"Mr. Qi, why did you leave in such a hurry this time?"

Qi Lin heard the assistant's question and answered with a smile.

"When did I not leave in such a hurry?"

Qi Lin understood what the assistant meant. The assistant simply felt that he left too suddenly this time. He had promised to go to accompany his wives, but now he had to leave suddenly.

"I just suddenly wanted to go out and take another look. Don't worry, maybe I'll be back soon.

After the assistant heard this, he nodded to Qi Lin. Originally, Qi Lin was just his immediate boss. As a subordinate, he asked so many questions, and it was great that Qi Lin was willing to answer him.

Thinking of this, he nodded to Qi Lin and replied.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to take care of everything here while you are away."

Qi Lin has always been very confident about his assistant. His assistant's ability is obvious to all. In the past, when he was away, almost everything was handled by his assistant alone.

It is precisely because of this that he can travel abroad with such confidence every time.

This time his destination was in the far north, he wanted to see the Pole Star.

Speaking of which, he has been traveling for so long, and it seems that he has never seen the Pole Star.

The plane was about to take off, and the assistant could no longer stay with Qi Lin in the airport, so he said goodbye to Qi Lin.

"Okay, if you don't have anything to do during the flight, I'll go back first."

Qi Lin nodded.

Originally, the assistant wanted to let him take a private plane, but the distance was too far, and Qi Lin didn't want to cause such trouble.

So he asked his assistant to buy an economy class ticket.

After getting on the plane, Qi Lin sat in the economy class and rested with his eyes closed.

He was sitting in the first row by the window. When he was about to close his eyes and rest directly, his shoulder was touched cautiously.

Qi Lin opened his eyes and found that the person touching him was a male.

The other party looks a bit delicate, looking like a student.

"What's wrong?"

Qi Lin asked the other party.

The other party was a little nervous and Qi Lin replied: "It's like this, can I change places with you? Because I am carsick and airsick..."

Qi Lin was also a little airsick. He deliberately bought the window seat so that he could lean on it. If he sat outside, he was afraid that he would have no place to lean on. So he politely refused the other party.

"Sorry, I'm airsick too."

When the other party heard this, he nodded awkwardly, and then he went to ask others.

Soon, someone was willing to change places with him.

Because the business class of the plane was already full, the assistant could only buy the economy class when buying.

At the time, the assistant thought it was inappropriate to handle the situation like this because there were too many people in the economy class.

But Qi Lin didn't mind.

After the plane officially took off, the girl who had changed seats with the man came next to him.

After the other party sat down, he began to close his eyes without saying a word, as if he was resting.

Qi Lin didn't pay much attention to the other party. He didn't sleep well last night, so he continued to catch up on his sleep on the plane.

He was woken up after about half an hour of sleep.

He first heard the sound of retching coming from beside him, and then he opened his eyes and looked to the side. .

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