Qi Lin hung up the phone and rushed to the location Xiao Wang mentioned. When he arrived at his destination, he saw Zhang San being escorted out by the police. Qi Lin stood aside, unable to calm down for a long time. The smuggling case was finally solved. He remembered all the details, from the first clue to the final arrest, everything seemed like a dream. And now this dream is finally over.

Detective Qi Lin stood at the crime scene, his eyes sharp and focused. This case is about a smuggling activity. According to intelligence, a batch of jewelry worth millions is about to be smuggled out of the country. Qi Lin took a deep breath and prepared to start investigating.

He first went to the local police station and met with the officer in charge of the case. The police officer introduced the basic situation of the case and provided some clues. Qi Lin listened carefully and asked some questions.

"Do you suspect that insiders were involved?" Qi Lin asked.

"There is no conclusive evidence that it is a mole, but we have not ruled out this possibility." the police officer replied.

"Okay, I will pay attention to clues in this regard. Also, I need to have a deeper understanding of this smuggling group. Can you provide me with relevant information?

"Of course. We have been tracking this group for some time, but have been unable to catch their leader. They seem to be operating in high secrecy [we can only confirm that they have an important transaction once a month].

"So, what goods do they usually trade?"

"Mainly valuable items, such as jewelry, art and antiques. They used some illegal channels to smuggle these items out of the country. We suspect that they used a certain port, but no conclusive evidence has been found yet.

"Okay, I will further investigate the situation at this port. Is there any other clue?"

"We have found that the frequency of this group's activities has increased recently, and it seems to be doing something big. We have notified the Border Patrol and strengthened inspections of smuggling vehicles.

"Great, I will work with the Border Patrol and find out what their plans are as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance and I will stay in touch."

After Qi Lin left the police station, he immediately went to the suspicious port to investigate. He found a small warehouse near the port that looked inconspicuous. He entered the warehouse and carefully observed his surroundings.

………Please give me flowers…0

While he was looking at a shelf full of wooden boxes, he suddenly heard footsteps. He quickly hid in a dark corner and observed quietly.

Several suspicious people walked into the warehouse. One of them looked dignified and might be the leader of the smuggling group. They started looking through the crates and inspected every item. Qi Lin felt that they were waiting for some kind of signal.

Suddenly, the leader took out a mobile phone and pressed a button. Qi Lin immediately realized that this was the signal they used to notify the ship.

Not wanting to miss any key information, Qi Lin quickly made a phone call and asked the police to send personnel to block the port and intercept suspicious ships. At the same time, he also sent an urgent message to the Border Patrol, informing them that a suspicious ship was about to leave the port.

Subsequently, Qi Lin decided to leave the warehouse temporarily to avoid raising suspicion. He quickly made his way to the Border Patrol and met them, detailing the situation and a description of the suspicious vessel.

"We have been notified, Mr. Qi Lin. We will immediately launch operations to intercept the ship." A border patrol captain replied. .

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