Li Guanhai sat on the bench, smacked his lips, nodded and praised: "This tea is really good, did you grow it yourself?"

The old man put away the tea bowl and said with a smile: "Yes, you grow it yourself and dry it yourself."

"Yes." Li Guanhai nodded and looked around, "This is our first time in Full Moon City. There are so many people. Old man, is it so lively here every day?"

The old man replied: "It's lively. Countless people come from north to south every day. When I sit in the tea shed, I can see many new faces every day. They are all travelers or businessmen from all over. They often come to me." I sit in this shabby shed for a while and have some tea. My daily pleasure is to sit aside and listen to them tell interesting stories about the world, which is so fresh. "

After putting away the tea bowl, he sat down with his knees supported by his palms, "It's a pity that I am old. If I could be thirty years younger, I would go out and make a living. Oh, by the way, today is King Nan's birthday. After dark, you can go to the palace to watch the ceremony. If you're lucky, you can get a lot of money. I'm old and can't stand the squeeze, but you can try it."

"Okay, thank you, old man."

Li Guanhai stood up and led everyone out of the tea shed.

Linghu Jingyun said: "It seems that the Yin Yang Sanren is here to present a gift to the Southern King of the Dugu Dynasty. After nightfall, there will be a big banquet in the palace, and the Yin Yang Sanren will definitely appear."

As she said that, she looked at Li Guanhai.

The others also looked at him, obviously wanting him to make the decision.

Li Guanhai thought for a long time and said with a smile: "Is this your first time coming to Full Moon City? It's still early, so why not take a walk around the city first, feel the customs here, and then eradicate that guy after nightfall, okay?"


Everyone nodded and had no other opinions.

It's afternoon now, and the sun is about to set in just about an hour and a half.

So a group of more than a dozen people started walking around Full Moon City. During this time, in addition to having fun, they also gained some other information.

That King of the South was very loved by the people of Full Moon City and several big cities in the south, and they all praised him as a wise king.

Since King Nan came to guard the border, in just one year, he ousted corrupt officials, reduced taxes, built bridges and roads, and sent sergeants to help farmers with farming.

Moreover, a strict order was issued that soldiers at all levels were not allowed to bully civilians, and any offenders would be killed.

This military order was more than just words. At the beginning, there were some stubborn generals who knew the law and broke it, but in the end they were actually beheaded.

Since then, the army and the people have been in peace, and the people in the South live and work in peace and contentment. In addition, the King of South is brave and invincible on the battlefield, protecting the peace of the South. Therefore, the people in the South love him very much. They are very lucky that the country can have such a wise man. king.

In the blink of an eye, the sun sets over the west mountain, and the sky gradually darkens, and the clouds in the sky turn golden yellow by the afterglow.

Han Yao held a special snack from Full Moon City in one hand and said: "It seems that this Nanwang is quite wise. The people here are happy and live in peace and contentment. It is better than any other city I have ever seen."

Jiang Zitang agreed, "I think so too."

Xie Tianjun said: "It's almost time, and the banquet in the palace should be about to start. Shall we go there?"


Li Guanhai nodded, and a group of seventeen people walked towards the palace in the north of the city.

Crossing the main street, you can see Nanwang Mansion.

This mansion is much more majestic than expected. At first, Li Guanhai and others thought that the Nanwang Palace was only located in the north of the city. Now they know that the entire northern city of Full Moon City belongs to the Nanwang Palace!

Except for the Nanwang Mansion, there are no other buildings here. The wall alone is hundreds of meters long and covers a very large area.

At this time, the Nanwang Mansion was brightly lit, and many people had gathered in front of the mansion. Most of them were ordinary people who came to join in the fun and watch the ceremony and the city guards responsible for maintaining order.

The rest were all guests who came to congratulate King Nan on his birthday. Those who came did not need an invitation. As long as they identified themselves, the steward and soldiers responsible for welcoming guests would let them in.

Of course, only qualified people will be allowed in, and ordinary people will not be able to fish in troubled waters.

King Nan is wise, but he is a prince after all, and his identity is completely different from that of ordinary people. Not just anyone can enter the palace. These are two different things and have nothing to do with whether he is wise or not.

If there is a very hungry beggar who wants to fish in troubled waters, he may put it in and have a feast, but if it is someone with evil intentions who wants to cause trouble, then he will not be soft at all.

Jiang Zitang whispered: "What should we do? We didn't bring any gifts. Will they let us in?"

Han Hao smiled and said, "As long as Young Master Guanhai and the others declare their identities, believe it or not, King Nan will even come out to greet them in person."

Han Xian looked at Li Guanhai, "Sir, are we going to break in and kill people, or are we going to sneak into the palace and wait for an opportunity?"

Li Guanhai said: "Let's sneak in. We are all gentlemen, and we can't always be so simple and rude. Besides, today is King Nan's birthday. It is a festive day. We can't disturb others."

With that said, he led the people towards the palace.

After the guests in front announced their identities and were welcomed into the mansion, Li Guanhai and his party walked up. The housekeeper and soldiers in charge of welcoming the guests smiled and saluted. They were about to ask where they came from when suddenly a red light flashed in front of their eyes and their consciousness became blurred. A moment.

The next moment they came to their senses, Li Guanhai and his group of seventeen people had already entered the palace.

As soon as he arrived at the front yard, servants from the palace came to greet him.

These servants were responsible for escorting the guests to their seats, because there were so many guests that the front hall and the main hall were only so big that they could not accommodate so many people.

So most of the people had to be arranged in other places, and the remaining small number of people with noble status had to be arranged in the main hall. This was the job of the servants in the palace.

Li Guanhai used the Eye of the Demon Lord to control the mind of the servant who came to meet him, and asked him to lead him to the main hall to take his seat.

The palace was large, and the main hall was also large. There were nine rows of seats, each with eleven seats, which could accommodate a total of ninety-nine guests.

If the main seat was counted, there were exactly one hundred people.

At this time, there were already quite a few people in the main hall, but few were sitting at the seats. Everyone formed a small circle and talked there.

Looking at the demeanor and bearing of these people, they were either dignitaries or had high cultivation. None of the guests who could be arranged in the main hall by the Nanwang Mansion were ordinary people.

Li Guanhai and others randomly picked a seat and sat down.

Xu Qingqiu glanced at the guests in the hall and whispered, "I didn't see the Taoist priest."

At this time, several beautiful maids came up with wine. Li Guanhai poured the wine and said, "Don't worry, he may still be doing research in the brothel. He should be here soon."

Xu Qingqiu spat and secretly cursed him for being vulgar.

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