But some girls couldn't answer the second question.

Seeing the girl's inability to answer and the assistant's smile, he said to the girl.

"Didn't you just say that you didn't prepare these questions in advance?"

When the girl heard the assistant's question, she panicked and replied to the assistant.

"What I mean is that I didn't prepare the answers to these questions. I answered all of these questions on my own."

"I didn't cheat!"

Hearing the girl's words, the assistant sighed, and he replied to the girl.

"If you didn't cheat, then why couldn't you answer my question?"

The girl replied to the assistant.

"The reason why I can't answer your questions is because I'm not good at dealing with your last 630 questions..."

The assistant only felt that the girl was quibbling. Even if the girl had not prepared the answers to the questions in advance, he would not have hired her because girls did not have the ability to respond on the fly.

If even unexpected situations have to be anticipated, what is the point of being called a temporary response?

Thinking of this, he said to the girl.

"Okay, that's it for your interview. It's been delayed long enough. You can leave.

When the girl heard this, she immediately turned her head and looked at Qi Lin.

Qi Lin knew that the girl wanted him to give her a chance, so he always smiled at the girl without saying anything.

The girl felt that she had no chance, so she could only walk out of the conference room dejectedly.

Seeing how pitiful the girl was, Qi Lin walked up to the assistant before the next interviewer walked in, and then said to the assistant.

"Just give her a chance."

The assistant seemed to have heard something incredible. He looked at Qi Lin with wide eyes and asked Qi Lin.

"Mr. Qi, is what you said true?"

"How can she be a department manager!"

Qi Lin heard the assistant's question and answered with a smile.

"Don't worry, I didn't mean to just leave his resume for the next round.

"I will personally testify in the next round of interviews, and then I will ask him if he is willing to transfer departments."

There is definitely no way for the assistant to resist Qi Lin's order.

In the end, the assistant kept this girl’s resume.

Qi Lin did not stay in the conference room anymore. He felt that the atmosphere in the conference room was not very good, and he was almost sleepy.

The second round of re-examination was on the third day. The reason why it was so short was because their company could not wait too long.

When the second round of reexamination began, Qi Lin went directly to the conference room to prepare.

The assistant is sitting next to him. The assistant's task is to help him read resumes and analyze the abilities of these people.

Interviews soon arrived at the company one after another. Today, the entire seventh floor was dedicated to preparing for interviews.

After finding a place for the interview, they began to prepare for the interview.

The assistant gave the order of the interview list to the secretary, and then the secretary walked outside the conference room and asked the interviewers to come in one after another.

The first person who came in happened to be the girl they interviewed a few days ago.

The girl was very nervous when she saw the two of them. She walked into the conference room tremblingly, and then said to the two of them very nervously.

"Hello, interviewers!".

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