Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 732: It doesn’t matter who I am

The two fought each other, and the two powers, one gold and one blue, entangled with each other. As the two fought fiercely, a two-color power storm was formed, raging in the martial arts arena like a whirlwind.

"Damn it, the power of their fight is too great, and I can't see the situation in the arena clearly." Some sea tribe members were so anxious that they almost wanted to rush to the martial arts arena to watch the fight up close.

"The fourth princess won't lose, right? That boy seems to be very powerful. The punch he just hit not only defeated the dragon claw condensed by the fourth princess, but also made her use several palms to offset it."

"Shut up, don't guess blindly before the result of the competition. Although that boy is powerful, the fourth princess has been carefully cultivated by the former Dragon Emperor. It's not certain who will win or lose."

The speaker is a young sea tribe member with outstanding appearance and good cultivation. From what he said just now, it can be heard that he must be an admirer of the fourth princess, or even an admirer. Of course, he must protect the goddess in his mind.

But everyone with a discerning eye could see that it would be very difficult for the fourth princess Ao Lu to win this match. Although the two people on the stage had only fought a few moves, everyone could tell who was stronger and who was weaker.

Now the two seemed to be fighting back and forth, very fiercely, but everyone with a discerning eye knew that Ao Lu would lose more than win in this match.

On the east side of the stands, the ninth princess Ao Tan clenched her fists, looking nervous, and asked, "Second brother, do you think the fourth sister can win?"

The eldest prince Ao Zhen frowned, but did not speak.

It stands to reason that he is the eldest brother, and the younger sister should ask him for advice if she has any questions, but she only asked the second brother Ao Tai, which made Ao Zhen a little dissatisfied.

But he would not pursue it. If he kept harping on this matter, he would definitely leave a bad impression of narrow-mindedness in the hearts of the elders and clansmen.

The most taboo thing for a leader is to be narrow-minded, because it will make the people under him nervous, afraid that they will be severely punished for doing something wrong, and those who are talented and capable are also afraid of being envied and suppressed.

In fact, Ao Tan only asked Ao Tai and not Ao Zhen, just because Ao Tai is the most talented and the strongest among all the descendants of the Dragon Emperor except Ao Wuji, so it is right to ask him about cultivation and combat.

Ao Tai leaned on the chair, showing a lazy smile on his face, and said: "Haha, ninth sister, it's not that the second brother doesn't want to answer you, the second brother is afraid that he will be said to be boosting others' ambitions and destroying his own prestige, so he dare not say it."

Ao Zhen's eyes twitched, but he still didn't speak.

Ao Tan became more anxious after hearing this. She absolutely supported the fourth sister and didn't want her to lose in the first round.

"Who is this person, where did he come from, I don't think I have ever seen him." The eighth prince Ao Chen asked.

Ao Tai yawned and said in a bored tone: "Ha... There are hundreds of thousands of people in the Ancient Dragon Clan, and most of them are young people. You usually live a life of luxury and are in contact with the elders and their descendants. Maybe this person used to be low-key, and now that the time has come, he jumps out and makes a splash. You see, there are definitely more than one such person."


Ao Chen nodded, thinking that his second brother's words made sense. For such a big event as the election of the clan leader, those crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the clan will definitely appear.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but worry a little. There are so many competitors and it's so fierce. If his brothers and sisters are all defeated and the position of clan leader is taken away by others, what should he do?

In his opinion, if his father died, then the position of clan leader should naturally be inherited by his father's children, and no one else should interfere.

It's a pity that this rule was decided by all the elders after unanimous discussion, and no one has the right to change it.

Just as she was thinking this, the two-color storm raging in the field suddenly exploded, and the two figures quickly separated, and the winner had not yet been decided!

But looking at Ao Lu's appearance, she was exhausted, panting, and almost out of breath, and her magic power was also very little, obviously she was at the end of her strength.

On the other hand, although Li Guanhai on the opposite side also had fatigue on his face, it was not as serious as Ao Lu, and he still had the strength to fight.

The winner of this round was decided.

Ao Lu knew that there was no point in fighting any further, but as the fourth princess of the ancient dragon clan and the daughter of the Dragon Emperor, if she admitted defeat in public, she would lose face.

So she gritted her teeth and mobilized the little magic power left in her inner elixir to make a last-ditch effort.

Suddenly her pupils shrank, and she found that Li Guanhai's figure swayed in place, and then disappeared.

At this moment, Ao Lu's heart was full of warning signs, and she endured the fatigue and was alert, keeping an eye on all directions and listening to all directions to prevent the opponent from attacking.

"Hey, where's he?"

After searching for a long time without finding Li Guanhai, Ao Lu was wondering in her heart, when a black shadow suddenly flashed before her eyes, and then she felt a chill on the back of her neck, and it tightened, and she had been pinched.

This pinch instantly blocked her acupuncture points all over her body, and she couldn't mobilize any strength at all.

The referee rushed into the martial arts arena from the north stand and said lightly: "Stop, the winner has been decided, and you are not allowed to hurt anyone."

Li Guanhai let go as he said, walked in front of Ao Lu, grinned at her, and bowed his hands and said: "Fourth Princess, thank you."

Ao Lu was unwilling, and seeing his playful smile made her even more angry. She snorted coldly and turned away without saying a word.

When she reached the edge of the martial arts arena, she suddenly remembered something, turned around and said coldly: "What's your name?"

This question made Li Guanhai stunned. He thought: "Damn it, I actually forgot to think of a name in advance. Do all the members of the ancient dragon clan have the surname Ao? Or is it only the lineage of the Dragon Emperor that has the surname Ao?"

"Speak!" Ao Lu was even more angry when she saw him stunned and didn't answer. She stared at him with a pair of angry beautiful eyes.


Li Guanhai coughed twice and said seriously: "It doesn't matter who I am. You just need to remember that you lost to an unknown person today."

After saying that, without waiting for Ao Lu to react, he flew directly to the west side of the stands.

The east side of the stands can't go back. If I sit with this woman Ao Lu, who knows how she will cause trouble for me.

Ao Lu was almost suffocated by his words. This sentence was like a sharp knife, piercing her heart deeply.

As the daughter of the Dragon Emperor, the fourth princess of the Ancient Dragon Clan, she was loved by everyone and had many cultivation resources, but she ended up losing to an unknown person in the clan. Today's blow was a bit big for her.

Ao Lu stamped her feet and returned to the east stand angrily.

None of the brothers and sisters spoke. They all looked at the youngest sister Ao Tan, signaling her with their eyes to go over and comfort them. She was the youngest and the most likable, and she would not be angered.

Ao Tan felt that her brothers and sisters were all pitting her, but she had no evidence.

After a long while of talking, Ao Tan came to the fourth sister who had raised her eyebrows and was still angry and sat down. She stretched out her little hand and pushed her, and whispered: "Fourth sister, don't be angry, victory and defeat are common in the military. Didn't the father say that there are people beyond people and heavens beyond heavens. It doesn't matter if you lose. As long as you don't get discouraged, you will definitely defeat the opponent one day!"

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