Qi Lin saw him appearing next to him, and he raised his eyebrows and asked the other party.

"Are you sure you want to sit here?"

The other party replied with a smile.

"Of course, in terms of salary, I should sit at the end...

"But since you want to be here, Mr. Qi, then I will sit next to you."

"It just so happens that no one else is here yet, how about we talk about things in the company?"

Qi Lin happened to feel bored. When he saw the other party taking the initiative to mention this matter, he nodded to the other party and replied.

"Okay, tell me, what do you want to talk to me about? Do you want to talk to me about the branch or the head office?"

A Lin first handed the information he had to Qi Lin, and then he stared at Qi Lin eagerly and said.

"Actually, it's not a big deal. I just have a project on hand that needs the approval of the head office. Why don't you take a look at it?"

Qi Lin asked with raised eyebrows.

"Since it requires the consent of the head office, why don't you get the consent of the head office first before showing it to me?"

"Are you sure that the project information you showed me first complies with the process?"

When the other party heard this, he immediately panicked. He answered and explained to Qilin.

"I remember that our company has clear regulations. If you are willing to invest in a certain project, you can do it even if there is no process."

When Qi Lin heard this, he laughed successfully, nodded to the other party with satisfaction and said.

"Okay, I'm qualified. At least I've memorized the company's express regulations."

When Arin heard this, he smiled happily. After a while, he asked Qilin.

"Mr. Qi, can you see the project I gave you now?"

It happened that no one else had arrived at this time, so Qi Lin felt that he was idle anyway, and it would be good to take a look at the project if he had nothing to do.

He opened the project plan in his hand out of boredom.

The first thing Qi Lin noticed was that the format of the project plan was very good.

He began to flip through it carefully. After flipping through two pages, he frowned and asked.

"Who made this plan?"

When A-lin saw Qi Lin's frown, his heart skipped a beat, and he nervously replied to Qi Lin.

…ask for flowers…………

"This... I made this myself. I apologize for any shortcomings..."

Qi Lin looked A-Lin up and down with a strange look. After a while, he said to A-Lin.

"You hide your secrets. It looks like you don't know how to make PPT, but you didn't expect that you were so good at making a project document."

He breathed a sigh of relief after the other party found out that Qi Lin only wanted to praise him for doing a good job in the project document.

Qi Lin's performance just now was so scary that he thought there were flaws in his plan. At that moment, he really thought his project was going to fail.

"Your project is very well written and I am indeed very interested in it. However, I suggest you submit this project document to the head office and let the head office go through the process."

When Alin heard this, he immediately became anxious. The reason why he came here with the project document today was to get the funds early.

"It's like this, because the process time of the head office is very slow now."

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