brows.

In the center of the two rows of seats, Yan Tianlu sat in the first seat. As the clan leader, he was also slumped on the mottled chair at this moment, and his state was the same as that of the elders below.

The once high-spirited Yan clan leader had long lost his original sharpness and pride at this moment. He was like a king who was about to lose his country. He could only watch his mountains and rivers shattered, but he was powerless.

An elder said in a hoarse voice: "Clan leader, the spirit stones of the last spirit vein in the clan have all been exhausted. If the few remaining pills are only used to maintain life, they can still last for another three days."

"As for the collateral lineage, nearly 10,000 people have died so far. Their spirit stones and pills have long been used up, and they can only wait to die."

Yan Tianlu closed his eyes, rubbed his eyebrows, and said nothing.

Obviously, this problem has been bothering him for more than a day or two. If there is a solution, he would not be so distressed.

At this time, a burly middle-aged man asked tentatively: "Patriarch, you said three months ago that you had sent a message to that young master. Is there a reply?"

As soon as this was said, it immediately attracted the attention of all the elders. Everyone looked at the patriarch, their eyes full of expectation and hope.

Yan Tianlu sighed and shook his head: "No, I don't know if he received it."

The elders were like deflated balls, their straight backs bent down again, and they softened on the seats.

The burly middle-aged man thought for a while, lowered his voice and said: "Patriarch, elders, at the moment of life and death, it is not excessive to do anything to survive. The other four tribes should still have some spiritual stones and elixirs, or other natural treasures."

The elders looked at each other and exchanged glances.

One of them looked at Yan Tianlu, "Chief, you must fight to the death. If you don't give it a try, my entire Yan clan will die!"

The other elders also looked at Yan Tianlu, and some shook their heads and sighed, obviously thinking that this proposal was not feasible.

Sure enough, Yan Tianlu shook his head and said, "Look at us, we have a hard time even talking, and the mana we can use is only enough to sustain our lives. In this case, how can we attack the other four clans?"

When the elders heard this, it was indeed the case.

To be honest, even if Yan Tianlu nodded and agreed to the proposal of the burly man, everyone really didn't have the strength to raise the knife.

Forget it, maybe it's really God's will, God wants to kill me and I won't return to the world.

Even if the other four clans are destroyed, the looted will be exhausted sooner or later. By then, there will be nothing left to kill and nothing left to rob, so we will die.

Just when Yan Tianlu and the elders were about to lie down and go back to wait for death quietly, dozens of powerful auras suddenly descended on the Yan clan.

The people in the meeting hall were all strong in cultivation and had amazing perception, so they naturally noticed it at the first time.

Everyone's first reaction was that a strong enemy was coming.

Then they thought it was not the case. At present, the spiritual energy of the world of No Return was scarce, and the mana stored in everyone's sea of ​​qi was pitiful. Who would have such a strong momentum?

And there were more than a dozen of them at once.

Yan Tianlu was the first to react. He stood up and ignored the strange looks of the elders, and ran out of the meeting hall quickly.

The elders chased after him.

When Yan Tianlu saw the young face that often appeared in his dreams, he was moved beyond words.

With tears in his eyes, he opened his arms and strode forward to give Li Guanhai a bear hug.

Li Guanhai frowned. He was not in the habit of hugging men.

Although Yan Tianlu was excited, he was still not dizzy. He noticed the change in Li Guanhai's expression and immediately realized that he was a little too excited. He stopped and said with an excited smile: "Haha, young master, I am so complacent for the moment. If If it’s offensive, please don’t take it personally.”

Li Guanhai frowned, waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter."

The other clan elders also saw him, but their expressions were different.

Yan Tianlu wiped away his tears and said, "Sir, have you received the message I sent?"

Li Guanhai nodded: "Yes, Chief Yan, how could this place become like this? I have only been away for more than ten years, and the world has become so desolate, the ground is thousands of miles away."

"Alas." Yan Tianlu sighed and said, "I don't know what happened. Less than a year after the young master left, it didn't rain at all and the four seasons were out of order."

"The treasures of heaven and earth in the mountains have died inexplicably, and even the flowers, plants and trees cannot survive. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is being lost every day, becoming thinner and thinner."

"For more than ten years, everything has withered and natural disasters have continued. This world seems to have been cursed by the gods. It has changed from a paradise to a bitter and cold place with no grass growing."

"Although monks can survive without food and only eat wind and drink dew, but without the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and without rain, they will still starve to death."

“Fortunately, we had stored a lot of elixirs, heavenly materials and earthly treasures in advance, and had many spiritual stones in the veins to absorb, so we are still alive today, but there are still countless people who died in this crisis. "

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