In the days that followed, Qi Lin and Lily established an organization together - Panda Guardians. They are committed to protecting giant pandas and the natural environment to commemorate Lin Fengxue'er's immortal friendship.

In the dead of night, Qi Lin sat alone in the detective agency, frowning at the table full of case information. The details of the case were like a mess, entangled in his mind.

The phone rang suddenly, awakening Qi Lin from his meditation. He picked up the phone and heard the voice of Lin Hao, the owner of the forest farm.

"Detective Qi, hello! My forest was stolen last night and ten rare trees were cut down. I need your help." Lin Hao's voice was obviously anxious.

Qi Lin immediately sat up straight and said, "Mr. Lin, please tell me the details."

"Last night, my ranger found that ten valuable trees had been cut down, including one that was a century-old tree. We found a lot of residual wood chips and tool marks at the scene, but we haven't found any witnesses yet. .

Qi Lin scratched on the paper and wrote down the key information. "Okay, Mr. Lin, I will come to your home as soon as possible to understand the situation."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lin fell into deep thought. This case is very difficult and he needs to find more clues. He tapped the table lightly with his fingers, "This case is not a simple theft and requires more in-depth investigation."

The next morning, Qi Lin came to Lin Hao's house. Lin Hao took him to the woods that had been cut down. Qi Lin saw the century-old tree that had been chopped down at a glance. Its branches were scattered all over the ground, and there were still wood chips left on the bark.

Qi Lin walked around the scene and carefully observed all the traces. He discovered some new clues and recorded them in his notebook.

Then, he went to meet the ranger Xiao Yang. Xiao Yang looks very young, but he works very seriously. Qi Lin carefully asked him how he discovered the scene of being hacked.

Xiao Yang recalled, "That night, I was patrolling in the woods as usual. About ten o'clock in the evening, I discovered something abnormal."

"What's abnormal?" Qi Lin asked.

"I saw some trees falling to the ground, and sawdust scattered on the ground. I immediately realized that someone might have cut down the trees, so I immediately called the police." Xiao Yang looked a little nervous.

Qi Lin comforted him, "You did the right thing. These clues are very important."

In the next few days, Qi Lin learned more about the situation through investigation. Some local residents reported that they had seen some suspicious vehicles appearing nearby. Some people reported that they had heard the sound of trees being cut down, but they did not pay attention at the time.

Qi Lin put these clues together and gradually came up with a preliminary guess. "These clues all seem to point in one direction - someone deliberately cut down the precious trees here."

However, he still needs more evidence to confirm his speculation. Qi Lin began an in-depth investigation of nearby residents, hoping to find witnesses or more clues.

After several days of hard work, he finally found a witness. This witness is an old man named Li. He told Qi Lin that he once saw a truck enter the forest farm at about ten o'clock in the evening, and then when it came out, the truck was filled with wood.

Qi Lin was very excited, this was just the evidence he needed. (Zhao Qianhao) He immediately reported the situation to the police. The police quickly launched an operation and finally captured the suspect.

After interrogation, the suspect admitted his crime of cutting down rare trees. He is a timber businessman who wants to use these rare trees to make high-end furniture to make huge profits.

The case was solved perfectly, and Qi Lin breathed a sigh of relief. "."Although this case seems simple, it is actually very complicated. If it weren't for my careful investigation and thinking, "this criminal might have gotten away with it," he boasted.

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