The Dragon King's integrity of willing to die rather than be humiliated is indeed admirable, but if he really succeeds, the losses this time will be huge.

How could Li Guanhai let him get his wish? With a thought in his mind, the black chains wrapped around the Dragon Emperor's body tightened, and the flowing red light in his eyes surged into his pupils, forming two red vortexes that pulled the Dragon Emperor's mind in.

On a normal day, the Demon Lord's Eye would definitely not be able to control the Dragon King's mind. After all, he is a powerful person in the Hedao Realm, and his will must be very firm.

Moreover, there is a whole huge realm difference between the two of them, and the Demon Lord's Eye can only play a supporting role at most, such as affecting the opponent's mind at critical moments and causing him to be in a trance.

Or you can predict the enemy first, see through the opponent's movements and trajectory, and avoid it in advance.

At this moment, the Dragon King was seriously injured and captured. His position was in chaos, his six gods were without a master, and his mental state was in a trance, so the Demon Lord's Eye could take advantage of it and control it.

Looking at the Dragon King whose expression was dull and whose mana was no longer restless, Li Guanhai breathed a sigh of relief, then raised his head and smiled. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt something and looked back.

I saw two faint golden lights appearing on the horizon, rushing towards here through the clouds and fog.

Li Guanhai's sleeves bulged, and the Immortal Cauldron of Creation hidden in his sleeves gushes out a ball of black light, sucking in the Dragon King who has completely controlled his mind.

In less than half a cup of tea, two rays of golden light far away in the horizon had already reached the top of the head. Suddenly they turned around and fell vertically. They were the two sword immortals of Lingxu Mountain.

Before Li Guanhai could speak, he heard Yu Hong ask carelessly: "Boy, are you not injured? Where is the ferocious beast?"

"I don't know, I haven't met him."

"Didn't you see it?" Yu Hong looked puzzled, and then asked: "What happened to the earth-shattering vision on the sea just now?"

Li Guanhai said truthfully: "It's like this. After I explored the submarine volcano, I was assassinated as soon as I came out of the sea. They trapped me with a large formation and wanted to surround and kill me."

The expressions of the two sword immortals changed at the same time. Yu Hong raised his eyebrows and said in a deep voice: "Who is so brave to attack you?"

Li Guanhai said: "It was the Dragon Emperor who joined forces with the Yaksha Clan Chief and the Linggui Clan Chief to attack me."


Yu Hong was shocked at first, then got angry and cursed: "It's unreasonable. I don't even think about who allowed the Sea Clan to move to land. It's shameless for three people to join forces to attack and kill a junior."

The expression on Chu Jiang's face changed again and again. This time he finally couldn't keep calm anymore. He stared at Li Guanhai for a long time and said tentatively: "It seems that they failed to succeed. It's just that the two of us came from the west, and we didn't meet him on the way. I didn’t meet them, so the three of them fled deeper into the East China Sea?”

After he asked this question, Yu Hong immediately grasped the key point.

The three Dragon Emperors are all genuine Hedao realm experts. As a result, Li Guanhai is standing here right now. Although he is injured, his life is not worried.

So the question is, why didn't they succeed?

Could it be...

Yu Hong suppressed his suspicions and stared at Yunweisi Qilinzi in front of him with his senior brother, hoping to get an incredible answer from him.

Just as they expected, Li Guanhai made a shocking statement: "I killed them."

"I see, they escaped... huh?"

Yu Hong was suddenly stunned, and after a long while he said in an unbelievable tone: "What did you say? They were killed by you?"

Seeing both of them staring at him with indescribable weird looks, Li Guanhai waved his hands and said with a smile: "The two sword immortals misunderstood. I didn't kill them. How could I be their opponent? At the critical moment, it was me, Yun The ancestors of Wei Si saved them from thousands of miles away, so they were killed."

As he spoke, he looked behind the two sword immortals. There was a red shadow shaking in mid-air that was almost integrated with the void. If it weren't for Li Guanhai's extraordinary eyesight, he would not have noticed it at all.

He was telling the truth. When he was thrown into the blood sea of ​​bloodthirsty flags by the Dragon King and the other three, if it weren't for Li Yanying's help, he could only use the space runes and the Immortal Cauldron of Creation to get out.

The Hedao realm is not that easy to deal with, let alone three people joining forces and using magic weapons.

With Li Guanhai's current level of cultivation, it is already commendable to be able to force them to this point.

Because the gap between the Hedao Realm and the Xuanxian Realm is really, really huge, it’s basically the difference between cloud and mud.

If he hadn't possessed several mysterious arts, dozens of magical powers, and various energies including the origin of the dragon clan to enhance his combat power, let alone facing three mysterious gods alone, even if the Dragon King was the only one taking action, He had no choice but to run for his life.

After hearing his explanation, Chu Jiang and Yu Hong were relieved.

Yu Hong asked: "Which ancestor is Li Yanying?"


While Li Guanhai gave an affirmative answer, he once again sighed in his heart that Li Yanying was indeed a legend who ended an era. Everyone has heard of her reputation.

Any incredible thing seems to become logical as long as it is related to her.

I really want to see how high-spirited Li Yanying was when he was young.

Although she is not old now and looks no different from a little girl in appearance, she has lived for countless years after all, and it will be difficult for her to be as energetic and youthful and lively as she was back then.

Li Guanhai was suddenly startled and felt a cold gaze staring at him.

He hurriedly dismissed the distracting thoughts in his mind and stopped thinking about it.

I almost forgot that Li Yanying can read minds. She can even eavesdrop on voice transmissions. Reading minds is no problem for her.

The random thoughts just now were indeed a bit offensive. Li Guanhai was a junior after all, and it was rude to talk about seniors in his heart or behind his back.


He pretended to cough twice, and with a lucky smile on his face, he said: "If it weren't for the help of my senior from the Yunwei Division, I would have been buried in a sea of ​​blood."

Hearing the word "Senior", Li Yanying, whose figure was hidden in the void, raised the corners of his mouth and said in his heart: "You know the truth."

"Sea of ​​blood?" Yu Hong said in a deep voice: "It seems that the three of them are determined to kill you. They even used the Yaksha tribe's most precious bloodthirsty flag."

Chu Jiang said: "Now that they have taken action, of course they must try their best, because they know in their hearts that if Guan Hai escapes, they will no longer have a foothold in the upper world."

"That's what senior brother said."

Yu Hong looked at Li Guanhai, nodded and said: "It's okay, it's okay. Your grandfather-in-law and your friends are very worried about your safety. Since you're okay, just come back with us."

As soon as he said this, Li Yanying, who was hiding in the air, raised his white pointed chin, snorted coldly, and disappeared.

Li Guanhai followed the two swordsmen back to the Donghai camp.

In the inner universe, the branches of the Divine Tree of Creation swayed with the breeze, and the surging power of life flowed into his body through the inner universe, replenishing his huge consumption of mana and repairing his damaged body.

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