According to reports, a trafficking gang is active on the fringes of the city. The gang makes huge profits by kidnapping young women and selling them to criminals. Qi Lin said that he must uncover this dark conspiracy as soon as possible and rescue those innocent victims.

When Qi Lin came to the scene of the crime, he saw a young woman tied to the "430" on the ground. She had tears in her eyes and looked frightened. Qi Lin stepped forward and asked softly: "What is your name?"

The girl raised her head and said in a trembling voice: "My name is Yang Chen. They kidnapped me here. I beg you to save me. 17

Qi Lin squatted down and said gently to the girl: "Don't be afraid, I will protect you. Tell me, why were you kidnapped?"

Yang Chen choked and said: "I don't know, they didn't give me any explanation. They just said that I would bring them huge profits.

Qi Lin held Yang Chen's hand and comforted her: "Believe me, I will find the answer. Now, I need you to cooperate with our investigation. Please tell me, can you remember any details about this place?"

Yang Chen tried his best to remember, and then said: "It was very dark here and had a musty smell. I remember they took me into a basement where there were many iron railings and chains."

When Qi Lin heard these words, a clue came into his mind. He realized that this trafficking gang might be hiding in the abandoned underground passages of the city. In order to confirm his thoughts, Qi Lin decided to go to the police station's archives to check some relevant information.

In the archives of the police station, Qi Lin looked through past case records. He discovered that in recent years, there had been many similar cases of trafficking near this city. He began to connect the clues of these cases, looking for possible connections.

Qi Lin studied the details of each case in depth and gradually discovered one thing in common: these cases occurred in abandoned underground tunnels in the city. He realized that the trafficking gang was likely to choose the abandoned underground passage as their base of operations.

After some investigation, Qi Lin locked two suspicious underground passages. He decided to go to the first location for reconnaissance... When he stepped into the underground passage, a smell of dampness and decay hit his face.

Suddenly, Qi Lin heard a faint whisper. He stopped and held his breath, trying to determine the source of the sound. Through the dim light in the darkness, he found a faint light emitting from Shiku's half-open door.

Carefully opening the door, Qi Lin found himself in a dark and dirty room. The walls are covered with photos and documents, showing photos of trafficked women and related records. This is the secret base of the trafficking gang.

Just as Qi Lin was about to investigate more, he heard signs of approaching footsteps. He quickly hid in a corner and stared at the door intently.

Several suspected gang members walked into the room. They chatted in hushed tones about new victims and trading plans. Qi Lin captured some important information, but he needed more evidence to crack down on this criminal gang.

Without them noticing him, Qi Lin quietly left the room and prepared to go back and report to the police station. However, he suddenly heard a desperate cry for help. .

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