They knew that these were just words of comfort, but the girl still accepted it happily.

"Thank you... maybe a miracle will really happen to me..."

After the two people finished talking about the last sentence, they didn't talk about anything else.

It was now nine o'clock in the evening, the temperature was already ridiculously low, and both of them returned to their tents.

The wind outside was blowing like a knife blade, and if they continued to stay outside, both of their faces would probably be frozen.

After staying in the tent for more than an hour, the girl came to look for Qi Lin again.

Qi Lin saw the girl coming to look for him with a pale face. He thought something had happened to the girl, so he went out of the tent and asked the girl.

"What happened? Are you feeling unwell?"

When the girl heard Qi Lin's question, she smiled weakly and shook her head, and then she answered Qi Lin.

"It's not like this. I just think it's too quiet in my tent. I want you to accompany me. "Is it convenient for you? If it's not convenient, forget it.

The girls have already said this, and Qi Lin can't refuse the other party.

In addition, it was really boring for him to stay in the tent by himself, so he agreed to the girl's request and went directly to the girl's tent.

At first, Qi Lin thought this was not a good idea, but after entering the tent, he found that there was nothing in the tent except a backpack.

Qi Lin frowned and asked the girl,

"Why don't you spread out your things? If you are like this, you will catch a cold easily."

When the girl heard this, she smiled palely, and then she replied to Qilin.

"Actually, it doesn't matter. I'm wearing enough clothes, and not only do I wear more clothes, but I still feel cold no matter how many clothes I lay on.

"So it doesn't matter, that's all."

Qi Lin couldn't stand it. After listening to the girl's words, he took out the mat from the backpack without saying a word and carefully laid out the quilt.

"Okay, that's it."

When the girl saw Qi Lin being so kind to him, she was a little touched, and then she said to Qi Lin...

"Thank you. If I hadn't met you, I don't know how I would have come here.

"Originally, I thought I could take a casual trip on my own, but I didn't expect that my health was getting worse day by day."

"So my body is sick..."

Seeing the girl's pale face as she told about her illness, Qi Lin didn't know what to say to the girl for a moment.

When the girl saw Qi Lin's confused look, she asked Qi Lin.

"Speaking of which, I still don't know what's going on with you...Why did you come here to see the Northern Lights?"

After hearing the girl's question, the girl answered honestly. 1.0 "Because I have nothing to do, I should be bored every day. I used to like making money, but later I found that I can never make enough money, so I went out to travel everywhere."

"I went back to China for a while some time ago, and then my uncle came out again recently.

Qi Lin's words were a bit dry and "not as moving as when a girl tells her own experience."

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