Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

128: Just Use Me As A Suggestion Box.

"You don't need to be so nervous. I didn't mean to say anything bad about the project you two gave me. I just find it strange that you were so tit-for-tat just now. Why are you starting to praise each other now?"

When A Lin and Xiao Mo heard this, they responded with strange expressions.

"When did you praise each other?!"

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders and answered them. "500" "Then didn't you praise each other? I remember what you just told me is that many of your good projects have been disrupted by the process speed of the head office."

"You say it's a good project of yours, which only means that you recognize that the other party's project is a good project."

A Lin and Xiao Mo were speechless when they heard this.

Qi Lin had had enough of teasing them. He nodded to the two people and replied.

"I will pay attention to what you said. Apart from this one problem, are there any other problems? You can all talk to me today."

"There's no need to worry about anything else, just use me as a suggestion box.

A Lin and Xiao Mo were a little reserved at first, talking about very small problems, but later they began to relax.

Because Qi Lin kept looking at them with a smile, they felt that they could say anything.

So later they talked about everything, even some personal emotions were mixed in.

"For example, what kind of seal do we want to stamp? Because we have to go through the process from the head office, we must stamp it. So before stamping, we have to go to the relevant departments.

"After we went to the relevant departments, they told us that if we want to get a seal, we must get approval from a certain department."

"Okay, let's go then. After I went to that department, that department told us that we must get a stamp before we can hand over the process to them!"

"In the end, all kinds of wrangling happened, and then they told us that it was still okay without a stamp.

A Lin and Xiao Mo really laid out all the trivial matters.

They are just subsidiaries of the head office, and they even have to get their accounts from the head office, so many things involving projects and funds have to be approved by the head office.

This also leads to them often encountering such trivial things.

It doesn't matter if they encounter this kind of thing occasionally, the key is that they often face this kind of situation

That's why they don't like coming to the head office.

Until this situation really happened, Qi Lin comforted the two of them and said.

"Then I probably already know the situation. Is there anything else you want to say?"

A Lin and Xiao Mo only realized after they finished complaining that the target of their complaints was Qi Lin's company. They shook their heads in embarrassment.

Seeing the awkward smiles on the faces of these two people, Qi Lin laughed twice and replied to the two 2.8 people.

"Don't worry, there's no need to be embarrassed, I'm quite grateful to you, thank you for giving me so many opinions.

Xiao Mo and A Lin quickly shook their heads and replied.

"If there is anything to thank us for, this is what we should do."

Qi Lin picked up the two project plans on his desk. .

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