After hearing this, Li Yanying looked at Yin Bingyan in surprise, and after a while, he said calmly: "Come here."

Yin Bingyan was a little afraid of the petite girl in the red dress, and did not dare to go over. She subconsciously looked at the young man next to her.

Li Guanhai smiled: "Don't be afraid, go over."

Yin Bingyan's heart was slightly settled, and she approached the soft couch nervously.

When she was three steps away from the soft couch, a suction force suddenly came. She subconsciously tightened her legs and used her magic power to resist, but she felt powerless like an ant trying to shake a tree.

She was pulled to the soft couch by an invisible force. When she raised her head, a hand in her sight quickly enlarged and pressed on her head, and then she lost consciousness.

After a long time, Li Yanying withdrew her hand, and Yin Bingyan fell to the ground.

Li Guanhai asked hurriedly: "Grandmaster, how is it?"

Li Yanying sighed: "Alas, it is indeed branded with a curse. This kind of magical power is difficult to deploy and even more difficult to remove."

Li Guanhai's heart sank, "So, even the ancestor is powerless?"

Li Yanying glanced at him: "I am just a shadow body, and the magic power and means I can use are very limited. If I were really here, it would be another matter."

Although Li Guanhai did not hold much hope, he was still a little disappointed.

He also knew that this matter was difficult for Li Yanying. She was indeed powerful and omnipotent, but after all, she was just a shadow body.

And the person who tampered with Yin Bingyan's memory was an incredibly powerful existence. It was normal to be helpless under the situation of one strength and the other weakness.

"But..." Li Yanying suddenly said, "Although I can't completely erase the curse on her, I can weaken it a little and unlock some of her cursed memories. As for which part, no one can control it."

Li Guanhai's face immediately glowed again, and he bowed and said, "Thank you, ancestor."

Li Yanying rolled her eyes at him charmingly and said angrily, "Get out first, don't disturb me casting a spell."


Li Guanhai got out.

He stood outside the palace waiting for most of the day, the sun and the moon rotated, and the stars were high.

Finally, Li Yanying's voice came from inside: "Come in."

Li Guanhai walked into the palace, his eyes swept across Yin Bingyan who was still unconscious, and fell on the fiery red petite figure. Her charming and beautiful cheeks looked a little haggard, and her breath was also unstable, obviously consumed a lot.

Li Guanhai was grateful, but more of a guilty conscience. Whenever he came to her with a problem, she always helped him with all her strength.

When he killed Ao Wuji and was about to be killed by the Dragon Emperor, she came across thousands of miles to save him.

When he was targeted by the Supreme Elder of the Yuanshi Ancestor Court, she rushed to the South Sea Camp alone to vent his anger for him.

She did so much for him, but he didn't give her any return, as if her kindness to him was a matter of course.

This made Li Guanhai feel like he owed her something and felt very uncomfortable.

Li Yanying saw that he looked strange and asked with a smile: "What are you thinking about?"

Li Guanhai stared at the old ancestor in red clothes, and said gently: "Thank you for your hard work."

Li Yanying was surprised: "Why do you suddenly speak human words?"

Li Guanhai smiled and said: "I will cultivate into a mysterious god as soon as possible and go to the fairyland to find you. I won't let you down."

Li Yanying pursed her lips and nodded.

He left the palace with Yin Bingyan and went straight back to the island where he lived.

Until now, he didn't know why Li Yanying left a shadow in the upper world to protect him, and he didn't understand why she needed him to go to the fairyland, and he didn't understand what he could do to help her.

There is one more important thing. She was the shadow left behind during the war in Jiuzhou. Did she know at that time that she would definitely be born in the upper realm?

Many questions could not be answered, which made Li Guanhai eager to break the void as soon as possible, but to solve the doubts in his heart.

Back to the inner island, several women were sitting around the stone table eating.

Li Guanhai landed in front of the palace with Yin Bingyan in his arms, and immediately attracted their attention.

Lu Yulin's eyes lit up, and he waved to call a pretty maid and whispered a few words in her ear.

The pretty maid nodded, turned around and ran away.

Yang Chan'er suddenly jumped up, pointed at Li Guanhai and shouted angrily: "Beast, what are you going to do to Sister Yin Bingyan!"

Li Guanhai was annoyed: "What else can you do? Take her to rest. Can't you see she is sleeping?"

Yang Chan'er threw away the food in her hand, rushed up and grabbed Yin Bingyan into her arms, with a vigilant face: "I'll take her there."

Li Guanhai shrugged: "Whatever you want."

At this time, the pretty maid who ran away came back with a pot of soup.

Gu Xichao's face suddenly sank, staring at the pot of soup.

Lu Yulin asked the pretty maid to put the soup on the table, then ran over and hugged Li Guanhai's arm, "Sir, I specially asked someone to prepare wolfberry, sea cucumber soup for you. It's very nourishing. Come and drink some."

Wasn't it wolfberry and sea cucumber soup last time? Why did they add pig's stomach this time? It's really extravagant.

Lu Yulin turned his head and his face suddenly changed, angry and anxious.

It turned out that Gu Xichao took advantage of her inattention and drank from the pot without any martial ethics, which completely overturned her cold image in Li Guanhai's mind.

Having reached her level of cultivation, she was no longer afraid of food burning her mouth, so she drank very quickly, which could be called a storm of inhalation.

When Lu Yulin rushed over to stop him, the soup had already run out, leaving only tonic and pig's stomach, as well as some thick soup.

Her nose felt sour, her mouth flattened, and she ran to Li Guanhai with the pot to complain.

Li Guanhai smiled and comforted, and pretended to scold Gu Xichao, then took the pot from Lu Yulin's arms, sat in front of the stone table and ate all the pig's stomach inside, not even letting go of the soup base.

Gu Xichao ignored Lu Yulin's fierce eyes and asked, "Did you take that girl to see the ancestor just now? What happened to her?"

Li Guanhai told her everything.

Gu Xichao was also shocked, and murmured, "I didn't expect that the erosion power of the East China Sea would involve an incredible person."

What she didn't expect was that Yin Bingyan was actually related to that mysterious person.

These secrets are not what she can understand now. What refining the world, what reincarnation, these mysterious means are too far away from her.

After chatting for a long time, it was late at night, and everyone went back to their rooms, either resting or practicing.

In order to protect Yin Bingyan from Li Guanhai's harm, Yang Chan'er stayed in her room directly, like a loyal guard to protect her master.

They have only known each other for a few days. I really don't understand how such a deep sisterly relationship was cultivated.

In the dim palace, Li Guanhai sat on the soft couch to practice.

Suddenly, the heavy hollow palace door opened a crack, and a head poked in, sneaking in. It was Lu Yulin.

She moved into the palace and closed the door gently. In the dim environment, she saw a faint light flashing in front of her. The light was very gentle and not dazzling.

When the light came on, it illuminated a handsome and flawless face.

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