After these words came out, the entire Shenwu Palace suddenly became quiet. A moment later, an extremely angry and majestic roar came from the Chengtian Hall: "Bai Zheng! You traitor!"

The emperor, who was surrounded and protected by the commander of the imperial army, was furious at the moment. The veins on his forehead and temples were bulging, and his bloodshot eyes were bloodshot. He stared at the golden masked man standing in the air and remained silent.

The emperor was also a smart man. If he was given time to calm down and think, he would definitely lock the suspect of the rebellion of the Yulin Army on the old prince Bai.

Because looking at the entire Dawu Dynasty, there seems to be no one else who can do this except the foreign king Bai Zheng, who has made great military achievements and is feared by the world.

However, from just now to now, he has been in an extremely dangerous situation. He was frightened by a group of rebels and was at a loss. He only thought about how to save his life, and where did he have time to think about who rebelled against the Yulin Army?

When he learned the truth, he was suddenly filled with anger and betrayal from the person he trusted. He could no longer suppress his anger and shouted.

You Jing, who was protecting him, stood there in a daze, looking up at the golden masked man with robes flying in the wind, shaking his head and muttering, "No, impossible, how could it be..."

Before he became the commander of the imperial army, You Jing had served in many official positions. For three years, he followed the army to the northern border to resist foreign aggression. At that time, he was ambitious and had a high temperament. After joining the army, he vowed to establish merit and bring glory to the family.

The marshal who led the army at that time was Bai Zheng.

You Jing, who was young and eager to make achievements, went to the battlefield like a wild horse. Although he won several small-scale battles, he was criticized for disobeying orders and being greedy for merit.

However, You Jing didn't care about these people's gossips at all. In his opinion, the right way for a man to make achievements on the battlefield is to make contributions. Those guys who can only talk are simply dragging him down and jealous of his brilliant military achievements.

Gradually, Bai Zheng, who was already a king of a different surname at that time, noticed that he was a thousand-man captain who refused to obey the rules, repeatedly resisted military orders, but won consecutive victories. At the same time, he also received reports from his subordinates.

However, Bai Zheng did not punish him. He felt that You Jing was a talent that could be cultivated and a piece of unpolished jade that still needed to be carved. At this time, what should be done is not to suppress him, but to guide him.

As long as you are patient, perhaps many years later, the court will have another general who can stand alone!

Bai Zheng called You Jing to talk twice, but You Jing never took the earnest teachings of this immediate superior to heart. He just let it go in one ear and out the other, and regarded it as fart.

Bai Zheng was not annoyed. He knew that You Jing was a wild horse that was difficult to tame, but because of this, he was worth being patiently carved.

As a result, something happened to You Jing not long after. In a battle, the two armies faced each other, and the battle lasted for several days but it was difficult to determine the winner, so they stopped fighting and reorganized the army.

You Jing, who was hot-tempered, waited patiently for three days, and was very impatient, so he sent people to spy on the military situation. He accidentally learned that there was a rugged and steep winding mountain road that stretched for hundreds of miles between the mountains dozens of miles to the east.

The resourceful You Jing went to check it out in person the next day, and saw the opportunity to win at a glance. If he led the army lightly, crossed the mountains, went around to the rear of the enemy, destroyed their food supply, and then cooperated with the front army to attack from front and back and cut off their retreat, this battle would surely be a great victory!

So he, who was appointed as a lieutenant at the time, gathered his men and horses that day and crossed the mountains.

These soldiers were all brave and good at fighting, and they crossed mountains and ridges as if they were walking on flat ground. It was a pity that a large part of them did not know how to fly in the clouds.

But even if they knew, they couldn't use it at will, because the purpose of their trip was to launch a surprise attack, so how could they fly in the sky in a swagger?

Before leaving, he sent someone to inform Bai Zheng in a letter.

It was because of this letter that he was able to escape.

You Jing led his army over the mountains for fifty miles, thinking that the enemy must know nothing, but unexpectedly, the other side had already ambushed and was waiting for them to take the bait.

You Jing was surrounded by enemies. At that time, his cultivation was definitely the top among the young people of his generation, but he had no way to break out of the siege.

And he could leave, but none of the soldiers he brought with him could leave, and they would all die because of his blind arrogance.

You Jing felt guilty and was willing to die with the soldiers.

Just as he was about to die, Bai Zheng led his army to descend from the sky, repelled the enemy, and saved You Jing.

However, he did not retreat, but took advantage of the situation to advance, led the army to gallop hundreds of miles, beheaded thousands of people, defeated tens of thousands of enemies, seized countless food and grass, and returned with a great victory.

Since then, You Jing has admired Bai Zheng with all his heart, restrained his arrogant temperament, and took the initiative to resign from the post of lieutenant, followed Bai Zheng as a personal soldier, and humbly asked for advice.

After following for a long time, You Jing's admiration for this king of a different surname deepened day by day, like a torrent of water.

There are not many people he admires in this life. His teacher is one of them, and the old prince Bai is the second one, and his respect for the old prince Bai even exceeds that of his master.

After being a personal soldier with Bai Zheng for two and a half years, You Jing thought that he would spend his whole life in the bitter cold land of the border, and spend his whole life in the military.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. The sky is high and the land is vast, you can be free and easy, defend your home and country, and glorify your family.

Unfortunately, many things did not develop according to his wishes. Two and a half years later, he was recalled to the capital by the court. Because of his upright character, loyalty and high level of cultivation, he was appointed the commander of the imperial guards by the emperor and stayed in the capital ever since then.

The image of the old prince Bai Lao, who was tall and majestic, and could win thousands of miles away and was invincible, was forever imprinted in his heart, and he was revered as a god.

As a result, now, the spiritual sustenance of reverence as a god actually rebelled, instigating 110,000 Yulin soldiers to rush into the palace and kill in front of Chengtian Hall, attempting to kill the king.

For You Jing, all this was too dreamy. At this moment, his mind was still a little confused, and he felt that all this was very unreal, as if he was having a very long dream.

He was a man with a firm will and would not be easily shaken or hit, but at this moment, the collapse of his faith made him dazed, and he felt that the whole world was his enemy and he didn't know where to go.

At this moment, the golden masked man in the sky raised his arm and took off the hollow golden mask on his face, revealing a resolute face that was weathered at a glance, but full of energy.

It was indeed the king of a different surname, Bai Zheng.

The last bit of luck in You Jing's heart was shattered, and his hands began to tremble.

At this moment, he finally understood why the other party had the strength to easily defeat him, or even kill him, but left room for him everywhere and did not kill him.

The emperor's pupils shrank, his eyes stared at him, gritting his teeth, "Traitor!"

Suddenly, the earth-shaking shouts of 110,000 Yulin soldiers rang out throughout the palace: "Greetings to the old prince Bai!"

The sound was deafening, the sound waves rolled, and the earth seemed to tremble along with it.

The emperor's face became more and more ugly.

Bai Zheng had no expression on his face. He grabbed the cloak on his body with one hand and pulled it open with force.

With a rustling sound, the bright armor hidden under the cloak was revealed. A golden beast-faced belt was tied around his waist. His posture was as straight as a gun, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, with its edge exposed.

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