Of course, he mainly wanted to sell Qi Lin and Lao He to save face.

Lao He didn't know what the middle-aged man was going to say at all, so he asked the middle-aged man in confusion.

"What do you say, why are you being blocked by security?"

The middle-aged man didn't give Qi Lin a chance to speak at all. He told everything he saw at the door.

In addition to the security preventing Qi Lin from entering, he also said a lot of things in a more embellished way, wishing he could say that he was the savior, the person who descended from the sky to help Qi Lin.

Qi Lin saw his boastful appearance and couldn't help but said to him speechlessly.

"Are you exaggerating?"

After the middle-aged man heard Qi Lin's question, he answered Qi Lin righteously.

"Why is it an exaggeration? Isn't what I said right?"

"The security stopped you then, and you didn't intend to come in, right?"

What the middle-aged man said was true. He really had no intention of coming to this dinner party at that time.

After hearing these words, Lao He's face turned black.

He took a deep breath, then said in unison.

"I'm really sorry, the people I arranged are really stupid, I will let them go home now.

After Lao He finished speaking, he led the people directly to the door, while the middle-aged man waited behind him gloating about his misfortune.

Seeing Lao He's posture, he knew that the security guards at the door would be unable to do anything today.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and followed Lao He to the door.

When he got to the door, Lao He was teaching the security guards a lesson.

"Do you know who you are stopping?!"

"If someone hadn't helped me today, would you have really planned to stop him at the door and prevent him from coming in?!"

"Do you know who he is?!"

When the two security guards heard this, their faces were full of panic. Only then did they realize that they had picked up a very important person.

"I'm sorry! We don't know who he is? Because he doesn't have an invitation letter, so we just..."

Lao He didn't want to hear their explanation at all, but from a security perspective, they didn't take any measures, but they stopped his important guests, so they should be fired.

……Please give me flowers………………

So he waved his hand and said directly to the security guards.

"You go, go back directly, I don't need you here."

Security understands what Lao He means, and what Lao He means is to fire them.

But they didn't want to. It was hard for them to get this job.


This job is easy, the salary is high, and most importantly, the benefits are good.

If they lose this job, they won't be offered other jobs.

After all, they were fired directly, which would directly make them blacklisted in this industry.

When Qi Lin arrived, he heard Lao He talking a lot of nonsense. He sighed and walked over and said to Lao He.

"Didn't I tell you everything? They stopped me because I didn't bring an invitation letter. There's no need for you to make such a fuss.

When Lao He heard this, his eyes widened and he replied to Qi Lin.

"Why am I making a fuss out of a molehill? They almost drove away my most important customer. Shouldn't I fire them?"

Qi Lin replied righteously to the other party. .

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