As Fairy Wu Gou was thinking about this, she suddenly saw a very high and steep mountain at the end of the horizon, like a pillar of heaven, piercing the sky.

Strangely, the sky there was dark, with thunderclouds rolling in the sky, and purple and red lightning shuttled through the clouds, giving people the first impression that it was a very evil place.

Fairy Wu Gou pointed to the mountain and asked, "Master Guanhai, why is there so much evil energy there, like hell?"

Li Guanhai smiled and replied, "Oh, there is a weapon stuck on the top of the mountain, and the evil energy is overwhelming, which affects the surrounding environment, so it becomes like that."


Fairy Wu Gou nodded, and noticed a strange dragon crawling on the plain. Looking more carefully, there was a formation barrier around the strange dragon, and it was trapped here.

"Sir, what is that?"

"Oh, he is the Red Emperor, the last Red Emperor in the world. Before the war in Jiuzhou, he fled to the East China Sea to avoid being hunted by human monks and hid in a volcano on the seabed."

"East China Sea? Inside a volcano? Could it be the volcano that released the erosion force?"


Fairy Wu Gou widened her eyes, glanced at the strange dragon, and then looked at Li Guanhai, "Could it be related to this matter?"

Li Guanhai smiled and shook his head: "I thought so at first, but after asking, I found out that this stupid dragon just happened to hide in that volcano. It has nothing to do with the erosion force. If I hadn't caught it here, I'm afraid it would have been contaminated by the erosion force and turned into an evil dragon. Now..."

He waved his sleeves, and the sound of shackles breaking came from below, followed by the long roar of the Red Emperor, and a strong wind rolled up from below, blowing the clouds and mist to flow quickly.

Fairy Wu Gou and Lu Xuanjing looked at him in confusion.

Li Guanhai explained: "I locked it up before because I couldn't defeat it and was afraid that it would be wild and unruly."

"Now that I have broken through to the Xuanxian realm, I have enough power to control it. There is no need to lock it up anymore. It is a good choice to train it as a battle pet."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge red shadow rose into the sky, and a strong wind blew in the face. The Chidi, who was as big as a mountain, flapped his wings, and stared at the three people with two vertical pupils as big as water tanks.

To be precise, he stared at Li Guanhai.

The huge sense of oppression made the Immortal Fairy Wuque and Lu Xuanjing couldn't help but take three steps back, take out their weapons, gather magic power to fill the acupoints around their bodies, and be ready to attack at any time.

Only Li Guanhai stood there motionless, his slender and sharp black eyes stared at the vertical pupils of the Chidi calmly, and a golden rope slipped from his sleeves and was held in his hand.

The frequency of the Red Emperor flapping his wings decreased, and the fierceness in his eyes also dissipated a lot. He opened his bloody mouth and quacked a lot of bird language. Li Guanhai didn't understand a word.

The strong wind blew the veil tightly against the cheek of the Immortal Fairy. She whispered: "Sir, it seems to be saying something to you."

Li Guanhai said seriously, "Well, I know, I don't understand."

Immortal Fairy: "..."

Lu Xuanjing suddenly said: "It's asking you why you let it go."

They turned their heads to look at her, and Li Guanhai asked: "Strange, you obviously didn't understand the ancient language last time."

Lu Xuanjing said reservedly: "The second elder gave me an ancient book, which was recorded in ancient language. I couldn't understand it, so I had to go to the library to study, so I knew it."

Immortal Fairy wanted to ask but stopped.

Li Guanhai said happily: "Then tell it, I want it to follow me."

Lu Xuanjing conveyed his words.

The Red Emperor opened his bloody mouth and uttered a long string of words.

Lu Xuanjing raised her eyebrows, looking a little surprised, and then relayed: "It said it was willing."

Li Guanhai was also surprised. He didn't expect it to be so smooth. This dragon is too spineless.

Wait, is it male or female?

If it is male, it's okay. If it is female... Oh my god, it won't fall in love with me, right?

Li Guanhai took a look at the Red Emperor, who was bigger than a mountain, swallowed his saliva, and felt a chill.

"Xuanjing, please ask for me, is it male or female."

He made up his mind. If it is male, then stay. If it is female, then bye bye.

Lu Xuanjing frowned: "Why are you asking this?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, just ask for me."


Lu Xuanjing repeated the question again, and after getting the answer, she said: "Male."

"Huh, that's good."

Li Guanhai breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Chidi, and said: "Then from now on, I will let you leave the inner universe, but you must be honest and not cause trouble outside."

Lu Xuanjing acted as a translator again very obediently.

Chidi responded with a howl.

"It said it knew."

"Then ask it again, what is its name?"

"It said it is called Noki."

"Weak chicken?"

Li Guanhai frowned, with a strange expression.

This name is not very auspicious.

"Ask it if it is willing to change."

Lu Xuanjing hesitated for a while, but still conveyed his words, and then said: "It disagrees. It says that a real man should not change his name or surname."

"Okay, it's okay if it's a weak chicken."

Li Guanhai did not force it, opened the space portal, and the three people and the dragon left the inner universe together.

Fairy Wuque was still a little reluctant. It was her first time to see the inner universe and such a magnificent scenery. She wanted to stay a little longer.

But there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, so there is no need to rush.

As soon as he left the inner universe, Noki let out a long roar, flapped his wings and rushed into the sky, extremely happy.

Li Guanhai did not stop him.

We are not afraid of it running away. Even if we let it run for three days and three nights, we can still catch up with it.

A few days later, everyone came to the location of the Earth Emperor Palace. The elder Zhu Sheng and the second elder Jian Qiulu came out to greet the Purple Nether Venerable.

The Purple Nether Venerable explained his purpose. Zhu Sheng certainly would not refuse. He readily agreed and helped the Bichen Palace to settle down.

Fairy Wu Gou is the saint of the Bichen Palace. She cannot be idle, so she also went to work.

As a good sister, Lu Xuanjing certainly would not stand idly by.

At this time, a long whistle came from the sky, and a huge black shadow was cast. Noki folded his wings, like a meteorite falling from the sky. When he was still dozens of feet away from the ground, he suddenly opened his wings and flapped them vigorously.

Instantly, a strong wind blew, sand and stones flew, and dust and smoke filled the sky.

Many disciples of the Earth Emperor Palace and Bichen Palace who were passing by raised their hands to cover their eyes and could not open their eyes.

Venerable Zi Ming and Zhu Sheng, who were laughing and talking, and several elders all looked up at the same time, with different expressions.

The wind and sand blew in front of them and were separated by an invisible force.

Zhu Sheng looked carefully and said in surprise after a while: "Is this the Red Emperor?"

Venerable Zi Ming, leaning on a cane and squinting his eyes, nodded: "It is the Red Emperor. I didn't expect that the Red Emperor, one of the Five Elements Gods that was extinct during the final holy war, is still alive in the world."

Second Elder Jian Qiulu squinted and said: "It looks like it is the war pet of Master Guanhai. It is really capable."

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