Everyone expressed their opinions and had a heated discussion.

In the end, Xiahou Zhuo made a final decision. He believed that if he directly launched an attack, as Xiang Rongyan said, it would make the rest of the sea tribes feel insecure and have ulterior motives. At that time, the alliance would definitely fall apart, and the East China Sea would be in danger.

But if he left it alone, he was afraid that the three tribes would be eager for revenge and have evil intentions. At that time, they would be attacked from all sides, and the consequences would be equally unimaginable.

In the end, Xiahou Zhuo thought of another way, neither launching an attack nor leaving it alone.

Where there are people, there is the rivers and lakes. In addition to grudges and hatred, the most talked-about things in the rivers and lakes are intrigues.

It is said that the rivers and lakes are dangerous and people's hearts are unpredictable. This is the case for the human race, and the sea tribe is no exception.

The struggle for power and profit is not divided by race. Ambitious people are everywhere. Now that the three dragon emperors have fallen, the positions of the patriarchs of the three tribes are vacant. How could those who once competed for the positions of patriarchs not seize the opportunity?

Fighting for the position of clan leader is like fighting for the throne. If the emperor suddenly dies without leaving any will, a bloody battle for the throne is bound to begin.

The three Dragon Emperors died suddenly, and they had no time to leave a will. It is conceivable what will happen next.

So Xiahou Zhuo meant to support one person to ascend to the position of clan leader. In this way, Li Guanhai will not only have no hatred for him, but also be grateful to him.

As the clan leader, he naturally would not have other ideas.

This kind of thing is not uncommon, especially in the ruthless imperial family. Those crowned princes are most likely to hope that their fathers will abdicate quickly so that they can ascend to the throne and take charge of the government!

This situation also happens in the sect, or even a small family, which is very common.

Everyone in the tent looked at each other and finally agreed with Xiahou Zhuo's idea, but this kind of thing is easy to say but difficult to do.

The first step is to investigate who is the strongest competitor for the position of clan leader among the three clans and who is the most suitable candidate. These all require time to investigate.

Li Guanhai volunteered: "Leave the Ancient Dragon Clan to me."

Everyone looked at him, and Xiahou Zhuo asked: "Are you sure?"

Li Guanhai shrugged and said: "I'm not sure, after all, this is my first time doing this kind of thing."

Xiahou Zhuo nodded: "Okay, then, the candidate for the leader of the Ancient Dragon Clan will be left to you to choose. As for the Yaksha Clan and the Spirit Turtle Clan, I will send someone to investigate first, and then make a long-term plan."

Linghu Chengfeng worriedly said: "Will it be too late?"

Xiahou Zhuo smiled and shook his head: "Don't worry, before the new leader is elected, they will not have the leisure to avenge the Dragon Emperor and others."

After the discussion, everyone left the central army tent and dispersed.

Xiahou Zhuo kept Li Guanhai to ask some details, and then let him leave the central army tent.

As soon as he walked out of the central army tent, Lin Luoying, who had been waiting outside for a long time, came to meet him, took his arm, and said softly: "Young Master always takes risks and ignores his own safety. It's so worrying."

The monks passing by cast envious and ambiguous eyes at him, winking at each other, but they didn't dare to look at him directly, so they pretended to walk around nearby, always keeping an eye on this place.

A cultivator sighed and said in a low voice: "Master Guanhai is so lucky. Not long after marrying His Highness Aoxue, another peerless beauty threw herself into his arms. I wish I could be so popular someday."

Hearing this, a friend walking beside him teased: "You should save some energy. Instead of thinking about these messy things, it is more practical to study how to have a good rebirth in the next life. Besides, you just came to the East China Sea and don't know that Lin Luoying of Daoxuantian Palace has had a relationship with Master Guanhai for a long time, and they are not just hooking up recently."

"So that's it!" The cultivator suddenly realized.

Li Guanhai accompanied Lin Luoying to walk around the military camp before they separated.

After returning to the flying Shenzhou, he went directly into the inner universe, his sleeves fluttered, and the Creation Cauldron spit out a ball of black light. The Dragon Emperor, who was tightly tied up by black chains, fell on the soft grass.

He looked very embarrassed, but he was actually in good condition. If he released the Soul Chasing Chain at this time, he would still be able to fight.

But then again, even if Li Guanhai released him now, he would not be able to stir up any waves.

Because this is the inner universe, the inner universe dominated by him, let alone the Dragon Emperor, even if the Yaksha Clan Leader and the Spirit Turtle Clan Leader were resurrected, they could not defeat him here.

The Dragon Emperor glanced at Li Guanhai, with no anger or hatred in his eyes, only regret that was beyond words.

He regretted that he did not kill this boy on the spot under the pressure of Li Yanying when he was on Silver Moon Island, so that he grew to this point now.

But now that things have come to this point, the ending has been determined, and regret is useless.

He looked away and looked at this world, not sure where he was.

Suddenly, the Dragon Emperor's sight was attracted by the Creation Tree several feet away. Feeling the majestic vitality transmitted by the tree, he widened his eyes and murmured, "What is this?"

Li Guanhai walked past him, came to the tree, and said, "Have you ever read the ancient books written by my human race? There is a record in it about a magical object, with only a few words."

The Dragon Emperor asked, "Which words?"

"Perfect creation."

"Perfect creation..." The Dragon Emperor repeated this sentence, and suddenly his expression changed suddenly, and he exclaimed, "Could it be the legendary Creation Tree?"

"That's right." Li Guanhai nodded.

At this time, Xiaolu poked his head out from behind the tree, ran to him with a playful smile, and said expectantly: "You are finally here, do you have any food?"

Li Guanhai smiled, took out a few food boxes from his Qiankun bag and handed them to him, saying with a smile: "They are all exquisite pastries, enough for you to eat."

The Dragon Emperor lying on the grass said hoarsely: "Impossible, how can this tree really exist, where did you get it from!"

He spoke harshly, almost questioning.

Li Guanhai looked back at him and said lightly: "A dying man is still so curious. If you have any questions, go to Senluo Hall to ask them clearly."

He raised his hand and took the Dragon Emperor into his palm, pinched his neck, and lifted him in the air.

The Dragon Emperor said hoarsely: "What do you want to do after I die!"

Li Guanhai frowned: "It's a question without a beginning or an end. If there is a will, just make it clear."

"The hatred between you and me is a personal grudge. After I die, can you... let my people go?"

His tone was unprecedentedly calm. For him who was high above, this tone was already considered to be submissive.

Although he didn't say it explicitly, even a fool could hear what he wanted to say. He was asking Li Guanhai to let the ancient dragons go.

When a man is about to die, his words are good. When he fled before, he didn't care what the ancient dragons would end up like.

Now that he knows that he is doomed, he actually asks Li Guanhai to let the ancient dragons go and save their bloodline so that they won't be exterminated.

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