A big thing happened in the company.

When Qi Lin learned about this, he was having lunch, and his assistant told him that someone in the company was selling secrets.

After knowing this, Qilixiang hurried to the company.

When he arrived at the company, he asked the assistant.

"what's going on?"

After the assistant heard Qi Lin's question, he explained to Qi Lin in detail. Although they were the number one company in the world, they also had competitors.

Recently, several of their projects have been intercepted by competitors, making them feel very strange.

The assistant investigated privately and discovered that someone within their staff might have signed a contract with a competitor.

Generally only insiders know what projects they are working on next.

Every time, the competitors seemed to know in advance what projects they were going to undertake next, and specifically identified their projects.

Once or twice can be said to be a coincidence, but the third and fourth times are already very suspicious.

Now the assistant is investigating who the mole is, but unfortunately there is no clue yet.

After listening to the assistant's explanation, Qi Lin remained silent. He did not expect that such a person would appear in his company.

He treats the employees in his company very well, and both benefits and salary are very good.

He did not expect that under such circumstances, insiders in his company would communicate with competitors.

This made him very disgusted.

"This matter must be thoroughly investigated. I will give you one week. Then you must investigate and find out who the mole is. If you can't find out who the spy is."

Qi Lin stopped talking at this point. The assistant understood what Qi Lin meant. What Qi Lin meant was that if he couldn't find out through the investigation, then he didn't have to do it.

Indeed, Qi Lin gives his assistant so much money every month not just to make him a living. The assistant must show his ability when he can.

"I understand, Mr. Qi!"

After the assistant finished speaking, he went directly to deal with the matter.

This matter cannot be investigated openly, because once they start to investigate openly, people in the company will be panicked.

This is not a good thing for the company.

The most important thing is that they don't have any evidence yet, so all investigations can only be conducted secretly.

Qi Lin didn't just ask his assistant to investigate. Now that he's back, he must also get involved in this matter.

He first asked others to help him investigate the information of several company insiders.

Because their company is so big, there are dozens of people in the 500 management team.

The project information of their head office was leaked, which can only mean that there is an insider in the management of their head office.

They have a total of thirty-five management personnel, and the thirty-five are promoted from level to level. The management level is also divided into upper and lower levels. Qi Lin is the highest level, and the assistant is the second level.

In fact, generally speaking, assistants should not have such a high position, but since Qi Lin is not in the company all year round.

Most of his matters are handled by his assistant, and the assistant often conveys his intentions, so the assistant's current position in the management can be said to be the second in line.

The rest are basically management positions such as general manager or director. .

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