Whether it is the golden light covering his body or the auspicious clouds floating above his head, all signs indicate that he is a person of great luck, and not an ordinary person of great luck.

Ordinary people of great luck will have golden light covering their bodies, but no auspicious clouds covering their heads. Li Guanhai has only seen three types of people who can cause this phenomenon. One is the son of luck, the second is the daughter of luck, and the third is the person who has brought luck to himself through some means, such as himself.

All the characteristics of Ao Shuo, the seventh son of the Dragon Emperor, show that he is a son of luck, but why doesn't the system give a prompt?

Is it a malfunction? Or is it that I made a wrong judgment?

In fact, according to Ao Shuo's situation and status in the ancient dragon clan, he does fit the characteristics of the son of luck in the early stage. He is of humble status, excluded, and looked down upon.

In the later competition, he made a big splash and defeated the sixth prince Ao Ji, shocking everyone and making everyone look at him with new eyes.

All signs prove that Ao Shuo's identity as the son of luck can almost be confirmed.

But the system didn't give any prompts. Did it really fail?

Just as Li Guanhai was thinking this, he heard Ao Ji, who was sitting in front of him, sneer and say in a sarcastic tone: "Any cat or dog has the nerve to join in the fun, and doesn't even think about who he is and where he is qualified to compete for the position of clan leader? Ha, you don't know what you mean."

Ao Shuo, who was about to sit down, stopped and glanced at him.

Ao Ji raised his chin and said coldly: "What?"

Ao Shuo didn't get angry, and didn't say much. He just sat down silently and looked forward.

Ao Ji sneered again, with a disdainful smile on his face.

This is not the first time that Ao Shuo has given in. He has long been accustomed to it.

The brothers and sisters sitting aside did not interrupt, and no one spoke for Ao Shuo. Everyone knew that Ao Ji was targeting Ao Shuo.

When the Dragon Emperor was alive, Ao Ji did not hide his targeting of Ao Shuo. Moreover, now that the Dragon Emperor has fallen, no one can restrain him, and others don't want to meddle in other people's business.

Li Guanhai sat in the back and observed silently, thinking that Ao Shuo's behavior was indeed very similar to that of the son of destiny. He could endure what ordinary people could not endure, did not like to talk nonsense with others, and was best at using strength to prove everything.

If he was right, he would shine in today's competition!

From the discussions of the people around him, Li Guanhai learned that Ao Chen and Ao Tan did not participate in this competition. The competition between the two of them was just an agreement to fight once a month.

Now that almost everyone is here, the real competition is about to begin.

The result of today's competition will directly affect the selection of the position of the patriarch, but it is only an influence, not that whoever can fight the best can become the patriarch.

If the patriarch can be the patriarch just by fighting, then it will not be the turn of these young people. There are a lot of powerful people with high cultivation in the ancient dragon clan.

If you want to be the patriarch, you have to consider all aspects, such as character and strategy.

If a person is impulsive and reckless, then no matter how strong he is, he cannot be the clan leader. God knows whether the Ancient Dragon Clan will fall into an irretrievable situation because of his momentary impulse.

It is not good without strength, and it is not good with strength alone. Today is just the first level.

Li Guanhai guessed that there are several more tests waiting for these competitors.

He looked at the stands on the north side. The east side stands were full of the children of the Dragon Emperor and their followers, the west side stands were full of talented clan heroes and their relatives and friends, and the north side stands were only a few old men, and the referee who just announced the result of the competition was also sitting there.

At this time, a few streams of light came from the distant military camp, flew over the heads of all the sea clan members in the martial arts field, and landed on the north side stands. They were a few old men.

Instantly, the noisy martial arts arena quieted down. All the people on the east and west stands stood up, and looked towards the north stand together with the tribe members who were joining in the fun below, then bowed their heads and saluted, saying in unison: "Meet the elders."

Everyone stood up. If Li Guanhai didn't stand up, it would be too conspicuous. He had to stand up, but he didn't salute, but observed the elders who suddenly appeared.

The aura of each of these people was extremely strong, solid and powerful. Although they all looked old and frail, as if they could be blown down by a gust of wind, once they started fighting, they would cause earth-shaking power.

It was obvious that these old men were the elders of the ancient dragon tribe who held real power. They were powerful and powerful, and they were the backbone of the tribe.

Today's competition should have been decided after their discussion, as the first test to select the tribe leader.

After several elders arrived, many elders also arrived one after another, as well as the parents and elders of the outstanding people in the tribe on the west side of the stands, all came to cheer for their sons and daughters.

Unlike the secular ideas of the upper world, most of the sea tribes have no prejudice against women serving as tribe leaders, so there are many women among the contestants.

When everyone was present, the referee just now landed in the field again, and his powerful voice resounded throughout the martial arts arena, "I declare this martial arts competition officially open."

As he said, he waved his sleeves, and countless golden lights flew out of his sleeves and hung in the air. It turned out to be golden jade slips.

He waved his hand again, and the jade slips that were originally arranged neatly began to rotate and were completely disrupted.

"All participants in the competition come to the martial arts arena to draw lots. Those who draw the same number of lots will compete. In the first round of the competition, everyone has two chances. The winner will directly advance to the next round, and those who lose two games in a row will be directly eliminated."

As soon as the voice fell, all the contestants on the east and west stands jumped into the martial arts arena, selected a jade slip, and stretched out their hands to take it into their palms.

Ao Shuo also randomly selected one, and when the jade slip was about to fly into his palm, it was intercepted by a palm halfway.

He frowned and said in a deep voice: "Ao Ji, what are you going to do."

Ao Ji glanced at the number on his jade slip, shook his head in disappointment and said: "Twenty-three, it's a pity that it didn't hit me."

His tone turned cold immediately, and his usual contemptuous expression appeared on his face again, and he said coldly: "You dare to call this prince's name directly, you are so brave."

His eyes were aggressive, like a knife.

Ao Shuo was very calm in the face of Ao Ji's tit-for-tat. He didn't want to get entangled with him, but just stretched out his hand and said, "Give it to me."

Ao Ji put the jade slip in his hand and tossed it, sneering, "How dare you talk to me in this way?"

Ao Shuo narrowed his eyes, his voice became a little lower, and repeated, "Give it to me."

Ao Ji looked at him for a moment, and suddenly smiled, "Okay."

Then he handed the jade slip over. Just as Ao Shuo stretched out his hand to take it, he suddenly let go of his hand, and the jade slip fell vertically to the ground.

Ao Shuo was quick-witted and kicked the jade slip up with a hook of his foot and held it in his hand.

"I hope you won't meet me in the second round, but you probably won't have that chance."

Ao Ji said something cruel and turned back to the east stand.

His words had no killing power on Ao Shuo. With his Xuanhuang realm cultivation, it was not difficult for him to enter the second round.

Ao Shuo was about to return to the east side stand, but his attention was attracted by a person who walked by. He felt that this person was extraordinary and different from ordinary people.

He was not wrong, because this person was Li Guanhai. He also took a jade slip to join in the fun. After breaking through the siege, if he encountered Ao Shuo's strong enemy, he could still deal with him.

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