Li Guanhai, who was having breakfast on the street, lost his appetite when he heard the comments of the people around him.

Can you not talk about this while eating?

It is reasonable that Mr. Ximen is dead.

It would be strange not to die.

After breakfast, Li Guanhai went to visit Dalang Shaobing again. He didn't say anything or did anything. He just bought two hotcakes with extra eggs and left with his horse.

After walking for a few days, we finally arrived at our destination.

The Gao family.

During this period, many more clan members arrived one after another, and the scale of the Gao clan's buildings was also expanding rapidly.

Clan members came in and out, each busy.

There are also teams that go to nearby cities to purchase and return to the clan.

Li Guanhai held the horse and stood on the hill beside the road, looking at them.

Suddenly, there was a sound of breaking through the air overhead, and the direction they were flying towards was the Gao clan.

At the end of the team was a young man. He noticed someone on the ground and looked at him subconsciously, but he could no longer look away.

After a while, he broke out of his trance, as if something had happened, but nothing happened.

The red light in Li Guanhai's eyes flowed back into his eyes, and he turned around and headed towards the nearby city.

If he wanted to investigate the eldest son of the Gao clan, there was no need for him to personally infiltrate the enemy.

In the small courtyard where Gao Weilue, a member of the Gao family, lives.

When building this small courtyard, he once told him to build a secret basement. Nothing else mattered, it must be spacious.

At this moment, Mr. Gao was in the basement, making preparations before inviting the gods.

When he was at Jinli Village, he selected two relatively good containers. After returning to the clan, he unexpectedly discovered that a little maid also met the conditions for praying to the gods, even more suitable than the two young men.

In a dark and cold secret room, two puppet-like youths were tied to a torture rack made of special materials.

A girl with a delicate appearance and petite figure was lying on the cold ground, her eyes staring at the top of the secret room, her orifices gushing red, and she refused to close her eyes.

Gao Weiliu's face was full of anger and he spat: "Trash!"

Maybe he was eager for success, or maybe he hadn't used it for too long and was unfamiliar. In short, the magic spell failed.

The price of failure is to destroy the container.

Gao Weilue didn't think it was his own problem. He thought it was the poor girl on the ground who couldn't bear the trouble because of her poor physical condition. This led to the failure of the preparation stage for the magic.

He didn't bother to look at the girl's body, and a few sparks popped up with his fingers.

Sparks fell on the girl, swallowing her whole body with a roar, and a strange crackling sound suddenly sounded in the quiet basement.

Soon, there was only a cloud of ashes left on the ground.

Gao Weilue turned his gaze to the two young men on the torture rack and said coldly: "I hope you won't disappoint me."

Three days later.

Gao Weiliu left the secret room and walked out of the house.

Under the sun, his face looked a little tired and listless, like an ordinary person who hadn't slept well for several days and nights.

The steps before asking God are very complicated and time-consuming. Gao Weilue has been really sleepless for the past three days, which is extremely mentally draining and needs to be recuperated.

Before resting his mind, he wanted to have a good meal first.

The efforts of the past three days were not in vain, and the two containers did not disappoint him. He would spend another three days finishing the work. As long as there were no mistakes, he could start planning.

Li Guanhai is the young master of the Yunwei Division, and he is always surrounded by many masters. Moreover, for a person with such a noble status as him, it is impossible for him to have a guardian to follow and protect him secretly.

This person is difficult to deal with. Either you don't take action. Once you take action, it must be a sure-kill situation, otherwise there will be endless troubles.

He walked straight towards the kitchen, but he didn't know that a pair of eyes were watching him from a hidden corner.

Li Guanhai opened his eyes and exited from the strange state.

According to the observations and inquiries he had made over the past few days by the secret agents he had placed within the Gao clan, he found that after Mr. Gao came back from the dead, he did not behave abnormally, but his personality changed slightly.

But Li Guanhai can be sure that he is the son of fate.

Because a few days ago, Li Guanhai clearly saw the auspicious clouds covering the sky above the Gao clan, which was the blessing that only the sons or daughters of luck would have.

Moreover, according to the information provided by the undercover, Gao Weilue had been staying at home for the past few days. He did not leave the room until this morning. He went straight to the kitchen without seeing anyone.

Moreover, he looked very tired, as if he had been in a state of high concentration these past few days and was now a little weak.

Li Guanhai was thoughtful.

The tall young master locked himself in the room and did not allow anyone to come near him. After a few days, he came out looking haggard.

Could it be that I have kidney failure due to too much review of traditional crafts?

Probably not. The monk's physique is far superior to that of ordinary people. He goes into battle ten times a day, even for a month. How could he be like this?

Every child of destiny has his own golden finger, and Gao Weilue is no exception. Is his weakness related to his golden finger?

Thinking of this, Li Guanhai decided to take a walk around the Gao family tonight to see what shameful things Mr. Gao was doing in his room.

At night.

Li Guanhai left the guest room without changing into his night clothes, and walked directly into the sky without taking a single cloud with him.

Soon arriving at the area where the Gao clan was located, he carefully used his void body to blend into the void.

To be honest, Li Guanhai has solved so many Children of Fate, and the golden finger of the Void Body is the one he uses most frequently and best.

This thing is simply a panacea, slippery and designed for thieves.

Just imagine, if this body of nothingness falls into the hands of a wretched hooligan, it will definitely become the nightmare of all women in the world.

Li Guanhai claims to be a gentleman, and he would never do such a despicable and vulgar thing even if he dies or jumps from here.

Mainly because he has not met anyone who needs to use the body of nothingness to spy, otherwise he would not be so firm in his belief in justice.

Although it was already night, the clan of the Gao family was still very lively.

The whole clan migrated, and there were too many things to do. Everyone was busy, and the house was brightly lit, so lively.

Li Guanhai walked among the Gao family members who came and went, and his posture was very much like strolling in the back garden after dinner, very comfortable, not panicking at all.

According to the information provided by the secret line, he soon came to the courtyard where the tall young master lived.

He did not knock on the door, but went directly through the courtyard gate and stood in front of a house in the middle.

There is also a formation outside the house.

He is quite cautious. It seems that this Mr. Gao really has a secret that cannot be told.

If it is really a matchmaking business, will he see an unbearable scene when he goes in later?

Li Guanhai walked through the door and came to the house.

The space in the house is large and the decoration is also very exquisite, but it lacks ornaments to add fun, so it looks a bit monotonous.

Gao Weilue is not in the house.

Li Guanhai looked around, and the red light flowing in his eyes surged into his pupils.

There is a secret passage beside the bed.

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