Seeing the girl resisting so fiercely, Qi Lin said to the flight attendant.

"Forget it, if she doesn't want to go, then forget it."

The flight attendants on the plane had no choice but to hold a girl. After repeatedly confirming that there was nothing wrong with the girl's health, they left.

They are only responsible for the personal safety of passengers during the flight. Now that the passengers have safely disembarked from the plane, that's all they can do.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the flight attendant finally left.

Seeing the 23 girls breathing a sigh of relief, Qi Lin stepped forward and asked with some doubts.

"Why don't you want to go to the hospital with them?"

Upon hearing Qi Lin's question, the girl glanced at Qi Lin, and then she answered Qi Lin.

"What I hate most is the hospital, so I don't want to go to the hospital at all. As long as I enter the hospital, they will definitely ask me to check this and that.

Qi Lin felt that the girl's face was still not very good-looking, but he couldn't let the girl go to the hospital for medical treatment. This was her choice and she was unwilling to go. "Of course he couldn't force her to go to the hospital for medical treatment.

Thinking of this, he nodded and said to the girl.

"Okay, then you can rest here for a while."

After saying that, Qi Lin left directly. He planned to go to a nearby B&B to have a rest.

He had already booked a B&B nearby before coming here.

You must know that many people want to see Polaris. In order to ensure that the B&B rooms will not be sold out after he comes here, he specially made a reservation in advance.

After arriving at the B&B, I took my luggage and went up to rest.

After about two hours, he felt hungry, so he wanted to go downstairs to see if there was any place to eat nearby.

When he went downstairs, he saw the girl he saw on the plane again.

Qi Lin was very surprised when he saw the girl. He widened his eyes and asked the girl.

"Do you live here too?"

The girl was obviously surprised too, she said to Qilin.

"Most of the people who come here want to see the Polaris, do you do the same?"

Qi Lin nodded, because the two of them had the same purpose, and they were hungry now, so they traveled together.

While chatting, they learned the names of both parties. This girl was called Zhou Xin, a girl who was only twenty-three years old.

After knowing that the girl was so young, Qi Lin felt even more strange. Generally, girls of this age should be quite healthy.

But this girl looks really weak.

From the first time he saw this girl, he felt that this girl was seriously ill and her face had never been rosy.

But Qi Lin didn't say anything. Since the girl didn't want to reveal her situation, he wouldn't say anything.

The two of them walked while looking for restaurants nearby.

Because tourists come here all year round, there are quite a few snacks and restaurants nearby.

The two of them found a restaurant nearby and had dinner together.

Because the two of them had the same purpose, and the two of them chatted quite well, the two of them decided to go see the Northern Lights together the next day. .

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