"The three seas in the west, north and south also have erosion power?"

Li Guanhai, who heard the news from Li Ningshuang, had a serious face and frowned.

The Yunwei Division has spies all over the world, and any news from all over the world will be passed back to the Yunwei Division.

Li Ningshuang has many people under her, most of whom were sent by her to collect information, but because she has been following Li Guanhai around these days, the news was received a little late.

According to the time calculation, the erosion power in the three seas should have appeared half a month ago.

Li Ningshuang whispered: "Master, there is one more thing. The East Sea Clan proposed to migrate the whole clan to the land, and Senior Xiahou agreed."

Li Guanhai pondered for a while and nodded: "Well, we should agree, so that they won't jump off the wall."

Yang Chan'er, who was sitting on the side eating cakes, had a bitter face and worried: "What should we do? The four seas have the power of erosion, and only the land is left in the middle, but it will fall sooner or later."

Li Guanhai glanced at her: "If the sky falls, there will be a tall person to hold it up. Why are you, a little girl, worrying about it?"

Yang Chan'er was not convinced, but she didn't dare to say anything.

Li Guanhai exhaled and said, "Ningshuang, return to Yunwei Division."

Li Ningshuang's eyes lit up, and she said in surprise, "Master, has your cultivation reached a bottleneck?"

Li Guanhai nodded, "Not yet, but almost. I have to make adequate preparations and accumulate spiritual power to the bottleneck. When that huge wish power comes, I will be able to break through in one fell swoop."

"Yes, Master."

Li Ningshuang smiled from the bottom of her heart, turned the flying boat around, and headed straight for Yunwei Division.

It takes time to become a Xuanxian. Li Guanhai didn't know how long it would take.

A few days later, the flying boat returned to the inner island of Yunwei Division.

Li Guanhai told Li Ningshuang and Yue Ling all the things that needed to be explained. As for Yadela, because Lin Si was afraid of strangers, she had been accompanying him at the front line of the East China Sea, and she was not in Yunwei Division at this time.

After giving instructions, he began to retreat.

I remember that when he broke through the Xuanhuang realm, he was in seclusion for a full ten years. This time, he broke through the Xuanxian realm, and I don’t know when he can come out of seclusion.

The migration of the East China Sea sea tribe is proceeding in an orderly manner. There was no conflict during the process. Those sea tribes were honest and did not make any trouble.

The various sects wisely separated them and did not arrange them together. This was to prevent them from plotting. Once discovered, they could be extinguished with thunder.

But not all the East China Sea sea tribes have migrated to the land, because now only one-third of the East China Sea has been eroded, and the remaining sea area is still suitable for survival, but the spiritual power is much thinner.

The sea tribes that migrated to the land this time are generally not very strong.

The big tribes such as the Ancient Dragon Clan and the Giant Whale Clan did not take any action because their foundation was too deep and feared.

Similarly, the other party was also very fearful, fearing that the human race was inviting them into a trap and wanted to surround and annihilate them, so they planned to wait and see first.

After months of delay, the erosion force has not been resolved, and even those Xuanshen realm masters have difficulty getting close to the submarine volcano.

The closer they get to the volcano, the stronger the erosion force becomes. Even their protective Qi will be eroded, and they must constantly use their magic power to repair it.

Fortunately, the magic power of the Xuanshen masters is as vast as the sea, and they can afford it, otherwise they may not be able to get close to the submarine volcano.

Nearly half of the East China Sea has been swallowed up by the erosion force, and the rest of the sea clan, led by the ancient dragon clan, have to migrate to land.

All sects attach great importance to this matter and pay close attention to prevent them from making trouble.

Fortunately, the sea clan knows that the overall situation is important. Now the creatures in the upper realm should work together to find a way to solve the problem instead of fighting among themselves.

Compared with the bad situation in the East China Sea, the situation in the other three seas is much better. Although the erosion force is also spreading, the speed is frighteningly slow. After a few months, not even one-thirtieth of the sea area has been covered.

One-thirtieth, it seems that the proportion is small, but the area is actually not small.

That is the sea. If the sea is divided into thirty sea areas, the area of ​​one of them is frighteningly large.

In the past few months, the monks in the upper world have become more and more panicked. What happened in the East China Sea is no secret, and it soon spread to major towns.

The monks are worried and have no intention of practicing.

The common people are trembling and have no intention of farming.

The sky is about to fall, and there is no point in planting the land!

Xiahou Xianchao, Qiongqing Palace, in the study.

Xiahou Aoxue, wearing a light blue ice phoenix robe, sat behind the desk and read the news sent back by the spies from all over the world.

She frowned slightly because the development of the situation was completely different from what she remembered.

In the previous life, there was no erosion force. It was Li Guanhai who mobilized the power of the Cloud Guards to destroy the void and repair the damaged heaven and earth, and slaughtered the creatures wantonly.

Everyone is born for a reason. As long as they are born in this world, they will take away a part of their luck, causing the Heavenly Dao to be incomplete and unable to break the void.

As long as they are killed, their luck can return to the Heavenly Dao.

This is the consequence of the final holy war. The reason why Li Yanying planned the war in Jiuzhou was to make all living beings kill each other, so as to complete the Heavenly Dao and ascend to the fairyland.

The power of the Yunwei Division is far beyond imagination, and countless sects and forces have been destroyed by it.

Later, the remaining human race united with other races to form an alliance, and united as one to fight against the Yunwei Division.

But Li Guanhai controlled the Yin Qi of the Mingshan Juemai and led the top masters of the Yunwei Division to break through the alliance and kill them all.

That war lasted for nearly a hundred years, with blood flowing into the sea and corpses piled up like mountains. The cruelty of the war was no less than the final holy war at the beginning of the world.

But why are the things happening in this life so different from the previous life?

First of all, the war between the human race and the sea race broke out, which did not happen in the previous life, and there was no erosion force.

Xiahou Aoxue thought about it and realized that things did not develop according to the original trajectory, which meant that her ending would also change.

In fact, she realized this a long time ago.

At this moment, she felt happy and disappointed.

She was happy that she didn't have to experience the pain of being abandoned by her loved ones again.

She was disappointed because she wanted to see what choice Li Guanhai would make in this life.

She sighed softly, and then smiled lightly.


Yunwei Division, Inner Island

Gu Xichao looked at Yang Chan'er, worried: "Chan'er, stop eating, look at you, your face has become rounder."

Yang Chan'er had a plate of sugar-coated peanuts on her legs, and she threw them into her mouth one by one, chewing them crunchy.

What are sugar-coated peanuts? They are peanuts wrapped in a layer of sugar crisps on the outside and specially treated peanuts inside.

This kind of peanuts is sweet and fragrant, and is the best way to satisfy your cravings when you are bored.

A few months later, Yang Chan'er, whose face was obviously round, was a little unhappy and said, "How can it be round? I am still very thin, okay."

Gu Xichao pinched her round face, which felt very good, soft and elastic.

She suddenly stopped moving, and her eyes fell on the room behind Yang Chan'er.

A tall figure pushed the door and walked out. It was Yin Bingyan.

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