The Fortune Tree has grown to a height of about ten feet, or about three meters, and it looks much taller and thicker than before.

Li Guanhai keenly sensed that the life force emanating from the Fortune Tree was much stronger and richer than before.

Another way to put it is that his mobile spring has been upgraded.

In fact, it doesn't matter, because since he got the Fortune Tree, he has never worried about his mana.

Even if there is no Fortune Tree, he is not short of mana now, almost like a surging river, continuous.

The biggest benefit for Li Guanhai to find the spiritual essence of the Fortune Tree scattered in the world is that it can keep the Fortune Tree awake for a longer time.

For him, the Fortune Tree is not only a mobile spring, but also an encyclopedia. If he doesn't understand something, he can just ask him directly. It's simple and convenient.

After half an hour, the Fortune Tree stopped changing, and the strong life force it emanated gradually returned to peace, as usual.

The birds and beasts that had gathered dispersed one after another. Their trip was not in vain, and they all gained a lot of benefits.

Li Guanhai did not stay for long, opened the space portal and left, returning to the underground world.

He looked around and was stunned.

He was only concerned with chasing the scattered spiritual essence of the Creation Tree just now, and he rushed around and didn't know where he was at this time. Although the surroundings were still bare wasteland without any grass and trees growing, there were circles of strange runes engraved on the ground.

He looked down and found that he was standing in the center of the ring rune.

What a coincidence?

Li Guanhai was about to step out of this center point, when suddenly the ring rune under his feet flashed a faint light, slowly rotated, and disassembled and spliced.

Being in the array, the space became extremely unstable, and his body was gradually becoming virtual.

Li Guanhai naturally realized that something was wrong a long time ago. He could have activated the space rune or directly moved to the magic clone to escape.

But he didn't do it, because he felt that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to explore this underground world, and if he missed it, it would be gone.

Just as he was about to be teleported away, the high-speed rotating ring array suddenly stopped, shining with golden light, and shooting out dozens of beams of light.

Li Guanhai frowned slightly, waved his hand, and swept out a powerful and unparalleled power, easily defeating the dozens of golden lights that shot out.


Li Guanhai immediately sensed that this was a method belonging to Buddhism. The circles of ring arrays under his feet were partly arranged by Buddhist masters.

But this was not the end. Immediately, nearly a hundred golden lights began to gather, like miniature suns, flashing dazzling golden light.

Strange, why would the Buddhist array be recorded in such a place?

Li Guanhai was thinking while avoiding the pursuit of the golden light.

Seeing that the golden light could not hit him, it changed its strategy and turned into dozens of golden ropes to entangle him.

Li Guanhai was too lazy to waste time. He pushed out with one palm, and the magic power surged out layer by layer, one wave stronger than the other, shaking all the golden ropes into countless light spots.

Why did the Buddhist formation appear here? Could it be used to seal some evil creatures?

But if it is sealed, why create such an incredible underground world?

What kind of evil creatures are so face-saving?

Li Guanhai suddenly realized something. He stared at the circular formation pattern on the ground in front of him and guessed in his heart: "Could this be the formation pattern used by the leader of the human race to seal the demon lord?"

Although it was just a guess, this possibility was not impossible.

And the existence of this underground world seemed to be barely explained. The reason why there was such an underground world under the canyon was that it was accidentally created by the demon lord and the leader of the human race in the final battle.

The power that erupted when they fought hollowed out the underground rock layer, but it did not collapse, and formed this underground world very accidentally.

Of course, this was just Li Guanhai's guess, and he didn't know whether it was true.

But it was not difficult to find out.

He looked at the circular array pattern that was still rotating at high speed, and turned into a lightning flash directly to the middle of the array. He ignored the dozens of golden ropes that rolled over, mobilized the pure yang power, and a golden light flashed at the center of his eyebrows, which quickly traveled throughout his body.

The golden light is indestructible!

His body is like black iron, and he is invulnerable to all kinds of attacks!

The golden rope arrived in the blink of an eye, wrapping around his thighs, waist, and arms.

Li Guanhai ignored the restraint and tightening of the rope, shouted, and blasted towards the ground!

The golden dragon roared out, and the circular array pattern that rotated at high speed suddenly lit up with an extremely strong white light.


A subtle cracking sound sounded, and the circles of circular array patterns shattered, and the rock layer below was like a dragon turning over. All the lower ones turned up, and the upper ones were rolled down again.

The rock layer below was completely crushed by the fierce and unparalleled strength poured out by Li Guanhai, and it collapsed suddenly.

After absorbing several dragon essences and having various heaven-defying adventures, Li Guanhai, no matter his magic power or brute force, has reached the pinnacle of the world.

He punched out, and few things in the world could resist.

Although the underground rock layer was hard and had dozens of circles of array patterns for protection, it could not withstand the power of his punch.

Amid the earth-shaking roar, the rock layer below completely collapsed, and the light spots of the broken array patterns flew around like dust.

Li Guanhai fell down with countless boulders and sand.

Just a few meters after falling, his sight was attracted by several thick black chains.

These black chains extend in all directions, connecting to the surrounding rock walls. A huge oval object tied with chains is hung on the top, about ten feet long and five feet wide.

On the outer ring of the chain, hundreds of yellow paper talismans are densely pasted, with incomprehensible ghostly talismans written in cinnabar.

I didn't expect that there would be such a cave right below the circular array pattern. It looks like it is sealing something.

This just confirms Li Guanhai's guess. Could it be that this thing covered with talismans and wrapped by chains like insect eggs really seals the demon lord who disturbs the fairy world and causes the collapse of the upper world, and it is difficult for a person who breaks the void to appear in a million years?

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