Qi Lin stood up, walked to the map on the wall, pointed and said: "This place is his target location. This is an abandoned warehouse. Why did he appear there? Why was he arrested?"

Xiao Yang walked up to him, looked at the map and said: "If he was not framed, then he might just be an accidental witness.

Qi Lin shook his head and said: "This explanation is not reasonable enough. If he was a witness, he would have been frightened and not surrendered on purpose."

Xiao Yang frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

Qi Lin took a deep breath and said, "I want to go and see it in person."

They arrived at the abandoned warehouse. The area around the warehouse is full of rust, making it look like it has a long history. Qi Lin looked around, thinking about something.

"Is this warehouse blocked?" Qi Lin asked Xiao Yang.

Xiao Yang nodded and said, "Yes, the police have completely sealed off this place."

Qi Lin looked around and said, "But some things have been taken away here."

Xiao Yang looked at him in surprise: "How do you know?"

Qi Lin pointed to the floor of the warehouse and said: "Look at the dust here, someone has dug something here."

Xiao Yang squatted down and took a closer look, and found that there were indeed traces of digging. She said in surprise: "This place is... a secret passage?"

Qi Lin nodded and said, "Yes. Someone discovered this place and moved everything here."

They returned to the police station. Xiao Yang took out the photos of the warehouse, pointed to the secret passage and said: "If there are other witnesses to this smuggling case, then they should be related to this secret passage."

Qi Lin thought and said, "Then we need to find the other end of this secret passage."

They came to the warehouse again, and Xiao Yang took out a city map, pointed at it and said: "This secret passage should lead to this place.

Qi Lin looked at the red dot on the map and said, "Then let's go take a look."

They came to that place, which was a hut. When they entered, they found that it was filled with smuggled goods. Qi Lin looked at these goods and understood everything in his heart.

"Are these goods...all shipped from the customs?" Xiao Yang asked in surprise.

Qi Lin nodded and said: "Yes. The main witness of this smuggling case is the guardian of this secret passage. After he knew that someone discovered this secret passage, he moved everything here to this hut... ....”

Qi Lin and Xiao Yang's subsequent investigation did not go smoothly. They tried to contact witnesses, but everyone seemed to remain silent about the incident. Qi Lin understood that he needed to find a breakthrough.

At this time, Qi Lin suddenly remembered the arrested person. He looks so ordinary, but his actions are confusing. Qi Lin decided to talk to him again.

Qi Lin and Xiao Yang came to the prison and saw the man again. His name is Zhao Hai, and he is a middle-aged man who looks very ordinary.

Qi Lin looked at him and said, "Why are you in that warehouse?"

Zhao Hai replied calmly: "I am the administrator there and I go there often."

Qi 4.8 Lin nodded and said: "I know the reason for your arrest. You surrendered, but you did not bring any smuggled items."

Zhao Hai smiled and said, "I don't need those things."

Qi Lin was a little surprised and said, "Why did you voluntarily plead guilty?"

Zhao Hai's eyes were a little blurry and he said: "I know that secret passage and I have been guarding it.

Xiao Yang asked with some confusion: "Why?".

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