Before leaving, Li Guanhai asked Yadela about the specific location of the submarine volcano. Li Guanhai started from the deep pit and began to identify the direction.

This side should be east, go this way.

After shuttling in the water for a long time, the terrain became lower and lower. Suddenly, Li Guanhai stopped moving forward and his expression became cautious.

There were people in front of him, more than one, and all of them were extremely powerful.

He looked up carefully. In the distance, a bottle-like mountain was very eye-catching. The top of the mountain was an irregular crater, and a large group of black smoke came out of it, accompanied by large bubbles and rising sea water temperature.

And near the crater, there was a group of people, to be precise, they should be sea creatures.

On the periphery were three large formations, which were guarded very tightly.

This formation would not isolate the sea water, but would block any life form that was not granted the right of passage.

It can be seen that there were many strange fish wandering outside the formation, swimming around the formation.

This is an unknown number of meters below the sea. The sea creatures that can survive under this pressure are all strange and extremely rare.

Li Guanhai even saw a fathead fish with wings. He didn't know if they were wings, but probably something like shark fins growing horizontally.

Speaking of shark fins, he has never eaten them. First, they are expensive, and second, this world doesn't like them.

However, he has eaten fish balls. The quantity is not large, but the soup is delicious.

Li Guanhai shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

The red light flowing in his eyes surged into his pupils, and his sight penetrated the three large formations and looked at the group of sea creatures surrounding the crater.

Just one glance surprised him.

The Dragon King of the Ancient Dragon Clan was also there!

The rest of the people were not ordinary people. Li Guanhai had seen some of them. They were the sea leaders who appeared beside the Dragon King when the human leader confronted the Dragon King.

Their foundation was not in the East China Sea, but all came from the other three seas. I didn't expect to see them here again today.

Or, they never left at all.

Thinking of this, Li Guanhai became more and more curious about where the entrance to the submarine volcano leads to.

These people are all the top leaders of the sea clan. Now they are not paying attention to the war on the front line, but are gathered here to study how to open the entrance of the submarine volcano.

This further illustrates the value of this submarine volcano.

What worries Li Guanhai now is that so many monsters are constantly studying around the crater. Even if he has a void body and tries his best to restrain his breath, he will still be discovered by them once he gets close.

Once discovered, there is no other way except to run away.

If there is only one person, Li Guanhai can also use various magic weapons to contain him, and then take out the magic soldiers to kill him.

But it is not 100% successful.

The horror of the Xuanshen strongman cannot be described in words.

The few killed in the Yuanshi Zuting were purely because Li Guanhai had the best time, place and people.

Above, the immortal cauldron of creation released devouring power to suck, below, the immortal rope was tracking like a maggot attached to the bone, outside, the magic array blocked the retreat, and inside, the three great mysterious gods assisted.

And the most important point is to take them by surprise.

No one could have imagined that the power of the demon soldiers would be so strong, even Li Guanhai himself was frightened by the demon soldiers' monstrous magic power.

After cultivating into a mysterious god, it is almost immortal, and no magic weapon can kill a mysterious god with one blow.

As a result, this demon soldier is an existence beyond common sense, and it took them by surprise, which is why he won a great victory.

And now, he has lost all his advantages. Could it be that he would rush up with the demon soldier and fight to the death with others?

They are not made of mud, how can they stand still and let you chop them?

No matter how strong the demon soldier is, it is just a weapon after all.

Li Guanhai was only at the Xuansheng realm. Even if he took the magic weapon to fight the Dragon Emperor head-on, he could only dodge and then look for an opportunity to kill him with one blow.

But how could the Dragon Emperor give him such an opportunity?

He gave up the idea of ​​forcing in. The group of people were chatting enthusiastically and it was estimated that they would not leave for a while.

So Li Guanhai calmed down, found a hidden and comfortable corner, and began a long wait like a hunter.

He could not enter the inner universe, because the moment the space portal was opened, the breath would definitely leak out, so he could only stay in the water.

Gao Weilue was frustrated in the Earth Emperor Palace.

Although he did not get any valuable clues on this trip, he had a hunch.

The relationship between the saint of the Earth Emperor Palace and Li Guanhai must be complicated!

This guess had no basis, as if it came out of thin air, but Gao Weilue's strong intuition led him to think in this direction.

But what's the use of knowing it?

Make this matter public?

Gao Weilue is not so stupid. During this period, he has read a lot of books and inquired intentionally or unintentionally. He learned that the foundation of Yunweisi is so deep that the Gao family can't afford to offend it.

Not to mention that there is no evidence now, it is just a guess. Even if there is evidence, it cannot be said.

Because once he said so, he and the Gao family will be greeted by an irreparable disaster.

Gao Weilue has a headache.

If he wants to deal with Li Guanhai, he must not avoid the behemoth Yunweisi. Even if he starts to build his own power from now on, I am afraid that even if he manages it for 10,000 years, it will not be as good as one tenth of Yunweisi.

It seems that he can only start from the fear of Li Guanhai by various sects.

Suddenly, Gao Weilue had a flash of inspiration in his mind and thought of an idea.

Invite the gods!

Yes, it is to invite the gods.

Although people from the fairy world cannot come to this world directly, there is a secret technique in the fairy world called inviting gods.

What does it mean?

It is to find a suitable body in this world as a container, and then let the soul of the powerful fairy world come to this body and come to this world.

Although it cannot exert all the power, it should not be a problem to reach the peak of power that this world can accommodate.

Although Li Guanhai has a remarkable record, he is just a young junior after all. How many means does he have?

As long as a trap is set to lure him into the trap, and then invite the gods to kill him, it should not be a difficult task.

Thinking of this, Gao Weilue showed a happy look on his face.

He decided not to return to the Gao family, and first walked around outside to find a suitable container.

Containers are not cabbages on the vegetable stalls that can be seen everywhere.

The selection of containers is extremely strict, otherwise the container cannot withstand the power of the fairy, and will collapse and explode directly, and even the party invited by the gods will be backlashed.

The choice of container is actually not related to cultivation.

On the contrary, the higher the level of cultivation, the less likely it is to summon the gods.

Because the power of the soul of this kind of people is extremely strong, once they realize that another soul is about to occupy their body, they will inevitably resist, so the success rate is very low.

Gao Weilue asked Jia Cheng which city has the most people and is the most prosperous.

Jia Cheng thought for a while and replied: "Well, the closest to here should be Jinli Manor, which is extremely prosperous."

Gao Weilue led everyone to Jinli Manor.

Although it is called a manor, it is actually a large city with a vast area and a very magnificent style.

After entering the city, Gao Weilue did not stroll around the city, but came to the top floor of a restaurant and found a seat by the window where he could see the pedestrians on the street.

Before his butt was warm, his eyes suddenly lit up and his sight fell on two figures, one old and one young, at the end of the street.

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