Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

139: You Have To Bear The Pressure Of This Incident

"It won't be long before I have to make up for it."

"It's not that I can't find someone to act as the boss of the department, but since they want to act as the boss of the department, I definitely can't let him work for too long."

"And who should I find to fill the position of acting department boss?"

"Instead of being so careful, I might as well just find someone who is qualified for this position."

"Just tell me directly whether you think you can be the boss of this department. If you can't be the boss, I can't find someone else."

After hearing what Qi Lin said, the other party took a deep breath, and then answered Qi Lin 16 with firm eyes.

"I think I can!"

Qi Lin's words actually made it very obvious. There is no such store after passing this village.

If he doesn't want to become the boss of the department so quickly, then I'm afraid he won't have much chance in a few years or even ten years.

There is no way, Tuanshi is so cruel.

When there is no vacancy in the position of department boss, no one can fill it.

Qi Lin has now put the opportunity in front of him. Whether he dares to fight for it, whether he dares to seize it, and whether he dares to sit safely in this position, it all depends on him.

Seeing that the other party agreed, Qi Lin nodded happily and turned his attention to the others.

The remaining two people had more hesitant expressions than the interns. Seeing the hesitant expressions of these two people, Qi Lin asked them suspiciously.

"You two have been employed for five years, and now such a good opportunity is in front of you. Why should you hesitate?"

When the other two people heard this, they looked at each other, and then they sighed wolfishly.

It’s not that they don’t want to take this piece of the pie, it’s that they can’t.

They all have wives and daughters. If this matter had been done to them a few years ago, they would have done it long ago.

When I get home, I might celebrate in various ways that I was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

But they are no longer young.

They are now in their thirties, and their children have already gone to school. At this time, all they need to do every day is go home and take care of their children.

The department they are in is a relatively busy department.

The administrative departments in small companies have relatively easy work, but this is not the case in large companies.

The work of the administrative department includes a lot, and they need to deal with many things every day when they go to work.

They not only have to deal with the small things of various office appliances [but also need to deal with the OA system things.

In addition to this matter, human resources matters also need to be taken care of by them.

All in all, they have too many things to take care of. 700 It would be okay if he was just an ordinary team member, but if he were the boss of the department, he would have a lot of things to worry about.

They now have a happy family and have time to spend with their loved ones after get off work every day.

Once they take the position of department boss, they no longer have this time.

So they really don't want another piece of pie.

Qi Lin could see the reluctance of the two of them, and he asked them directly.

"Just tell me your concerns directly."

Upon hearing this, the two people looked at each other, and then they said everything they were thinking.

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