"Hi boss!"

When the assistant heard this, he was almost frightened to death. He was not the boss of the company.

"Who told you that I am the boss's business? I am the secretary's business!"

"I'm just your interviewer today, it doesn't mean I'm your boss!"

When the girl heard this, she scratched her head and replied with a smile to the assistant.

"Don't this mean the same thing? I thought you were the boss..."

Hearing the girl's words, the assistant sighed heavily. He felt that he was very tired from interviewing so many people today.

The assistant waved his hand feebly and said to the girl.

"Okay, 20, please sit down quickly and we'll finish the interview process quickly.

The assistant said this because he felt that there was no hope for girls. How could ten people who couldn't even speak become the boss of the administrative department?

Qi Lin became very interested in this girl.

He thinks this girl is quite interesting.

He was still sleepy at first, but hearing the girl's words suddenly cheered him up.

The assistant has now begun the routine questioning. He first asks the girl questions one by one according to the questions on the white paper.

The girl's answer was very rigid, and it could be said that there was no flexibility at all.

Hearing the girl's answer, the assistant sighed deeply.

"Do you know what the administration does?"

When the girl heard this, he nodded very excitedly, and he answered to the assistant.

"Of course I know what the administrative department does. I worked in the administrative department before. I think I should be able to be the manager of the administrative department!"

When the assistant heard this, he laughed directly. He glanced at the girl, and then he asked the girl.

"Who gave you the confidence to think you could be a department manager?"

"The questions I just asked you, and the way you answered them are all wrong. The department managers we recruit do not need such rigid people."

After the girl heard this, she bit her lower lip, and then she answered to the assistant.

"I don't think my answer is right, on the contrary, I think my answer is pretty good!"

"There are actually no definite answers to these questions, I'm just dealing with things my way.

The assistant did not refute the girl's words. He nodded to the girl, and then he continued to the girl.

"I know what you mean, but we really don't need people who can only answer like this, so I'm sorry, please get out."

The girl's eyes suddenly became moist. She didn't expect that she would be brushed off so quickly.

"Otherwise, you can think about it again. If it doesn't work, you can ask me another 830 question. I promise that this time I will answer it seriously and think about it seriously!"

Qi Lin suddenly spoke directly from behind and asked the girl.

"Then what you said means that you didn't give a serious answer or think seriously just now?"

The girl didn't expect that someone would suddenly speak from behind. When she heard the question, she was startled.

"Ouch, oh my god!"

Seeing the girl's startled reaction, the pair said to the girl.

"Sorry, I scared you..."

The girl patted her chest and said, "It's okay...wait! You look familiar to me..."

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