Qi Lin and Zhang Man are a pair of music teachers who have a common goal: in order to let students better learn music knowledge, they decided to use the method of entertaining and educating. Every day, they enter the classroom with passion, ready to arouse students' interest in various interesting ways.

On the first day, Qi Lin and Zhang Man brought various musical instruments and placed them in the classroom. When the students were watching these instruments with endless interest, "Seventy-seven," Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Today, we will start with the simplest musical instrument - the harmonica! Did you know? The harmonica is one of the smallest musical instruments in the world." He took out a harmonica and showed it to everyone.

Li Ming asked curiously: "Teacher, how do you play the harmonica?"

Qi Lin replied with a smile: "It's very simple, just like blowing up a balloon. You only need to blow gently with your mouth to make beautiful music."

Zhang Man added: "Yes, and you can also play different notes by changing the intensity and position of the blow. Now, I will teach you to play a simple tune. I hope you can follow it."

They started teaching the students how to play the harmonica and gradually guided them to practice a simple piece of music. Qi Lin and Zhang Man encouraged students to cooperate with each other and share each other's progress and difficulties. They use vivid language, vivid metaphors and interesting games to help students understand notes and rhythms.

The next day, Qi Lin and Zhang Man decided to use music games to help students learn music theory knowledge. They prepared some cards, each with a note or rhythm pattern written on it. Students need to follow the instructions on these cards to arrange or play them in the correct order.

When the students actively participated in the game, Qi Lin said with a smile: "You are the detectives of the music industry! You must carefully observe the hints on the cards and combine them, just like piecing together a puzzle."

Zhang Man added: "Yes, through this game, you can deepen your understanding of notes and rhythms, and at the same time, you can exercise your observation and reaction abilities.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Zhang Man continued to teach music knowledge in various creative ways. They brought music painting activities to let students express their feelings about music through painting; they organized a musical performance to let students show what they learned on the stage.

A large number of conversations take place in classrooms every day. The students actively asked questions and shared their thoughts and confusions, while Qi Lin and Zhang Man patiently answered and provided guidance. they believe

Through interactive communication with students, students' learning interest and creativity can be better stimulated.

In one class, students learned about the history of music and different styles of playing techniques. Qi Lin took out a photo of a musician and introduced it to the students: "This is Beethoven. He is known as one of the greatest composers in the history of music. He composed many excellent symphonies, and we will learn from him today One of the famous works is "Symphony of Destiny 1.8"."

The students asked curiously: "Teacher, why is this piece called "Symphony of Destiny"? What does it have to do with fate?"

Qi Lin answered with a smile: "Very good question! Beethoven was facing a difficult fate in his life when he wrote this piece, but he expressed his resistance to fate and strong will through music. Every note conveys His innermost emotions.

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