Villain: Who said I came here to break off the engagement?

Chapter 826: What can a child understand?

Nowadays, the Dawu Dynasty rules Daluotian. After nearly 800 years of chaos, Daluotian finally ushered in the unification of the world again.

From the word "Wu", it can be seen that the founding emperor of the Dawu Dynasty attached great importance to military force, which is reasonable. After all, in this era of the survival of the fittest, no matter how many books you read, they are not as good as the sword in your hand.

Li Guanhai continued to flip through the "Daluotian Mountain and Sea Records" and suddenly saw a very, very old record, so long ago that it was before civilization came to Daluotian.

According to records, before civilization and cultivation systems appeared in Daluotian, a group of aliens came to Daluotian. Their arrival caused a huge disaster to Daluotian, the mountains and rivers collapsed, the world turned upside down, the sea water rushed up to the sky, and countless disasters that were irresistible to human beings occurred.

Countless lives died in that catastrophe, and many species even became extinct. Daluotian also entered a dormant state. The earth was filled with a strange energy, causing everything to wither and no grass to grow. This also caused the serious consequences of being unable to farm, and a large number of herbivores and carnivores died in large numbers.

It took a hundred years for Daluotian to gradually regain its vitality. It was at that time that the cultivation system appeared, and the golden age of cultivation appeared.

Walking out of the library, Li Guanhai stretched his body in the breeze.

Returning to the small courtyard arranged by Mr. Ruan, he found Qin Shu sweeping fallen leaves with a broom.

Li Guanhai walked up and smiled, "There is a small town dozens of miles away from Yaowang Mountain. I have been staying in the mountain for these days and I am almost sick. Do you want to go for a walk?"

Qin Shu showed hesitation, tilted his head and thought carefully for a long time, and nodded.

So the two left Yaowang Mountain and went to the small town.

Because there was no car, Li Guanhai took Qin Shu to fly. The little girl had had this experience before, so she was not as scared as last time.

Li Guanhai could slow down the speed and the altitude of the flight. The two of them were enjoying the scenery along the way, which was still very pleasant.

They soon arrived at the small town. Although it was called a small town, it was not that small. If it was based on the area, it should be between the county and the prefecture, and it was also very prosperous and lively.

The streets were crowded with people, and there were pedestrians everywhere.

Since the bruises on his face disappeared, Qin Shu was no longer as inferior as before. Although he was still very timid, at least he would not lower his head when he saw people, for fear of scaring them.

As they walked, the little girl's eyes fell on a small stall, and her eyes were fixed on it, as if she was attracted by a magnet.

Li Guanhai stopped and smiled, "Buy it if you like it."

Qin Shu nodded, and a pair of beautiful eyes with distinct black and white lingered on the wooden tray covered with soft red cloth.

The vendor's eyes lit up when he saw Qin Shu was so beautiful. He stood up and introduced her to her in a chattering manner. His eloquence was unprecedentedly good.

Li Guanhai saw that there was a fried dumpling stall in front of him, so he said to Qin Shu: "I'll go to the front to buy some food. You can take your time to choose."

Walking to the fried dumpling stall, Li Guanhai directly asked for two portions.

The stall owner was an ordinary-looking woman with a slightly bloated figure. Judging from her superior facial features, she must have been a beautiful woman with many suitors before she got fat.

The woman was shocked by Li Guanhai's stunning appearance at first sight, and wondered how there could be such a romantic and flawless man in the world?

While making fried dumplings, she secretly looked at Li Guanhai, thinking that if she could be fifteen years younger, she would pursue this man in front of her at all costs!

The fried dumplings were ready. Li Guanhai took a bite and found that the cooking skills were good, not inferior to the one that his cousin Jiang Xiyue took him to eat. He hadn't eaten there for a long time and really missed it.

Turning around and wanting to go back, he walked a distance and found a group of people crowded in front of him, as if they were watching the fun.

Li Guanhai's heart sank and he walked up quickly. He saw a middle-aged woman holding a child in her hand, pointing at Qin Shu and insulting him harshly, one word more unpleasant than the other.

Looking at Qin Shu again, he saw five finger marks on her cheek, obviously hit by the young woman.

And there was a wound on Qin Shu's forehead, which was already bleeding.

The child held a boomerang in the hand of the middle-aged woman, which was made of fine iron, but it had been broken into two sections at this time, reflecting a dazzling light in the sun.

The small vendor stood aside and didn't intend to meddle in other people's business.

Li Guanhai's face suddenly darkened. Seeing that the middle-aged woman was not satisfied with just insulting him and was going to fight again, he picked up a fried dumpling and threw it out.

The woman's outstretched hand was hit by the fried dumpling and instantly exploded into a bloody mist.

She looked at her hand and didn't react for a while. After a while, her face showed extreme fear. She grabbed her wrist and let out a heart-wrenching howl, as if her internal organs were being dug out alive.

The crowd around was in an uproar, and all their faces changed.

Li Guanhai walked over, pulled Qin Shu to his side, and asked softly: "Are you okay?"

Qin Shu shook her head, tears swirling in her eyes, but she resisted not to let them fall.

"What happened?" Li Guanhai asked in a deep voice.

Qin Shu took out a pen and paper and wrote down the process of the incident.

It turned out that after Li Guanhai left, Qin Shu was carefully selecting small toys. Suddenly, a silver light flashed by, smashed her forehead, and then fell to the ground and broke.

She was still confused, and saw a woman leading a little boy coming aggressively. Without saying anything, she slapped her in the face and started cursing, blaming her for breaking the boomerang.

During this process, the little boy kicked her with his foot.

Li Guanhai's expression became more and more gloomy. He looked down and saw several black marks on Qin Shu's pink skirt.

At this time, the middle-aged woman with a broken palm rushed up with red eyes and bared her teeth.

Li Guanhai had no expression on his face, and slapped her with the same force, knocking out more than a dozen teeth. She turned twice and lay on the ground, but she did not faint. She struggled and wanted to get up.

The little boy didn't know what his relationship with the woman was. Seeing that the woman was bullied, he ran up with two broken boomerangs and wanted to hit Li Guanhai and Qin Shu.

The boomerang is made of fine iron, and in order to fly faster and not fall to the ground during the process, it is made very thin. Now the broken section is very sharp, not much different from a knife.

Li Guanhai held his little head with one hand. The little boy was not tall and his arms were short, so he couldn't hit him.

"Little friend, have you ever heard of an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? You are a child, and your brother is giving in to you, so your brother won't bother with you about hurting people with the boomerang, but you have to return those kicks." Li Guanhai smiled.

The little boy was too young and seemed to have not yet been enlightened. He couldn't understand what Li Guanhai said. How could he understand what Li Guanhai said?

He gritted his teeth, with a very angry and furious expression on his face, squatted down with his legs, and tried hard to break free from Li Guanhai's hand.

Some people around couldn't stand it anymore and kindly advised: "Sir, what can a child understand? Just teach him a lesson. Don't bother with a child."

Li Guanhai looked at the person who was talking, a woman. He grinned and said, "I am a man who has always been open-minded. How can I bother with a child? Today I just want him to learn a lesson, so I will punish him a little."

After saying that, he released the hand that was holding the little boy. The boy was freed and directly raised a broken boomerang to hit him.

Li Guanhai smiled and kicked out. This kick was like a jet installed on the heel. The kick was extremely fast!

With a bang, a head rolled out, turned several times on the ground, and rolled into the crowd.

Everyone was shocked and wanted to avoid it, but there were too many people. They began to trample on it randomly, and directly trampled the head to pieces.

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