Just as he was realizing something, he suddenly felt something in his heart and opened his eyes. He saw that Xiahou Aoxue had reached a critical moment in breaking through the Xuansheng realm.

Every second and every second that follows is crucial. Her soul will leave her body and merge into the world, trying to communicate with the power of the world and reshape her body with the Tao, so as to reach the extraordinary realm of being out of the mortal body.

Countless cultivators from ancient times to the present have suffered in the northwest at this level, failed to enter the Tao and become saints, and disappeared in the long river of time.

It takes peace of mind and elimination of distracting thoughts to comprehend the magical powers of Buddhism. Now that his wife has reached a critical moment, how can Li Guanhai be calm?

He exited the state of cultivation and stood two feet away from Xiahou Aoxue, ready to help at any time, even though the possibility of him taking action is almost zero.

Ji Xiang and the brown-haired female killer who were "driven away" by Li Guanhai saw this and looked different.

The brown-haired female killer said, "This shameless guy who took advantage of you seems to be quite reliable. Look, he cares so much about his wife."

Ji Xiang smiled faintly and said, "If he doesn't even care about his wife's life or death, then he is really a beast in human clothing who deserves to die. Now it seems that he is not that bad, and he still has a conscience."

"Why are you speaking for him?" The brown-haired female killer looked at her good sister with strange eyes, "Ji Xiang, don't forget how cold and resolute he was when he drove us away just now."

Ji Xiang said, "It is very cold and resolute, but that guy is not a serious person at first glance. He suddenly became so serious just now. , can't you guess the reason?"

"This..." The brown-haired female killer looked thoughtful, and slapped her forehead after a while, "He must be acting in front of his wife, so he did that on purpose, bah, he is really not a serious person, and his cultivation is wasted!"

"Isn't this good?" In the surprised eyes of her good sisters, Ji Xiang smiled calmly and spoke softly as usual: "Although he is a little lustful, this can also prove that his humanity is not dead."

"What do you mean?" The brown-haired female killer with a good-looking neutral face was confused, wondering if there was something wrong with her ears. She knew every word, but she couldn't understand it when they were connected.

Ji Xiang shrugged her shoulders, "It's just what it means. Haven't you noticed that great people like the master of Qingyi Tower, who have great cultivation, are all like taciturn people. They are either ambitious and focused, or moody, eccentric, and extremely difficult to get along with?"

The brown-haired female killer thought seriously for a long time and nodded, "It seems to be like this."

In her impression, people like the master of Qingyi Tower often have eccentric tempers, are difficult to get along with, and are even unkind. They treat others like ants and there is no way to communicate with them at all.

Ji Xiang said: "So, although that guy is lustful, this also shows that he is not human, at least he can communicate normally."

"That's true." The brown-haired female killer nodded, and then asked: "But what does this have to do with us?"

Ji Xiang's expression suddenly changed slightly, raised her snow-white and delicate chin, and said: "Look."

The brown-haired female killer turned her head and saw that the spiritual energy of the heaven and earth above Chengtian Palace became visible to the naked eye, like a liquid, and madly gathered into Xiahou Aoxue's body.

"This woman is not an ordinary person. She can defeat the commander of the imperial army, You Jing, and now she is about to break through a major realm. After success, her combat power will definitely jump a thousand miles."

Ji Xiang raised his eyebrows: "Are you envious?"

"Don't you envy?" The brown-haired female killer asked back.

"Of course I envy." Ji Xiang nodded, "The higher the cultivation, the longer the life span, and you can stay young forever. Which woman doesn't envy?"

The brown-haired female killer curled her lips and said nothing.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered more and more, and became more and more viscous, completely enveloping Xiahou Aoxue's body.

The heaven and earth began to have strange phenomena, and the dark clouds covering the sky rolled down and covered the entire capital.

Hundreds of thousands of people in the capital were shocked to see the scene of dark clouds pressing down, and their legs were all weak. Some superstitious old people even shouted that the sky had changed, and the sky was angry, saying that a disaster was coming.

The people were all in panic, and the knowledgeable monks were even more shocked. They were all cultivators, and they could naturally see that this was not the anger of the sky at all, but a strange phenomenon of heaven and earth caused by people.

What kind of person could cause such a strange phenomenon?

Before, there were loud noises from time to time in the palace, and then the 110,000 Yulin troops stationed in the suburbs entered the city in large numbers and went straight into the palace.

It was hard not to make people suspicious. Did something happen in the palace? Why was there such a big commotion?

The Seven Absolute Sect Competition had just ended, and what big thing happened again?

The common people were not qualified and capable to explore these things, but the martial arts cultivators who were always skilled and bold had the ability.

They realized that something big must have happened in the palace, so they sneaked into the imperial city with their superb skills, but they were intercepted by the Yulin Army before they entered the palace.

No matter how brave they were, they did not dare to compete with the Yulin Army in the capital, so they were all driven out of the imperial city.

The more tightly the Yulin Army guarded, the more it showed that something big must have happened in the palace.

But what happened that required the dispatch of 110,000 Yulin Army?

The cultivators and the common people were all curious, but they could do nothing but worry.

The civil and military officials who had a general understanding of what happened saw the natural phenomenon, and their hearts sank to the bottom.

In their view, the change in the sky was entirely caused by Bai Zheng's rebellion, which triggered the wrath of heaven and thus brought down the disaster.

Now not only Bai Zheng, but even the entire prosperous Dawu Dynasty will be buried with him. These civil and military officials can even foresee that in the near future, floods, famines, plagues, and other natural disasters will occur in various places, and the people will be displaced.

By that time, the world will be in chaos, and those who have soldiers and food under their command will surely hold their own troops and rule one side, and the world that has finally been unified will be divided again.

If this is the case, Bai Zheng will be a sinner for all ages, because he is the one who caused the chaos that followed, causing countless families to be broken and people to die, and he will be infamous for thousands of years.

But these are all the imaginations of those imaginative civil and military officials. Even if they don't want to see the tragedy happen, they are powerless to stop it, and they dare not jump out to accuse Bai Zheng at this time.

Li Guanhai retreated dozens of feet. He couldn't get close to Xiahou Aoxue at this time, because she was mobilizing the power of heaven and earth to reshape her body. If there was an outsider's breath mixed in, it would likely cause the body to be imperfect.

At this time, a group of people came to Chengtian Palace. They were the prince of Baiwang Mansion, Bai Mu, who was responsible for killing the crown prince and the second prince.

At this moment, his armor was stained with blood and full of murderous aura. It was obvious that he had experienced a great battle not long ago.

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