Being careless is actually quite good. You don’t have to think so much. You just need to eat and sleep every day, and eat after you sleep. You are free and at ease.

Alas, when can I live such a carefree and free life?

Li Guanhai looked up at the blue sky of the inner universe and clenched his fists.

His fingers flashed with white light, and he opened the space portal and was about to leave, when he suddenly heard Yin Bingyan's painful cry from behind him.

Looking back, I saw that she was holding a half-eaten roast leg of lamb in her right hand, covering her forehead with her left hand, and frowning, as if she was enduring pain.

Li Guanhai took back his foot that entered the space portal, frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yin Bingyan covered his head and shook his head: "'s okay. It will be fine after a while."


Li Guanhai said oh and didn't pay much attention. Who doesn't have some minor illnesses these days?

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly stopped and pondered for a long time. The red light in his eyes filled his pupils and he looked at Yin Bingyan again.

I saw that the figure of the elder sister of the Yuanshi Ancestral Court, who was holding her forehead and resisting the pain, became blurred. To be precise, it was not that her body became blurred, but that her soul was trembling and became extremely unstable, creating an afterimage.

Strange, how could this happen?

This kind of situation usually only occurs during the process of seizing a body, or it suffers from some kind of mental attack, causing the soul to be unstable.

Suddenly, Li Guanhai remembered something. The eldest sister of the Yuanshi Ancestral Court seemed to be a priestess in her previous life. Could it be that the memory of her previous life was awakening, causing her soul to become unstable and a little confused?

He thought about it carefully and thought it was very possible.

It's a pity that he is not a member of the Taoist sect and has little research in the area of ​​soul recovery, otherwise he could help her and immediately revive her past life memories.

"Of course there is no other way. You can ask others for advice. There are so many Taoist sects in the upper world. Just pick one, such as Lingxu Mountain and Dihuang Palace. Although these two sects are not orthodox Taoists, they are considered the same sect and have the same origin. There must be one. way."

After a cup of tea, the pain gradually disappeared. Yin Bingyan put down his hand, his face a little pale.

Han Lingxuan, who was enjoying her meal, looked at her and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"Oh, it's okay, don't worry." After Yin Bingyan answered, she realized that Li Guanhai was looking at her, so she explained: "I have often had headaches since I was a child. They used to occur once every few months, but recently they have become more and more frequent. It’s a lot, but it doesn’t last long each time, it gets better after a while.”

"The elders of my sect have also checked me, but they couldn't find anything abnormal. I guess this must be some kind of innate disease."

Li Guanhai stared at her: "You are not just born with a stubborn disease."

Yin Bingyan suddenly became nervous and asked quickly: "Do you know something?"

Li Guanhai answered the question: "I will take you out of the inner universe and to Lingxu Mountain. Maybe I can solve the cause of your headache, but before that."

He took out a dark-colored bracelet, placed it on the table, and pushed it in front of her: "Put it on."

Yin Bingyan picked up the bracelet and turned it over and over, and found that there was nothing special except for a line of incomprehensible runes on the inner circle. She couldn't help but ask, "What's the use of this?"

Li Guanhai's tone was calm: "To prevent you from betraying me and exposing my identity, this bracelet is cursed and can bind you. As long as you dare to have any dissent, even the slightest dissent, I can take your life with just one thought."

Han Lingxuan, who was holding the crystal pig's trotter in her hand, was stunned. She was a little envious. She stretched out her oily white hand and announced: "I want one too."

Li Guanhai didn't even look at her, and said angrily: "If I want a piece of shit, I'll eat it from you."

This heartless woman just loves to join in the fun and has no idea of ​​the seriousness of the matter.

Han Lingxuan snorted, a little aggrieved, and then turned her grievance into strength and ate faster.

Yin Bingyan did not hesitate and put the bracelet on Xue Baihao's wrist. Unexpectedly, as soon as it was put on the wrist, the bracelet stretched out densely packed small tentacles and pierced the flesh.


Yin Bingyan screamed in pain and subconsciously reached out to pick it up. Li Guanhai grabbed him and said in a deep voice: "Don't struggle if you don't want to die, otherwise the power of the curse will be uncontrollable."

Yin Bingyan endured the pain. The pain lasted for a while before dissipating. She looked at her wrist. The bracelet was gone, but there was a circle of ring-shaped runes on her snow-white skin. They were the runes on the inner circle of the bracelet, which had been completely imprinted. On her body.

The eyes of the elder sister of the Yuanshi Ancestral Court suddenly lost their luster. She knew what this meant. From now on, she was Li Guanhai's person. Life or death was in his hands, and she completely lost her freedom. .

But this was a blessing among misfortunes. When she was caught in the inner universe, she had already realized this and was mentally prepared for it.

The reason is simple. She knows the secret of Li Guanhai colluding with the demons to destroy the Yuanshi Ancestral Court. Based on this alone, Li Guanhai will not let her go.

Moreover, she also heard that the young master of Yunweisi was entangled with many women and was a lustful person, so she was very uneasy during this period. She was worried every day, fearing that this guy would show his bestiality and use force on her.

Fortunately, although Li Guanhai was a bit lustful, he was not obscene. He neither bullied her nor made things difficult for her.

This makes Yin Bingyan very confused. If he doesn't kill himself and doesn't covet his beauty, then what is his purpose of locking himself here?

Do you just think it's fun to raise them?

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

Li Guanhai waved his hand in front of her eyes, tilted his head and said, "Let's go."

After saying that, she opened the space portal with her fingertips and walked in first.

Yin Bingyan shook off her messy thoughts and said to Han Lingxuan: "Lingxuan, I'm leaving, take care of yourself."

Han Lingxuan stood up suddenly, followed her happily, and said with a smile: "Hey, I'll go with you."

Yin Bingyan was a little surprised: "He agreed to let you leave?"

Han Lingxuan nodded: "He agreed a long time ago, it's me who doesn't want to leave."

Yin Bingyan wanted to ask why he didn't leave if he could, but Li Guanhai had already disappeared into the space portal, so it was more important to leave here first.

She took the lead in entering the space portal, and Han Lingxuan was about to follow, but was hit by a white shadow and stumbled.

The Puqing God Deer raised its head, and its smart eyes were full of expectations.

Han Lingxuan held it and followed Yin Bingyan.

After a dizzy spell, the first thing that came into view was the azure sky with a few white clouds floating in the sky. When the line of sight moved downward, the sparkling sea in the distance could be seen, and there were a few seabirds circling and hunting.

Feeling the cool breeze blowing past her ears, Yin Bingyan was a little dazed. After being locked up in the inner universe for so long, she really felt like she had been in the world for a thousand years in the seven days in the mountains.

Although the inner universe is also a real world with wind, flowers, trees, blue sky and white clouds, it lacks some of the fireworks of the world.

"Ha, I'm finally out."

Han Lingxuan stretched out, with a satisfied smile on her face, and then clenched her fists, with an excited look on her face: "I want to taste all the delicacies in the upper world!"

The Puqing Divine Deer lying on her shoulder echoed in a crisp voice: "Me too."

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