Li Guanhai, who was about to take action, saw that the situation was looking good, so he withdrew the magic power gathered in the acupoints around his body, ready to surge out at any time, and said with a smile: "With the three sect leaders here, as well as the sect leaders of various sects in the far north, those marine creatures have lifted the Can't afford any trouble."

Jiang Xiyue shook her head: "These are just soldiers and generals who can't stand the stage. The real difficulty is yet to come."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a waterspout rising from behind the ice wall and colliding with the raging hundred-foot fire dragon.

Among the five elements, water can overcome fire. Although this fire dragon was condensed by Master Shen using magic weapons and was different from ordinary fire, it still fell behind.

The water and fire merged, and a large amount of white smoke suddenly evaporated. The hundred-foot fire dragon was extinguished, and the waterspout also exploded, turning into a ferocious ocean beast. It was much larger than ordinary ocean beasts and pounced on the retreating people. All the monks.

Although they are marine creatures, their running speed on land is not slow at all. They can almost fly close to the ground, and their movements are extremely fast.

Zhou Wen and Ling Shuo looked cautious and activated their magic weapons repeatedly, trying to stop them.

But these marine creatures are extremely sensitive to early warnings of crisis, and their reactions are ridiculously fast. Coupled with their swift movements, they have been able to avoid Zhou Wen's wind blade and the earth wall built by Ling Shuo one after another.

The ferocious beast quickly caught up with the monks, like a tiger among wolves.

The monks immediately used the energy to protect their bodies, but they were torn apart by the sharp claws of the beasts like paper, and they pounced on their bodies and bit them.

The ferocious beasts do not need to bite the human monks to death; they only need to bite or scratch them to render them incapable of fighting.

The situation in the field was suddenly not optimistic. The retreating monks were fighting with the pursuing ocean beasts, which was extremely chaotic.

In this case, it is not advisable for Shen Zhenren and others to use their magic weapons, because it is easy to accidentally injure friendly forces.

Li Guanhai, who was high up in the sky, frowned: "Don't you mean that these marine creatures have no intelligence and only know how to bite people? Then how did they escape those wind blades and earth walls just now?"

Jiang Xiyue said: "These are the difficult marine creatures I am talking about. They have been severely eroded and mutated. Not only have their size and appearance changed dramatically, but they have also regained some intelligence and become extremely cunning and powerful. Extremely difficult to deal with.”

"That's not what's great about them, you see."

Li Guanhai looked at the chaotic battle situation and clearly saw several ocean beasts that looked like hyenas pounced on the corpses of human monks to suck their blood. Then their bodies began to expand at the speed of the naked eye, becoming more ferocious and bloodthirsty, and pounced on them. Other monks.

Jiang Xiyue explained: "These things are not as simple as we think. They don't need to eat, are not afraid of pain, and are not hungry, but they will become extremely excited once they smell the smell of blood."

"After they bite the monks to death, they can absorb the energy and blood to strengthen themselves and become more powerful, and there will be no end."

She sighed and continued: "We have encountered an extremely powerful beast. We don't know how much blood it has absorbed from the monks. Its body has become larger than the military tent, and it is extremely fast and extremely powerful. , even Master is no match for it.”

Li Guanhai frowned and looked cautious.

This was somewhat different from the news he had learned. If these marine creatures could really strengthen themselves by absorbing the blood of monks, it would be a very scary thing.

In Li Guanhai's view, the reason why Shen Zhenren couldn't defeat the powerful beast Jiang Xiyue mentioned was because he couldn't fight it.

That ferocious beast has extremely strong vitality. When Master Shen wounded it, it felt no pain or itching.

On the other hand, if Shen Zhenren is scratched or bitten by it, the corrosive force will immediately flow into the eight extraordinary meridians along the blood. Although with her cultivation, she can force the corrosive force out of the body afterwards, but the bite will The combat power will drop in an instant, and it will be impossible to fight at all.

Li Guanhai sighed: "If these marine creatures can be collected and used by me, it will be easy to expand the territory."

It is indeed a piece of cake, because this is an army that does not need food, grass, or rest, and it becomes more and more courageous as it fights.

Jiang Xiyue was a little anxious: "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to help."

After saying that, she swooped down with the sword in hand and rushed towards the sea creatures.

Gu Xichao said: "Guan Hai, I'm going to help too."

Li Guanhai reminded: "Be careful."


Gu Xichao nodded and rushed down.

The other women did not intend to sit idly by and turned into divine rainbows and rushed towards the battlefield.

With several women wearing armor and going into battle, it would be unreasonable for Li Guanhai to paddle again.

The runes on his palm flickered and disappeared, appearing in front of a monk whose body-protecting energy was shattered and who was about to be sucked out of his energy and blood by a vicious beast.

The mana gathered in the large acupoints all over his body surged out, golden light enveloped his palm, and he smashed the beast's head into pieces with one palm.

Immediately, the flesh and blood burst apart, and the corrosive force spread in all directions. Most of it seeped into the ground, immediately staining a large area of ​​soil black.

The monk who walked in front of the gate of hell swallowed his saliva, feeling lingering fear, and then immediately bowed his hands and said, "Thank you, Young Master Guanhai, for saving me."

Li Guanhai tilted his head: "Be careful, don't be careless."

After saying that, with a whooshing sound, a strong wind was set off and disappeared. He came to the front of the monks, brought up the golden light with his palms, the dragon shadow roared and circled, and pushed out with one palm!

The two golden dragons came out in shock. They were so fierce that the ferocious beasts that rushed towards them were instantly crushed into powder, and the ground was shaking.

The Heaven-Shaking Dragon-Subduing Palm is a magical power that can cause large-scale destruction. With this palm, two dragons will come out, and countless marine creatures will die tragically on the spot.

Jiang Xiyue, who was not far away, was about to perform a sword technique, but the beast in front of her was inexplicably broken.

She looked at Li Guanhai with a complicated look.

"It's only been a few years since we last met, and he has become so powerful."

Shan Tu in the crowd looked at the powerful Li Guanhai and was glad that he had escaped.

If he had used this palm technique when they fought just now, he would have been reincarnated long ago.

Yang Chan'er's big eyes sparkled, and she was very interested in the palm technique that Li Guanhai had just performed. She was thinking about learning this palm technique when she had time.

After learning this palm technique, she would be invincible in the chaos of the army, how majestic it would be.

Just as she imagined, Li Guanhai was like an invincible god of war. He jumped into the enemy group, and the dragon shadow roared and crisscrossed.

At this moment, Li Guanhai's magic power was extremely strong and profound. A palm with his hand had infinite power, and no one could get close to him within three feet.

Those marine creatures who tried to get close were all torn to pieces by the palm power surrounding them, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Several divine rainbows came over, and they were the powerful figures such as Shen Zhenren.

They all took action, activated their magic weapons, and shared the pressure for Li Guanhai.

The situation in the field was reversed in an instant, and marine creatures died in large numbers.

Although they were difficult to deal with, they were no different from lambs to be slaughtered in front of the real strong.

At this time, a deafening roar of a beast exploded.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw a huge beast running wildly behind the dark sea creatures, and the ground was shaking and rumbling.

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