Lu Xuanjing said: "Actually, I had expected that such a day would come. At that time, I didn't feel anything. Who does this guy marry, and what does it have to do with me? I thought I would not care, but when things happened, I realized You couldn't be more wrong."

Fairy Wugou pursed her lips, "That's because you are really in love with him, but you have been deliberately avoiding your own feelings. You told yourself in your heart that you were forced. Only this excuse can make you as the Emperor of the Earth Palace Holy girl, you feel better, but you don’t know that your love has been deeply rooted and you can’t extricate yourself.”

She spoke with great emotion, as if she had experienced it herself.

Lu Xuanjing, who was always in a low mood and had no expression on her face, raised her eyebrows, looked at her good sisters in surprise, and asked curiously: "Why do you know so much?"


Fairy Wugou was choked by her, and after pondering for a long time, she explained seriously: "Youdao is a fan of the authorities, and bystanders are wise. After all, I am not involved, so I can see many things more clearly than you, the person involved."

In fact, the incident between Lu Xuanjing and Li Guanhai has never been told to Fairy Wu Gu. After all, what happened in the valley outside Changhong City was so disgraceful that she did not want to mention it to anyone.

Until not long ago, Fairy Wugou informed Lu Xuanjing of the news of Li Guanhaiao's marriage. At that time, she seemed to be struck by five thunders, and she froze in place.

Later, under the questioning of Fairy Wugou, Lu Xuanjing told what happened back then. The former had guessed that the relationship between the good sisters and Li Guanhai was unclear, but she did not expect that there would be so many twists and turns.

After learning that her good sister's innocence was forcibly taken away by Li Guanhai, she was filled with indignation. The glorious image of Li Guanhai was shaken in her heart, and she felt that he was a lecher.

It looked quite decent, but I didn't expect that he would do such a beastly thing.

Lu Xuanjing told the truth, but did not tell the whole truth. For example, the reason why Li Guanhai took her by force was because he wanted to obtain the refining method of the Earth Emperor's Dao Seal.

She also did not reveal that the reincarnation of the Earth Emperor in this life was killed by Li Guanhai, nor did she reveal any clues that he had colluded with the demons, because this kind of thing cannot be said, and it has nothing to do with trust or distrust, because once she says it, she It is equivalent to betraying Li Guanhai.

Fairy Wu Guo is so smart. After learning part of the truth, she immediately deduced more doubts that had never been solved in the past. To this day, she is 100% sure that the reincarnation of the Emperor of the Earth in this life is to die. At the hands of Li Guanhai, even if Lu Xuanjing was not an accomplice, she was still responsible for covering up. It was impossible for her not to know about this.

Although she had guessed it, Fairy Wu Guo pretended not to know and did not mention it. She just looked at Li Guanhai with a strange look.

In the past, in her mind, Li Guanhai was not only a lifesaver and a destined person, but also a model of righteousness who was righteous and cared about the common people.

But now, she discovered that this model of righteousness also has flaws, such as being romantic and lustful, being cruel and ruthless, etc...

But looking back on the past, it seems that he has not done anything harmful to the world. On the contrary, he has also done many good deeds that are praised by people all over the world. For example, Silver Moon Island rescued hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who could not afford ferry tickets. He single-handedly blocked the strong demons and covered the evacuation of the human race. He himself was trapped in the demon cave and almost died.

This contrast made Fairy Wu Guo very conflicted, and she couldn't relax after thinking about it for several days.

Fortunately, she was not as stubborn as Lu Xuanjing, and she was not as aggressive as she was, so it didn't take long for her to feel relieved.

In today's world, there are few pure good people. Even she herself has selfish motives. Even the master who is full of knowledge and poetry in Zhulu Academy treats his students differently, let alone him?

The monks of Daguangming Temple keep saying that all living beings are equal, and the first of the five precepts is not to kill, but when they eradicated dissidents, they did not show the goodness of God.

Li Guanhai is neither a saint nor a monk with a scar on his head. It is quite enough to be able to achieve this level.

She came today, firstly to celebrate, and secondly, to keep an eye on her good sister to prevent her from causing any trouble on impulse. The last purpose after that was actually to watch a good show.

Li Guanhai's reputation as a romantic is as resounding as his reputation as a role model. Now that he is getting married, there is no guarantee that there will be some interesting drama on the night of the wedding banquet.

Nothing happened, which made Fairy Wushou a little disappointed.

Li Guanhai quietly breathed a sigh of relief for an unknown number of times.

The wedding banquet lasted for a full two and a half hours, during which the food and wine on every table were served immediately after finishing the meal. Looking at the rosy faces and drunken looks of the guests, they were obviously very happy.

At the end of the wedding banquet, according to the rules, the groom had to bring the bride to toast each table of guests. Considering that Xiahou Aoxue was wearing a veil and could not take it off, Li Guanhai just took her with him and drank all the wine alone.

For a man to be responsible, blocking the drink for his woman is a basic operation.

After a toast, the two came to the table in the corner, which was Li Chengwang's table.

They stood up and picked up their glasses.

Li Guanhai said: "Thank you so much for coming all the way to Yunwei Division to congratulate me. Guanhai is very grateful and I would like to toast you all here."

After saying that, he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass.

Li Chengwang and the others also raised their heads to drink. Jiang Xiyue took one more look at Xiahou Aoxue, who was wearing a veil, and sighed that this woman was truly beautiful.

She was not familiar with Xiahou Aoxue and had no interactions with her. The last time she saw her in the Far North, she only had a quick glance from a distance. At that time, she felt that this woman was quite strong and was a little puzzled as to how Li Guanhai could tolerate such a woman.

Now, after appreciating her appearance and temperament up close, Jiang Xiyue suddenly realized.

This woman was indeed strong, but this was one of her charms. Coupled with her unique status and her unrivaled appearance, she was enough to make any man in the world fall in love with her.

After toasting, Li Guanhai took Xiahou Aoxue to the main table, and in the process, he did not look at Gu Xi and glanced at their table.

When he toasted just now, he deliberately avoided this table because it was too embarrassing.

Li Yanying looked at him with an intoxicating smile on her face, raised her snow-white pointed chin, and said, "Guanhai, there is still one table to toast."

This woman!

Li Guanhai gritted his teeth secretly, and under the gaze of the guests, he smiled nonchalantly: "Haha, they don't need to, we are all so familiar with each other."

Li Yanying shook her head: "It is precisely because of the familiarity that you should thank them for coming to your wedding banquet. What, are you embarrassed?"

"Of course not, my aunt is right, in this case..."

Li Guanhai gritted his teeth and brought Xiahou Aoxue to the table of his confidantes, poured a glass of wine, and drank it in one gulp without saying a word.

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