Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

143: Wow, You Already Have A Second Child.

As a small employee in this department, he has both a stable salary and stable rest time. He feels that this kind of treatment is so great that he doesn't want to leave at all.

That's why he was so nervous when Qi Lin said he wanted to see him.

Qi Lin saw that the other party was really nervous, so he smiled and promised the other party a reply.

"Don't worry, I will never transfer you to "790" casually because of this kind of thing, and I never had any intention of transferring you.

When the other party heard this, he asked with suspicion.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Qi Lin replied to the other party dumbfounded.

"Of course what I said is true, why should I lie to you??"

The other party thought about it and felt that Qi Lin had no need to lie to him at all.

Thinking of this, the other party finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the other party finally relaxed, Qi Lin asked the other party.

"I called you here this time because I actually wanted to ask you, why did you refuse this opportunity?"

"Even if you can't pass the probation period, it's always right for you to give it a try."

When the other party heard this, he shook his head and replied.

"It's not practical for me, because I plan to work in the head office until I grow old, until I die, and until I retire."

"So even if I add this to my resume, it won't be of much use.

Qi Lin was stunned by the other party's sudden heartfelt statement.

He was stunned for a full two minutes before asking the other party.

"Do you really think so? Do you really want to work in my company until you are old, until you die, and until you retire?!"

When the other party heard Qi Lin's question, he nodded resolutely, his eyes shining with light.

"I really think so! The benefits of the head office are so good, even a small employee in the administrative department can earn five figures a month."

"Not only that, but we also have weekends off and various benefits during holidays. This kind of treatment is really great. I don't want to give up this kind of treatment at all!"

When Qi Lin heard this, he felt a little confused.

"If that's the case, then why don't you accept this opportunity? Even if you become the boss of the department, you will still have weekends and holiday benefits...

The other party shook his head and replied: "That's not what you said. We generally don't work overtime as department bosses, but we don't necessarily work overtime every now and then.

"I can't accept this kind of thing. After all, my second child has just been born."

Hearing this, Qi Lin raised his eyebrows and said to the other party.

"Wow, you already have a second child?"

The other party lowered his head shyly, and he answered Qilin.

"Yes, I just gave birth not long ago, and my paternity leave just ended a while ago. Now I have to accompany my wife every day when I go back from get off work."

"If I am busy with my career and do not accompany my wife 4.2 at this time, I am really afraid that my family will fall apart."

"Originally, our family's financial situation is not bad. Even if we are not the boss of this department, our family is still doing well."

So instead of working hard with my career, I might as well take advantage of this time to take good care of my wife. "

After Qi Lin heard this, he understood what the other party meant. In fact, the other party did not want to alienate his wife because of work. .

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