Qi Lin's eyes lit up, "Clues to the smuggling case?"

"Yes, and according to the whistleblower's description, those containers should have come from the sea." Li Ming continued.

Qi Lin's mind started to work quickly, "If it came from the sea, it might have been smuggled in from abroad. You should take a few people over to check it out immediately. Remember, be careful."

"Understood." Li Ming hung up the phone.

Qi Lin fell into deep thought again. He opened the map, marked the location of the port area, and then began to plan the best route to the site.

About two hours later, Li Ming called, "Qi Lin, we arrived at 15, but there is nothing here."

Qi Lin frowned, "Are you sure? Have you checked carefully?"

"Of course, we searched almost the entire port, but we didn't find any suspicious containers at all." Li Ming's tone was a little frustrated.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, "The other party should have been alert and moved the smuggled items in advance. But at least we know that the report is true. In this way, you bring the team members back first, and we will start from other directions. .”

After hanging up the phone, Qi Lin's mood became heavy. Although they did not find the smuggled items, the other party moved so quickly [obviously their opponent was not simple.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and Li Ming used various channels to obtain more information, but there was no substantial progress. Qi Lin decided to go to the port area to investigate again in person.

He came to the port area and first talked with the staff. Qi Lin explained that he was a detective and was investigating a smuggling case and needed some help from them. Although the staff was a little confused, they still cooperated with his investigation.

Qi Lin carefully observed every corner of the port area, trying to find any possible clues. He picked up a glass bead on the ground, which seemed ordinary, but it was a clue he used to detect whether there had been a fierce fight. Then he found a small stain of oil in the corner of one of the ships [which he speculated might have been left by machinery used to lubricate smuggled goods.

Qi Lin returned to the office and began to use these clues to reason. If the smuggled items come from the sea, the most likely thing is that they are secretly traded at night. The traces of the fight may have been left in this transaction, and the oil stain may have been used to lubricate the machinery.

Qi Lin decided to conduct a more in-depth investigation into the night activities in the port area in the next few days. He began to monitor the alleys near the port area, hoping to find some clues at night.

Finally on the fifth night, he discovered a group of figures performing some mysterious activities in a corner of the port area. Qi Lin approached quietly and observed with the small telescope he brought. Their behavior was very sneaky, and they obviously did not want to be discovered46.

Qi Lin immediately filmed the scene with his mobile phone and sent it to Li Ming. A few minutes later, Li Ming called, "Qi Lin, the photo you sent me has some numbers and letters on it, which looks like a code."

Qi Lin's eyes lit up, "This may be their password or mark! Can you crack this code?"

Li Ming replied: "This code looks very simple. It should be a simple replacement password. I can try to crack it."

Qi Lin decided to continue monitoring the activities of these people, hoping to find more clues. Soon after, he saw the men loading some boxes onto a small boat and leaving. 0

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