Qi Lin quickly wrote down this clue and decided to investigate it personally. He thanked the anonymous person and hung up.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Qi Lin came to the secret trading point next to the fishing port. Before nightfall, he found a hidden corner to hide and prepared to observe all night.

Soon after, a black car stopped at the entrance of the trading point. Several men in black clothes got out of the car, one of them was holding a cage. A faint animal sound came from the cage.

Qi Lin's heart tightened, and he knew he had found the right target. He quickly took out his camera and captured the scene as evidence. Then, Qi Lin secretly followed the group of people.

They entered a dilapidated warehouse, and Qi Lin carefully pressed against the wall, trying to avoid being discovered. He heard many conversations.

"This time I brought ten rare coral snakes, and we can sell them at a good price!" a man said excitedly.

"Don't forget, our buyers have backgrounds and must not make mistakes." Another man warned.

Qi Lin became more determined to solve this case. He quietly left the warehouse and returned to the office.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin sorted out his thoughts. He put the photos he took on the table and carefully analyzed every detail. He found that in one of the photos, there was a man with his back to the camera, wearing a hat, who looked quite familiar.

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he suddenly remembered that this man's appearance had appeared in a previous investigation. He quickly flipped through the case files and confirmed his suspicions.

"Sure enough, it's him!" Qi Lin murmured to himself.

The man’s name is Zhang Kai, a member of a criminal gang who had previously been arrested for illegally selling rare animals. Qi Lin realized that this was not just an ordinary case of selling protected animals, but there might be a bigger shady story behind it.

In order to further confirm the clues, Qi Lin decided to launch a sneak operation. He changed his clothes, transformed into a black market trader, and formulated a detailed plan. He knew it would be a dangerous and exciting challenge.

Qi Lin wore simple black clothes and dressed himself up as a black market trader. He went to the secret trading point next to the fishing port and watched and waited in the dark.

As night fell, black market trading activities began. Qi Lin stared at the group of people closely, trying to find any clues that could reveal the truth of the case.

Suddenly, he noticed a man wearing a hat coming out. Qi Lin immediately recognized that it was Zhang Kai. He followed Zhang Kai carefully, keeping a proper distance to avoid being noticed.

Zhang Kai entered the same warehouse and the door was tightly closed. Qi Lin knew this was his best chance. He quietly approached and secretly opened a window and got in.

Inside was a dark and cluttered space that smelled of fish and animals. Qi Lin carefully avoided the stacked goods and approached the ongoing transaction site.

He heard the conversation.

"This batch of 0.3 protected animals is unique in variety and extremely valuable. We want to ensure smooth delivery to the buyer." A man said, and Qi Lin recognized Zhang Kai's voice.

"Don't worry, we have confirmed the identity of the buyer, and the business will definitely be successful this time." Another person responded.

Qi Lin secretly gritted his teeth and determined to bring this criminal gang to justice. He took out his mobile phone and started taking photos and videos of the transaction scene to ensure that there was enough evidence. .

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