Through the information provided by the suspect, they locked in a location where Liu Yang might appear. This is an abandoned factory located on the outskirts of the city, which is used by this organization as a base for hiding and processing smuggled animals. Qi Lin and Li Ping quietly approached this location as night fell.

Standing in the shadow of the factory, Qi Lin whispered to Li Ping: "We must proceed carefully and destroy this organization ruthlessly. But we must also ensure our own safety.

Li Ping replied with determination: "I understand that we cannot let these criminals go unpunished. They have caused too much harm to wild animals."

The two of them entered the factory in tacit agreement, walking through the ruined walls and dark corridors. They carefully walked around several members of the patrol to avoid being discovered.

Finally, they came to a huge warehouse. It is filled with all kinds of animal products, which makes people feel sad and angry. Qi Lin looked around, searching for any possible hidden clues.

Suddenly, he heard a whisper. The two guards were talking, and one of them mentioned the news that Liu Yang was about to return to the factory.

"We have no time to waste!" Qi Lin lowered his voice and said to Li Ping. "We must act quickly to collect this evidence before he returns."1

They began to work separately, collect evidence, and record the detailed information of every smuggled item in the warehouse. Time is tight, but they strive to maintain a high degree of alertness and concealment.

Just as they were about to leave, there was a creaking sound at the door. Liu Yang is back!

Qi Lin and Li Ping immediately hid to hide their existence. They stared at the door attentively, waiting for the opportunity to come.

Liu Yang entered the warehouse and glanced around the chaotic scene. He frowned, obviously aware of something strange.

"Someone has been here!" Liu Yang growled in a low voice.

Suddenly, they rushed out of the darkness and found themselves between Liu Yang and Li Ping. He stared at the other person without fear.

"Liu Yang, your crimes are over!" Qi Lin said firmly. "Put down your weapons and surrender!"

Liu Yang had a gloomy face, anger and despair flashing in his eyes.

"You policemen can't stop me!" he said through gritted teeth.

Just then, sirens sounded and more police officers rushed to the factory. They were mobilized to deal with this huge smuggling organization.

Qi Lin and Li Ping blocked Liu Yang's retreat, and the police quickly surrounded the entire factory. Liu Yang was forced into a desperate situation, and he knew that he had no chance of escape.

"Put down your weapons, Liu Yang! You have been surrounded and there is no hope. Surrender!" Qi Lin called 007 again.

Liu Yang stared at Qi Lin fiercely, with a trace of struggle and anger flashing in his eyes. In the end, he reluctantly threw the weapon on the ground and raised his hands to express surrender.

"You won! But you can never destroy our organization!" Liu Yang said through gritted teeth.

Qi Lin looked at Liu Yang indifferently, knowing that this was just his stubbornness and resistance. They handcuffed Liu Yang and handed him over to the waiting police.

Over the next few hours, police searched the entire factory. They discovered a large number of smuggled items, records and documents, and the evidence fully revealed the crimes of this organization. .

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