Qi Lin and Lin Zihao decided to investigate in depth the case of illegal tree felling. They acted separately and gradually got closer to the black hands behind the scenes by tracking the timber sales in the market.

Qi Lin and Lin Zihao are respectively responsible for tracking two different sales channels. Qi Lin went deep into the timber market and lurked around a suspected selling point to observe. He noticed a truck frequently traveling in and out of the area and carrying a large amount of wood.

Qi Lin decided to track the truck to see where it was going. He followed carefully, ensuring that his movements were not noticed.

Finally, the truck stopped in front of an abandoned factory. Qi Lin secretly wrote down the address and quickly left the scene to avoid arousing suspicion.

At the same time, Lin Zihao also obtained important clues. He discovered that a wood processing factory was suspected of illegally receiving and selling illegally logged wood. Lin Zihao secretly investigated the background of the processing plant and successfully gained the trust of internal employees.

Through conversations with insiders, Lin Zihao learned that this processing plant had a hidden passage leading to an underground warehouse. This may be where stolen trees are hidden.

Qi Lin and Lin Zihao met to share each other's discoveries. They realize that they are close to the truth and are only one step away from solving the case.

The two agreed on the next course of action. In order to ensure success in one fell swoop, they decided to join forces for the final decisive battle.

Late one night, Qi Lin, Lin Zihao and a special operations team composed of police officers quietly came to the abandoned factory. They bypassed the main entrance of the factory and chose the hidden passage leading to the underground warehouse.

When they entered the underground warehouse, they were greeted by the scene in front of them - a large number of illegally cut trees were piled up, apparently waiting for an opportunity to sell.

Just as they were about to conduct a search, a group of armed gangsters suddenly appeared and stood in front of them.

"Who are you?" one gangster roared.

"We are the spokesperson of justice, here to expose your crimes!" Qi Lin replied firmly.

In a tense atmosphere, the two sides fell into a confrontation. But Qi Lin and Lin Zihao did not back down. They firmly believed that justice would eventually defeat evil.

In a fierce battle, Qi Lin, Lin Zihao and the police team launched a fierce showdown with the gangsters. Both sides go back and forth and try their best.

After hard struggle, Qi Lin and Lin Zihao finally defeated the gangsters and subdued them all. The police team is responsible for escorting them to the police station to face legal sanctions.

At the same time, Qi Lin and Lin Zihao successfully seized a large amount of evidence of illegal felling of trees, ensuring the smooth detection of this case.

Qi Lin was sitting in front of the computer, his fingers tapping rapidly on the keyboard, his eyes focused and firm. This is a battle about cybercrime [Ten challenging and IQ battles


"Detective Qi, this case seems to be not simple." "Xiao Li, the staff member next to me, said with a little worry while handing over a cup of coffee.

(Money?) Qi Lin nodded slightly and took the coffee, but did not drink it immediately. He always thinks in his own unique way, and coffee is his best companion when thinking.

"Tell me about it, Xiao Li." Qi Lin looked at Xiao Lu with his profound eyes.

Xiao Li took a deep breath and said: "There have been a series of online fraud cases recently, and the victims were defrauded of huge sums of money online. Moreover, the scammers seem to have a very accurate grasp of the victim's psychology, making it difficult to guard against them. .”

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