Li Guanhai looked up and praised: "Very beautiful."

The captain looked grim, and waved his hand. The remaining dozen strong men scattered on both sides of the street to prevent them from escaping, but he knew that it was useless to do so. But he couldn't just watch the two leave, right?

Li Guanhai looked around, raised the corners of his mouth, and said calmly: "I don't like killing people. Killing is just a means to solve the problem. I can give you a chance, get out of the way, otherwise you will bear the consequences."

The gossipy man whispered in the captain's ear: "Let them go, just let the brothers follow, even the commander of the guard army is not his opponent, there is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices."

The captain gritted his teeth and ordered: "Get out of the way."

These people under him have followed him for many years. They usually listen to his orders and have a deep relationship. Although this credit is tempting, he must be alive to get it. He doesn't want his brothers to die in vain.

Hearing this, a dozen sturdy men with weak legs felt relieved, put their knives back into their sheaths, and felt endless gratitude towards the team leader.

"You are very wise." Li Guanhai praised the team leader and turned to leave with Qin Shu.

The two of them walked on the street so arrogantly, not afraid of being exposed at all, so arrogant.

Before they reached the end of the street, all the people scattered in various streets rushed to the place where the signal was sent, blocking the way of Li Guanhai and Qin Shu again.

The crowd parted, Qin Yue and Qin Tao came out, and the father and son stared at the two with resentful eyes, as if they wanted to eat them alive.

When the two appeared, Li Guanhai clearly felt that Qin Shu's hand, which he was holding, unconsciously exerted force, and his emotions fluctuated greatly.

Li Guanhai looked at the two men with doubtful eyes, and saw that the anger in their eyes was almost bursting out, so he guessed: "You are not Qin Wei's..."

"Little beast, I want you to pay for my son's life!"

The furious Qin Tao interrupted him directly, and more than a dozen strong men took out a strange-shaped object, and aimed the black hole cylinder at the two people surrounded in the middle.

With a series of "bang bang bang" sounds, more than a dozen large nets shot out from the cylinder, opened in the air, and covered the two people.

From the intelligence sent back, it can be learned that this young man who came out of nowhere is extremely powerful. Even the commander of the guard army is not his opponent. If you want to take him down, you can't rely on brute force. It's better to use some means.

Looking at the dozen large nets covering the top of the head, seeing that each net line emits a bright silver glow under the reflection of the surrounding firelight, you know that the material of these large nets is extraordinary. Once an ordinary master is caught in the net, it is basically impossible to escape.

It's a pity that I don't belong to the category of ordinary masters.

Li Guanhai did not dodge or evade, but flicked his finger, and a finger force swept out.

Qin Yue and Qin Tao, who were not far away, sneered at the same time. This kid was too arrogant. If these nets could be destroyed so easily, why did the Qin family spend a lot of money to make them?

But soon the expressions of the two froze on their faces. The finger force that popped out exploded the moment it touched the first large net, like a thunderclap on the ground, shaking the earth.

At this moment, countless people in Qingping Mansion who were still asleep were awakened. They thought the sky was falling when they heard the noise.

The dozens of large nets stacked layer by layer were all torn apart by the erupting mana storm and thrown in all directions.

The dozens of Qin family members who were closest were repelled by the spreading mana, groaned, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Qin Yue and Qin Tao were stunned. He broke the silver net array that the Qin family was proud of with one finger. The magic power aftermath that spread out alone seriously injured more than a dozen Qin family members. What kind of monster is this kid?

Qin Shu was also quite surprised. She opened her mouth slightly and stared blankly at the young man who was fearless in the face of thousands of people. Her heart was trembling.

When she rescued him in the firewood room, Qin Shu didn't think much about it. She just treated him as an ordinary person, fed him water, and cooked for him. All of these were out of the kindness of the girl.

Ever since Li Guanhai and Qin Wei had a conflict on the stands of the martial arts field, Qin Shu realized that this young man who was picked up by her by mistake was definitely not an ordinary person. Many things that happened later also confirmed her guess.

Feeling her heartbeat speed up, Qin Shu was startled and forced herself to stop thinking about it and force herself to throw away those fanciful ideas that should not have existed from the beginning.

She looked at Li Guanhai's flawless and handsome face, and her eyes were as clear as water, with loneliness and self-mockery flashing.

"You want to kill me?" Li Guanhai looked at Qin Yue and his son, who looked uncertain, and said in a calm tone.

Qin Tao gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you, why did you sneak into my Qin family, and why did you kill my son Qin Wei?"

He did not answer Li Guanhai's question directly, because he did not know how to answer it. He wanted to delay time until the head of the family, Qin Yannian, and Qin Tiancheng arrived.

"Hiss, this question is a bit complicated, how should I answer it?" Li Guanhai looked distressed, scratched his head, raised his face and smiled, "I got it, because I want to kill."

"Mad man!"

Qin Tao cursed, and the anger in his heart was like an erupting volcano, which could erupt at any time.

But he knew that with his ability, it was impossible to keep the other party. At present, all he could do was to endure and delay time, and he must hold it back!

"Are you stalling for time?"

Unexpectedly, Li Guanhai revealed his plan with one word, and he shrugged nonchalantly and said, "It's useless, give up."

"Oh, how arrogant."

A strong and deep voice resounded in the sky and echoed around.

The head of the Qin family, Qin Yannian, and his younger brother Qin Tiancheng descended from the sky. As soon as the two brothers appeared, everyone present had a backbone and could not help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Shu hid behind Li Guanhai and did not dare to show up.

Qin Yannian looked Li Guanhai up and down and asked, "Who are you?"

"Li Guanhai."

Qin Shu raised his head in surprise and thought: Has his memory recovered?

In fact, Li Guanhai's memory has not recovered, he has only recovered some. He remembered his name and how to mobilize his magic power.

"Li Guanhai..." Qin Yannian read these three words one by one and shook his head, "I have never heard of any famous sect having such a genius. Could it be that he is the proud son of those hidden forces? , came here for experience?”

Qin Tao said anxiously: "Master, there is no need to waste words with this little beast, just swarm him and kill him on the spot!"

Qin Yannian frowned slightly. He didn't like others talking to him in this tone.

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