Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

225: Cause Great Losses To The Company

Qi Lin received an anonymous email, which contained only an attachment and a few short sentences: "This is a major case, and you are the only person who can crack it. Please check the attachment carefully and act as soon as possible." The attachment is a An internal company document about a case involving industrial espionage.

Qi Lin was immersed in the documents, and some clues gradually emerged in front of him. This is a "030" company called "Tianhua Technology", which has recently suffered a series of technology theft incidents. These stolen technologies are closely related to the company's latest research and development products, posing a huge threat to the company's competitors.

Qi Lin decided to go to the company to investigate first. He transformed into an IT engineer and sneaked into the office building of Tianhua Technology. In the company lobby, he met a woman named Lin Ya who was receiving customers. He deliberately pretended to be an employee who broke in accidentally and asked Lin Ya about the recent theft incident.

"Hello, how much damage has the recent technology theft incident caused to the company?" This letter asked tentatively.

Lin Ya looked at Qi Lin with a vigilant expression and said: "These theft incidents have caused huge losses to the company, not only financial losses, but also a blow to the confidence of our R&D team. We urgently need to find the stolen technology The mastermind behind it."

"Do you have any suspicion? Or a competitor?" Qi Lin continued to inquire.

Lin Ya frowned, thought for a moment and said: "We do have some suspicious clues pointing to a company called "Haotian Technology". The products they recently released are very similar to our research and development direction, but we have no conclusive evidence." to accuse them.

Qi Lin left his contact information and told Lin Ya that if she had any new information, she could contact him at any time. Subsequently, he left Tianhua Technology and went to Haotian Technology to investigate.

Through investigation, Qi Lin learned that the CEO of Haotian Technology was Li Hao, an ambitious businessman. In order to find out whether there is really technology theft, Qi Lin decided to start with the surrounding environment.

He lurked in the parking lot of Haotian Technology and witnessed several suspicious people entering and exiting the company building. Qi Lin followed these clues, conducted in-depth investigations and tracked down several suspects. Finally, he discovered that an employee named Xiao Liu was related to previous incidents related to theft of technology...

Qi Lin found Xiao Liu and approached him as a person who was also interested in technology. They chatted happily, and Xiao Liu gradually trusted Qi Lin and revealed some important information.

"Actually, I don't want to be a commercial spy, but my family has huge medical bills to pay. I was colluded by someone, and he threatened me to expose my family situation unless I helped him steal Haotian Technology's technology. I I have no choice but to comply with his request." Xiao Liu said with a trembling voice. f

Qi Lin deeply understood Xiao Liu's situation. He decided to provide help to Xiao Liu and at the same time bring the mastermind behind the scenes to justice. He comforted Xiao Liu and said: "You were very brave in doing 2.8, but now we have the opportunity to expose this conspiracy together. Tell me everything about that person, including his identity and contact information."

Xiao Liu relaxed a little and revealed that the man was Wang Ming, a hacker who was good at cybercrime. Wang Ming used his technical ability and dark forces to contain Xiao Liu and make him his tool. .

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