"I'm just guessing, after all, these children can't all be sold to remote areas as we imagined. If they are hidden in the same place, then we have a chance to find them." Qi Lin explained.

"But how can we find this place?" Xiao Li asked.

"This is exactly what we need to think about." Qi Lin pondered, "First of all, we need to understand the background and social circle of these children to see if they have anything in common. In addition, we also need to investigate whether there are any suspicious characters recently. Show up around these kids.”

In the next 207 days, Qi Lin and Xiao Li conducted more targeted investigations. They carefully sorted out each child's information, checked their social circles one by one, and also monitored and tracked suspicious people around them.

Finally one day, Qi Lin discovered a valuable clue. In a QQ group, a netizen often posted some strange information in the group, including photos and information of several abducted children. After some investigation, Qi Lin discovered that this netizen turned out to be a member of a criminal gang, and this gang was the culprit of child abduction and trafficking.

Qi Lin and Xiao Li immediately reported the incident to the police, who acted quickly and eventually rescued the abducted children. These children were hidden in a remote warehouse and forced to become money-making tools for criminals. The police also captured most of the criminal gang members and successfully cracked this large-scale trafficking case.

"That's great!" Xiao Li jumped up happily, "We succeeded!"

"This is just our responsibility." Qi Lin said modestly, "But this case also made me understand a truth: as long as we think carefully and analyze carefully, we will definitely find clues to solve the problem.

"You mean we need to use our brains more?" Xiao Li asked.

"That's right, use your brain more." Qi Lin nodded. Only in this way can we continuously improve our detective capabilities. (bjbd)"

"Then I will become an excellent detective like you!" Xiao Li said confidently.

"Okay, I believe you can do it." Qi Lin encouraged, "But before we can become excellent detectives, we still have a lot to learn and improve.

"Well, I will work hard." Xiao Li said firmly.

Qi Lin and Xiao Li continue to work in the detective agency. They receive various cases every day, but no matter how difficult the case is, Qi Lin can always find clues to solve the problem through careful observation and thinking.

One day, Qi Lin received a very difficult murder case. A wealthy businessman was murdered in his villa. The police station dispatched a large number of police officers to investigate, but still no valuable clues were found. The wealthy businessman's family was very anxious. They found Qi Lin, hoping that he could help solve the case.

Qi Lin and Xiao Li began to investigate the case. They first arrived at the crime scene and carefully observed every corner, but did not find any valuable clues. Then, they began to investigate the social circle of wealthy businessmen, but they found no valuable clues.

Qi Lin and Xiao Li decided to change their thinking. They began to investigate the financial status of the wealthy businessman and found that he had recently lost a large sum of money due to a failed investment. Qi Lin speculated that this case may be related to the financial crisis of wealthy businessmen. .

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