Hao Yuan's performance did not disappoint the elders. He inherited the luck, as if he was enlightened by the gods. He suddenly became enlightened. He could learn anything at once. His comprehension was much stronger than before, and his cultivation was also improving rapidly.

What was even more rare was his mentality. After learning that he would definitely become the successor of the clan leader, he did not get carried away, nor did he show off in front of his former competitors. Instead, he became more low-key. Every day, he practiced and practiced, and he hardly stepped out of the courtyard.

About half a month ago, the clan leader suddenly summoned him, saying that the young master Guanhai was going to marry Xiahou Aoxue on July 7, and asked him to come to celebrate.

A large part of Hao Yuan's ability to inherit the luck was due to Li Guanhai, so he readily agreed, and he was really a little bored and wanted to go out for a walk.

He liked to travel and play. When he traveled to the upper realm to find the "Green Emperor's Legacy", although he had a mission, he also enjoyed it because he could express his feelings in the mountains and rivers and roam freely in the rivers and lakes.

Hao Yuan bowed and said, "Master Guanhai, congratulations, lovers finally get married."

Li Guanhai smiled and said, "Congratulations to you too, your cultivation has made great progress."

Hearing this, Hao Yuan smiled bitterly, "I was originally very proud of this, but I heard a rumor some time ago, and suddenly felt that my cultivation over the years was really in vain."

Li Guanhai raised his eyebrows, "What rumor?"

Hao Dongling behind him curled her lips and said in a delicate voice, "Tsk, of course it's the rumor that you broke through the Xuanxian realm."

Li Guanhai showed an exaggerated look of sudden enlightenment, "So you know it too, haha, I thought you didn't know."

Hao Dongling curled her lips and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Li Guanhai chatted with Hao Yuan for a long time, and then took them to their residence to settle down.

When leaving, Hao Dongling ran over, looked at him expectantly, and said with a smile: "Hey, I heard that Yunweisi has an inner island, which is like a fairyland on earth, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely rich. I haven't seen it yet. Can you take me to see it?"

"Of course."

Li Guanhai agreed happily, and then looked at Hao Yuan, "Brother Hao Yuan, come together?"

Hao Yuan shook his head, "No, I won't go."

Li Guanhai took Hao Dongling through the teleportation array and came to the inner island.

The girl, who had almost never left the Qingdi clan, exclaimed from the bottom of her heart, looking at the floating islands, her beautiful eyes widened, and the whole person was stunned.

Li Guanhai waved his hand in front of her and said with a smile: "Are you just standing here? Do you want me to take you around?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the space in front of him fluctuated, and Li Ningshuang, wearing a dark green dress, appeared. Her light blue eyes first glanced at Hao Dongling, and then said: "Master, the wife of the general flag master invites you to come over."

Hao Dongling immediately said: "You go and do your work, I will go around by myself."

Li Guanhai glanced at her and shook his head and said: "You are a guest, it would be too rude if no one accompanies you. How about this, Ningshuang, you take Miss Dongling to the island where I live, and let Yang Chaner take her around."

"Yes, Master."

Li Ningshuang nodded, and after he left, she smiled at Hao Dongling who was looking around, and said softly: "Miss Dongling, please follow me."


Li Guanhai came to the main peak temple and saw Shen Lanyue and Li Yuan who were leisurely drinking tea and discussing the details of tomorrow's wedding banquet.

Seeing her son coming in, Shen Lanyue's smile spread immediately. She pulled him to sit down and said, "Guanhai, the wedding procession has been arranged for you. You will set off at the end of the morning hour tomorrow. The teleportation arrays in various places have been established. Your father has sent many strong men to guard them. There will be no accidents."

Li Guanhai nodded, "I know, mother."

Then he curled his lips and smiled, "Even if no strong men are sent to guard them, I guess no one dares to touch the teleportation arrays established by my Yunwei Division."

Shen Lanyue disagreed with her son's words and shook her head, "It's easy to get along with gentlemen, but it's hard to guard against villains. There are countless people in the upper realm who don't want you to marry Aoxue. Of course, these people dare not make trouble openly, but if they have the opportunity to ruin this marriage, they will definitely not let it go."

"Guanhai, marriage is a big deal, and you are my son. Your marriage cannot allow any changes or accidents, so the villains' hearts must be killed!"

At this point, the smile on her face disappeared, and her expression was solemn.

Shen Lanyue is a woman who protects her own shortcomings. She dotes on her only son and wants to give him the best things in the world. She will not allow him to suffer any damage or grievance.

This doting is not because Li Guanhai is gifted, but simply because a mother dotes on her son, although this doting is often based on the pain of others.

"Don't worry, mother, there won't be any accidents tomorrow."

Li Guanhai comforted her like this, but it was not really comforting, because this was the fact.

Even if someone really makes trouble tomorrow, I'm afraid that before they can take action, they will be quietly sent to reincarnation by the masters hidden in the dark of the Yunwei Division.

Shen Lanyue also told her many things, such as what to do after the wedding team arrives at the Xiahou Xian Dynasty, and how to deal with accidents.

Li Yuan was a little impatient and said, "Okay, Guanhai will solve these problems himself. He is such a big man."

Shen Lanyue was upset when she was interrupted. She turned her head and glanced at him, saying unhappily: "What do you know? I have been busy these days, and you only know how to do your own things all day, or sit there with Yan Gu and drink tea and talk. You don't care about such a big thing as your son's marriage?"

Yan Gu, who was standing aside, was a little embarrassed. He looked away and pretended not to hear Shen Lanyue's words.

Li Guanhai could understand his current mood. It felt like he went to play with his classmates, but his classmate's mother scolded her son for playing all day. Although he was not scolded, he would still be offended and feel guilty that he should not go to play with his classmates.

Li Yuan said: "Who said I didn't care? I selected the people in the wedding team, and I also urged the construction of the teleportation array on the way. I also arranged the seats on each island, and I did a lot of things."

Shen Lanyue saw that he dared to argue with her, and her eyebrows were raised, and she wanted to argue with him.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Guanhai immediately interrupted: "Well, father, have all the forces that received the invitation come? Are there any absentees?"

Shen Lanyue snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Li Yuan looked at his son gratefully and nodded: "Almost all of them are here. I didn't pay much attention to it. It doesn't matter if they come or not. Oh, by the way, the people from the Earth Emperor Palace and the Bichen Palace have not come yet. I heard that you have contact with the Immortal Fairy and Lu Xuanjing. Logically, they should be present."

Shen Lanyue also looked at his son.

Li Guanhai looked outside the palace and said in an uncertain tone: "They should... come, right?"

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